Saturday, June 22, 2024

After leaving the church has the fear of losing your salvation or being too worldly crippled you with fear?

Ex-WWCOG Truth Seekers! 
Not Allowed to Enjoy Success? 
Fear of Being Worldly? 
Has This Crippled You?


Since Leaving WWCOG - Melina Oine made a hard decision, when it was almost too late to do it that she would GO BACK TO SCHOOL (College) and BECOME A HEALTH ADVOCATE! None of it made any sense at the time considering her circumstances, her upbringing and especially WWCOG ability to keep woman from becoming much of anything but a homemaker. She put one foot in front of the other doubting herself much of the time - but with much love and support - she GRADUATED with a MASTERS Degree in Health Advocacy a week ago! Congratulations Melina and congratulations for overcoming the programming about how woman are not meant to succeed - let alone men for fear that this is worldly! What do you think about this? Do we need to experience success and a sense of accomplishment and the building of a certain sense of self with a bit of self-esteem to keep you confident and strong? We say YES! Armstrong used this tool to keep us all under his thumb of control along with his Leaders and Ministers. 

About Melina Oine. Melina was born and raised in the WWCOG. Her family officially got out in the mid 90's shortly after Tkach Jr. took on the mantle when Melina was 17. Melina actually almost completely stopped attending around the age of 15-16. In her earlier years, Melina attended services in Anchorage Alaska until about 1985. At that point, her family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii where Melina lived until she was married at age 18 to a Navy Marine. They had 3 children together About 12 years later, her daughter was diagnosed with a life threatening disease which landed her in and out of emergency rooms and hospitals and soon after, Melina herself was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition that she was now also dealing with at the same time and started therapy. That pushed her to look at her past and current traumas. She discovered that the conditioning from childhood had predisposed her to being involved in a dysfunctional and traumatic marriage and learning this, she was eventually at a point where she was able to leave the marriage. 

Melina recently moved to South-East Washington state where she now lives with her daughter and where she also has recently become board certified (BCPA) as an Independent Patient Advocate and now has just received her Masters in Health Advocacy!


Anonymous said...

Does telling lies and lying being a part of your character for years not catch up with you ?

Anonymous said...

It's more like an occasional "what if" about something that might have a .01% chance of being real or eventually happening. Still, it would have been much better to have never been infected with the toxins.

In worst case scenario, if there were no post death evaluation or discussion, and I found myself simply being picked up by a spiritual force and thrown into the Lake of Fire for leaving Armstrongism, I know that there would be a couple moments of intense pain, and then it would be as atheists believe, that consciousness simply ceases. I wouldn't even remember the pain. Cessation of consciousness is the ultimate in peace. Perhaps my family would grieve, although we have to realize how we were all programmed to react when members to whom we had been close were disfellowshipped. It was a big "Oh Well!" like the early Fleetwood Mac song from the Peter Green era.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in one of the "splinter groups" post '74', and we were always told that you would go back to the way of the world if you left the/their church. It was claimed that anyone we knew that had left that group, had already returned to the ways of the world, yet no proof of that was ever given. So we were left up to taking hearsay as gospel. What really washed out in the end, is that it was always about fear tactics and control. Keep as many tithe payers in the group out of fear. The reality of it was after having left myself and contacting some of these former "apostates", is that none of us ever were, but the very ministers themselves were the apostates. In fact I myself still keep 95 percent of what I grew up with. Some tweaks here and there proved by scripture, and I'm still moving forward. I hold no grudges, but these men need prayer for the mercy of God. Lots to answer for shortly.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you discover that something doesn't work. You go back to the way you were. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. There's also the possibility that you will continue your search, and will eventually discover something that really works.

The problem with Armstrongism is that it's taught as "the truth", "God's way", the only solution. It's actually just another man's interpretation of the Bible. Nothing really special about it. Most people in it sense things are wrong, attibute those warning signs and misgivings to their own attitudes, and end up fighting the workings of their own minds instead of looking for a better solution that they would not need to fight. Life should flow, for the most part, if you are living right. Isn't that what Jesus taught?

xHWA said...

Congrats Melina. Keep pushing forward.

Anonymous said...

Good job 12:54, excellent. Standing with you.