Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Living Church of God: All Decisions Are Made With "Impartiality" Really?

All decision in the Living Church of God are done with impartiality.  We NEVER favor anyone because of money.  Never! Ever!

Given the number of comments on this blog from LCG members who state that this is a COMMON practice of the hierarchy in favoring those with money.  The more they donate, the more they get away with.  Ultimately the buck stops at Meredith's luncheon plate where most major decisions are made.

 Verse 16, "And I commanded your judges… saying, 'Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between a man and his brother…." Farmer Jones' cows wander over into Farmer Smith's vegetable garden, what do they do? Rather than fight it out, they can't [solve] it, they go to the ministry, and the minister has to help them do it fairly based on God's law; he is to be the leader as it was back at that time. "You shall not show partiality in judgment…" don't favor him who has more money, or acts more important, or acts more tough; you are acting for God. Do it in the fear of God, do it fairly, do it wisely, "You shall hear the small as well as the great; and you shall NOT be afraid in any man's presence, for the judgment is Gods." God will guide the judgment, you are acting for God in this, it's God's government in action. "The case that is too hard, bring it to me, then I will have to judge." Well that's what we used to do with Mr. Armstrong, and that's what we do today; they bring it right up sometimes to me, or sometimes I'll bring it right up, of course, if it's difficult or complicated to our whole Tuesday noon executive lunch with many of the top ministers there every week. Or if it's a major issue we'll bring it clear to the Council of Elders. And we get much advice; in the end I make the decision based on their input. We get multitude of council and the whole Council of Elders helps decide it. And it's decided in that way, not by voting, not by politicking, but by a leader getting advice from other leading men and women about what to do about a situation, and that was God's pattern all the way through


Anonymous said...

nepotism is a form of showing partiality, dr. meredith...

Byker Bob said...

Are humans even capable of consistent impartiality?


Anonymous said...

Group Think working here. What does the boss want to hear? Tell him! And whatever you do, don't suggest any alternative. To not conform is to be in rebellion.

Anonymous said...

A good way to see if god is behind any of the COG's would be if all the members would stop tithing. Wouldn't the powerful god of the universe find a way to get his message out with-out any money from punny human beings? If the churches wither and die then they aren't from god.

Humberto said...

Does this kind of statements are promoting this blog?

This statement is a hideous folly, there is the Bible, which clearly states that Christians must tithe, if a Christian is voluntarily subject of this book, then you should do things that are written in it.

It is true that God owns everything that exists, but he wants us to do our part, he sent Saul to exterminate a people and Saul made by wicked human heart, that Christians will not want to do according to our evil heart unwilling to tithe to God find a way.

The moderator of this blog should not allow views as foolish as this!

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap.

An LCG member had a problem with me (allegedly) which they "brought to the ministry". According to Matthew 18 and Meredith's soap box speech above, I should have been in a room with the complainer and a minister to "try to work things out".

No such meeting ever occurred despite my MANY requests for it. I desired to work together for resolution in accordance with God's law. They obviously felt they were above it.

In true Rod Meredith form, LCG picks and chooses which of God's laws to follow and when it is and is not convenient to serve their purpose.

Mark said...

I'm always taken aback by the phrase "Top Ministers." Isn't that an oxymoron - aren't ministers by definition servants? Or supposed to be anyway..

Anonymous said...

Like everyone doesn't already know that if you disagree with Meredith you will be swapped off the counsel of elders. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

I can think of at least one very major thing going on in LCG right now that ol Roddy boy hasn't informed the Counsel of.

He decides what they need to know and what they don't need to know.

Their power and position is a façade.

In reality, they are completely impotent.

Anonymous said...

Now, now, the god of this world stands firmly behind Dr. Meredith and the Living Church of god.

Way behind.

Way, way behind.

Ralph said...

on November 25, 2015 at 5:38 AM
Humberto said...

"....there is the Bible, which clearly states that Christians must tithe,...."

Humberto, can you please tell us where it is so stated?


Anonymous said...

A personal observation
The Christian Bible indicates that there are only two types of people that populate the earth. One is those God has chosen to covenant with and the other is the rest of the people of the world. As long as the people of God are willing to glorify God and abide by the covenant His made with them they will be His people. When they choose to reject the way of God and live the secular humanistic way of the world they will suffer the abusive behavior of people who glorify themselves.
Something to think about!

Anonymous said...

ralph, 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 clearly indicates that tithing was understood to be a valid...

i expect you will try to reason around that Scripture because that is what human beings do, but tithing was never abolished: even Christ Said render unto God the things that are God's...

nevertheless, meredith and company also ignore 1 Corinthians 9 in that their behavior hinders the Gospel...

Anonymous said...

Well, if it just stings your eyes to read a random person's commentary, either grow a spine and deal with it (youll hear way worse in this life), or go cry in your mother's apron like a brat.

Unknown said...

Just read 1Cor 9:1-18. Having a hard time finding where tithing is required of a Christian you LCG people need to go back and read the requirement concerning tithing. Ownly Levites could receive the tithe. Only land owners were required to tithe and the tithe was to be brought to the Temple. Even Paul did not take tithes because he was not a Levite. Don't tell me ministers today are Levites a Levite is born a Levite also there is no Temple today. Yes I know all things belong to God if you wan to give money to your church that is fine but it is not a tithe. I also know Abraham tithed on the spoiled of war. I also know he gave the 90 percent left to Sodom. Now if you want to follow Abrahams example next time you go to war tithe on the spoils and keep nothing for yourself. God gave the condions for tithing, I had nothing to do with it. Humberto you need to read and study about tithing in Lev. You can't change the conditions God gave just because you want to

Anonymous said...

Even Jews today don't tithe. Why? Because there is no temple or Levites to tithe to. They do encourage their members "give" (voluntary) to good causes to help "heal the world." Giving is what Paul urged. Never is tithing mentioned. Those who teach such are reading into Scripture what isn't there. Do not add to or take away from the Word.

Ralph said...

on November 25, 2015 at 9:24 AM
Anonymous said...

"....1 Corinthians 9:1-18 clearly indicates that tithing was understood to be a valid..."

From vs 1 thru to vs 18 there is not one mention of the word tithe or tithing.
Even in vs 18 Paul says "1Co 9:18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel"

In addition to that can you show us where Holy Scripture defines INCOME as INCREASE?

Have no doubt, tithing on income, wages, salary, hire etc. has ALWAYS been a voluntary exercise, not a mandatory one. Tithing on INCREASE was a different matter.

Finally, what bis your take on this scripture:-
"Heb 7:18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment [the tithe of your increase] going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof."


Anonymous said...

so, ab are you saying the Apostle John chose to reject the way of God and thas why he was was banished to that isle by they who sought to glorify themselves in the Church?

Unknown said...

ANON @ 9:24

ICor 9:1-18 refers to Paul asking for quarter, food and drink. He does not mention anything about a tithe. He does not use ANY of the scriptures in regards to tithing from the old testament. Rather, he mentions from the law of Moses that one "should not muzzle the ox" and uses that for his claim to sustenance.

This scripture cannot be used as a proof that tithing was in existence in the NT church. It is appropriate to provide sustenance and quarter for those who full time serve you. This does not necessarily mean that this was a tithe.

Ralph said...

Just a thought, in addition to my last post:

Can you quote ANY Holy Scripture that gives an example of anyone paying tithes on 'cash in hand', such as salary, wages, hire etc?

Sure we find in "Mat 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone."

But where do we find paying tithes on cash in hand?
You might say "Well, by selling it, you can convert mint, anise and cummin into cash". BUT, I don't grow mint, anise and/or cummin!


Ralph said...

Just what is "Increase"? Consider, a grain of wheat planted would produce, hopefully, an ear bearing 45 to 50 grains. See "HERE"

Now that sure is 'increase'. But you don't make it grow. You might prepare by planting and watering however: " 1Co 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing,[referring to 'he'] neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."

And that's what the old tithing system was based on, the 'increase' that Yehovah gave, not what you worked for and earned for yourself.

.And even that system ceased with the demise of the Levitical priesthood.


Anonymous said...

How does Ralph make yehovah out of yud hey vav hey?
It could be Yahoovoo or yeeheevee or yahava or yuhuvu or yehuvay or yohovo.
Or maybe just yhvh whatever that might sound like.
Must be nice to be so sure of stuff.

Byker Bob said...

Know what's a stoned gas? Even in our personal holocausts, Heriberto Doublevee Armstrong left us one small morsel, one little thing that we were allowed to enjoy with our poor "deceived" unconverted relatives! Well, that and drinking, but no need to digress. In certain circles, it was even used as a euphemism for Christmas! For those already ahead of me, yes, it was the Thanksgiving holiday! Some of the worst of the church Pharasissies actually discovered some pagan holiday that had happened long about Thanksgiving time, but the ministers actually shouted them down, and (Hislop be dammed) would hear none of it.

So, apparently, this is one thing we all still share in common, and can rejoice in together. A memorial of the time when the colonists who were some of our ancestors boogied down and partied with the non-Israelites who had taught them how to subsist and survive in the new magic land!

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Anonymous said...

"Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." 1 Corinthians 9:14; "Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also?" 1 Corinthians 9:8...

we can quibble about semantics, i.e., whether it explicitly says to tithe, but "the Lord ordained" & "saith not the law" is explicit enough for any reasonable person...

1 Corinthians 9 is written in the context of a minister benefiting physically from his spiritual services, and the only way one can deny that is if they are predisposed to...

Ralph said...

on November 25, 2015 at 8:12 PM
Anonymous said...

"How does Ralph make yehovah out of yud hey vav hey?"
"Must be nice to be so sure of stuff."

If you are really serious try "HERE"
and take up the offer to "Read and download the entire first chapter and send it to friends!"


Ralph said...

on November 25, 2015 at 8:24 PM
Byker Bob said...

"Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!"

Many thanks for your sentiments BB. As an Aus. citizen (subject) I do not celebrate this US custom but appreciate its value. Even Dr.Mercola would agree. See "HERE"


Ralph said...

In addition to my comment of 'November 26, 2015 at 6:29 AM'
additional support for the Name "Yehovah" can be found from a Karaite Jew "HERE".


Ralph said...

on November 25, 2015 at 11:37 PM
Anonymous said...

""Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." 1 Corinthians 9:14;"

Noting that it says "of the gospel" NOT "off the gospel". In other words, if that's what you preach then that's how you should live.
The beginning of Strong's G1537
"A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence motion or action proceeds), from, out (of place, time or cause; literally or figuratively; direct or remote): - after, among, X are, at betwixt (-yond), by (the means of),"

"1 Corinthians 9 is written in the context of a minister benefiting physically from his spiritual services,"

From "Gill's commentary":-
"....that in consideration and because of their preaching the Gospel, they should be supplied with the proper necessaries of life:"
Does this include living in luxurious mansions, being freely supplied with two room apartments at feast sites then dining on pheasant and Dom Perignon while the rest of us and our families have mineral water and peanut butter sandwiches because of unnecessarily giving away 10% of our incomes? I don't think so!

from Gill's same commentary:-
" that such who faithfully bring the news and glad tidings of salvation to sinners, should, as a reward for such good news, be provided for with a comfortable maintenance, on which they should live."

Do you really suppose that Yehovah wants his 'true ministers' to have a lifestyle exceedingly far above those to whom they minister?


Ralph said...

To all 'tithing' supporters. You may find some interesting additional information "HERE"


Anonymous said...

Since we are sharing links, this one is interesting. It seems hard to accept thanksgiving when we reject Christmas, if you just look at the history of the holidays. Seems hypocritical.


One of the authors on the site also supports 'yahovah' as the name of God. Though I read it on paper, not sure it's online.

Anonymous said...

Did the link work?

Anonymous said...

no one is condoning the excesses of these organizations: in fact i have consistently condemned them on this blog; but one thing has nothing to do with the other:

the fact that these carnal minded individuals enrich themselves has nothing to do with 1 Corinthians 9:8; it is the Law of tithes that Saul was referring to and regardless our personal sentiments, biases and the subsequent spins thereof on what he meant, what he said is very plain...

Ralph said...

on November 26, 2015 at 2:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said..

"....1 Corinthians 9:8; it is the Law of tithes that Saul was referring to...."

In view of Heb.7:18 noted below, what is it that makes you think that?
We find here:-"1Co 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?"

Does this mean that farmers, of which I am not one, have to feed their oxen no less than 10% of the corn they tread? I don't think so. The oxen would eat just sufficient for their needs as most animals do.
In addition to that, what is your take on "Heb 7:18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof."?


Byker Bob said...

The thing is, where is it written that you have to tithe to an ACOG? The ACOGs teach false prophecy and claim to be doing the work of God. There are some churches out there with much more of that "how will you know My followers" ingredient (Love) that may be teaching error almost on the same red-alert level as the Armstrong prophecy mold, but have exponentially greater love in their congregations. Those are the people who you would want to be supporting with your tithes, not some buffoons who try to scare them out of you and then misspend them.

Tithes going to Armstrongism are tithes going down the rathole. If you feel like you need to tithe, and further, feel like the tithes belong to the people teaching picked and chosen elements from the Old Covenant, there are plenty of great Messianic groups out there. I'm told that totalitarian authority is not one of their doctrines, either.


Ralph said...

More on that 'HOT' topic:-

"Lev 27:32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD."

No mention of cash here! Nor anywhere else for that matter. Then an interesting commentary from Keil and Delitzsch viz.
"and are correctly explained by the Rabbins as referring to the fact that every year the additions to the flock and herd were tithed, and not the whole of the cattle."

supported by:-
"1Co 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."


ps. Don't let them 'rip you off'!

Anonymous said...

Hebrews 7:18 is clarified in verses 26 & 27: note in verse 27 it says: "Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself."

it was the Law of daily sacrifice that was abolished; the children of Israel were Commanded by Law to make a daily sacrifice for sins, but the Ultimate Sacrifice was Christ, and His death nullified the Law of the daily sacrifice...

Anonymous said...

Connie, will you marry me?

SarahS said...

I was disfellowshipped about 6 months ago from Restored Church of God because of not tithing or because I made the "mistake" of questioning the 3 tithes doctrine. I had been studying about tithing because after trying to pay it off of CASH off of 2 incomes and paying daycare and bills It was impossible and I was having a crisis of conscience before God in prayer because RESTORED teaches if you don't do all 3 you are stealing from GOD and you are sinning and will not be in God's kingdom. You are lukewarm if you don't do all 3 tithes. Also his new" all things common doctrine" means give all your assets to headquarters church.

Ralph said...

pps: If you feel that you must tithe, then tithe only on your salary increases, if and when, they come along. The you will be abiding by what you see to be a "tithing command".

In any case keep in mind this admonition:-
"1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."


SarahS said...

I no longer believe in mandated tithing. I believe ministers who preach that you have to do it "or else "are wolves in sheep's clothing. Tithing was for ancient Israel was land based and was under a theocracy. In a theocracy the church is the government with all the responsibilities of government today the church does not deedland, run a court, maintain armed forces, run a welfare department.The levites were responsible for all this and more.

SarahS said...


SarahS said...

I was told to find somewhere else to go after restored church God saw I wasn't tithing. HOW IS THAT FOR LOVE? And we don't know if and when you can come back.

Anonymous said...

Sorry anon 6:28 Connie is a married young women. I believe she has stated in a previous post that she was married. I think she made a mistake in posting her photo.

Unknown said...

Connie didn't make a mistake posting her picture I would rather look at her than Ralph. just kidding Ralph

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:47 PM, remember that the Bible does NOT say that marriage is between one man and one woman.
Also, the Bible says that if 'anon @ 6:28' is the brother of Connie's husband, then 'anon @ 6:28' has the right to marry Connie if her husband dies.

Yes, the Bible has even worse marriage advice than the marriage advice WCG ministers gave!

Anonymous said...

I make a good income and was in LCG. I accepted the tithing rules they taught me when I came into the church and they loved getting 10% of my income. I could tell because the minsters were overly friendly and insincerely interested in me.

After a few years of more thorough personal Bible study, I came to the same conclusion as outlined above and stopped tithing to LCG.

LCG ministry started treating me completely differently. All of a sudden I was no longer in the "in" crowd and it seemed I was getting the cold shoulder.

Then they disfellowshipped me for "not having faith in the ministry". Basically, I believed the Bible more than I believed them so I had to go.

Unfortunately, a huge majority of LCG members don't actually study their Bibles. They truly believe that Meredith, McNair, etc really do have a better understanding due to their "extra measure of Holy Spirit".

Poor sheeple. Read your Bibles.

Anonymous said...

Of course, because posting one's photo = harlot, you're telling us...

Ralph said...

on November 27, 2015 at 3:17 PM
Floyd 1944 said...

"I would rather look at her than Ralph. just kidding Ralph"

s'ok Floyd, so would I. LOL


Ralph said...

on November 27, 2015 at 11:53 AM
SarahS said...


Many thanks Sarah, an immensely illuminating discourse. Have bookmarked it, the site, for future reference.


Ralph said...

To anonymous of November 27, 2015 at 4:59 PM

I do believe you are on the wrong bus! Try another destination.


Anonymous said...

No, I want to know how putting her photo up was a mistake. Cmon, Anon 6:28, why's that a mistake?

Unknown said...

Anon 6:28 is probably a woman and is jealous of Connie's looks

Anonymous said...

Hitlers WW 2 killed 60 million. Maos 'famine', (the food was there but he sent it to Russia to pay for industrialisation) killed 40 million, not to mention Stalins purges. That's over a hundred million dead because of 'government worship', the essence of communism and socialism. Ain't it interesting that Armstrongs churches are also into government worship. I find the exact opposite in the parable of the talents. The talents that Christ gives to every Christian is stolen by a greedy ministry. This thievery in Big Brother double speak is called government and obedience, whilst defaming God in peoples mind at the same time.

Anonymous said...

"The more they donate, the more they get away with"

Is this story about Pete and Dawn Rothenbacher? They bought their way out of trouble at LCG headquarter's in Charlotte.

The thing that sucks for them, is that as soon as they close the check book, all that shady crap will be right back front and center. McNair will pull out their little file and use it to blackmail them out of another huge payment with the threat of being disfellowshipped if they don't.

It's a vicious cycle. But that's what you get when you choose to bed down with a den of wolves instead of sticking to you convictions and doing what is right according to God instead of what RCM says is right.

The Rothenbachers and others like them will ultimately be eaten alive when their usefulness has expired.

That is the way of the ACOG machine. Always has been. Always will be.

Anonymous said...

LCG has different levels of justice/ judgment.

There's one for people who's fathers are in the ministry.

One for big tithers.

One for normal people.

And one for people who are dumb enough to voice ANY form of disagreement when questioned by LCG ministry.

SarahS said...

Thank you for the link to this article on tithing.It is the best I have read on this subject. Very eye opening. EVERYONE In the ACOG should read this.

SarahS said...

IT IS TRUE. I am evidence of this. I was Dumb enough to question a minister on tithing in the RESTORED church of God and I got disfellowshipped!