Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Hail the King!

First, we had Tinfoil Bob Thiel getting all googly-eyed at Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg of Germany and now we have Gerald Flurry who's eyes are glazing over in orgasmic ecstasy.  Guttenberg is a wet-dream come true for these two.

Both of these self-appointed Laodicean leaders claim that Guttenberg will soon be the new King of Europe who will then immediately bring the armies of Germany and the European Union down upon the United States where they will slaughter a third of the nation and take another third hostage as slaves.  These two guys eyes glaze over in sheer ecstasy at that prospect. 

Not far behind these two is Gerald Weston and the Living Church of God which has been forever tainted by the illogical worldview of Rod Meredith and his fearmongering scenarios of Americans hanging from meat hooks in concentration camps and parents eating their children.

Never has a church been so consumed by death and destruction as the Church of God has been for the last 80 some years.

In our January 2011 issue, we wrote: “Under the leadership of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the Bundeswehr is evolving into exactly what British and American leaders after World War ii fought so hard to prevent: a professional military subject to the influence of German elites.”
Daniel 8 tells us more about this coming leader: Verse 25 says that “through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand”—he is deceitful—“and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many.” In other words, this man talks about peace all the time, but then he launches battles and wars! Germany - A New King Is Immenant 


Anonymous said...

"Magnifying himself in his heart and by peace (love talk) shall destroy many."
An excellent description of the ACOG Gestapo ministry. From one side of their mouths, ministers talk of outgoing concern, while from the other they demand blind obedience.

Presumably a tribulation would exonerate the abusive ministry. But only in their eyes, not in the eyes of God or their victims.

Anonymous said...

Here is another former high ranking minister exposing Dave Pack and rcg.
Thank you for all your help exposing this fraud, I really appreciate it.

James said...

Never happen. The EU is falling apart and I suspect has a year or three left before it fails.

DennisCDiehl said...

You'd think the all loving "not willing that any should perish.." Deity could quit inspiring code talk and speak plainly. And too...Daniel was not written in sixth century but in the Second to during the Maccabean revolt against Rome. It appears so accurate concerning the world empires etc because they had already come and gone. Prophecy is not history prophecy, it is prophecy historized. That is, it is easy to write prophecy about events that had already happened. While Daniel 11 is a detailed history of that which had already happened in history, chapter 12 gets swishy and generic because the author had no idea what was going to happen. Basing one's ministry on prophecy is a slippery slope and quarantees one will live and die without seeing any of it come to pass.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather listen to the ministers than watch fifty shades of crap.

TLA said...

I watched a few minutes of the Venish RCG video quoted above. He should redo it without the loud and annoying background music. I could only bear a few minutes of it.

As far as basing a ministry on prophecy - it should be based on what Jesus commanded his disciples to do. Paul called it a gospel of grace - which is compatible with the kingdom of God message which is all about forgiveness of sins and loving one another.
HWA wrote and said the government of God is everything. Jesus said that love is everything - the 2 most important commandments - love God and love your neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Revelation mentions God putting it into the heart of 10 leaders to form a united front, and a army of 200 million. I don't recall this historically happening. This has been repeatedly brought up, only to be ignored by you. You turn on and off the scientific method whenever it suits you.

Anonymous ` said...

This notion is built on he idea that the Germans are Assyrians and play a role in Biblical prophecy concerning Israel. The genetic finding is that the Germans are not Assyrians in the least. They are haplogroup R1b principally in the west of Germany and R1a in the east of Germany. The Germans in the west are genetically the same as the rest of northwest Europe, including the British. The latter are genetically the same as the Slavs. Germans are not a distinct race of people but a collection of different peoples bound together by a common culture. The Germans do not map to any specific racial designation mentioned in the Bible except to the umbrella term "Gentile."

The remnant of the ancient Assyrians, a Clan of Adam, is still resident in the Middle East. They are mostly Christian and persecuted by Muslims. Nobody writes prophetic articles about them and nobody expects them to rise up to become a great military and political power.

Anonymous said...

8.00 AM
HWA did not say that the government of God is everything. Rather he said that government is everything. They are two different concepts. Government is everything is in reference to tyranny. It was the church culture, and Herb wanted more of it. This is a false god and idolatry.

Dennis said...

Revelation is big on hyperbole. It is patterned after Daniel which was written to encourage the Jews to hang in Until the Romans were defeated. Revelation is a failed prophecy written just before fall of Jerusalem to encourage Jewish Christians to hang in until Rome was routed. Rome won in both conflicts. Revelations time has past. The " things that must shortly come to pass" didn't and Jesus did not "behold I come quickly" 2000 years ago

Unknown said...

Why all this fear from Thiel about Gutenberg? Wasn't the Gutenberg family the ones who gave us printed Bibles?? ;-)

Blogger said...

Wasn't Gutenberg the actor in "Police Academy" ? LOL

TLA said...

Shame on all of you!!! Don't you remember how Strauss became the leader of the beast power and conquered the USA and UK just as WCG predicted?

Maybe someone should write an alternate history novel about this happening. You could make millions. Plus imagine the movies that could be made. Or maybe a HBO series like the Game of Thrones.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered how an army of 200 million will travel? Will they be walking? Who will feed them and where will they poop? If they travel by boat or plane, please divide 200 million people by the number of available plane and ship seats. How many round trips will that be? Do you know how long that will take? This does not take into account the supplies of fuel, ammo, tanks, jeeps, missiles, etc. needed to equip this army and the amount of planes, trains, automobiles and shipa needed to transport the supplies.

Anonymous said...

Genetic findings prove nothing to this audience. It's a near law that if one knows little about a subject, it is easy to be deceived by a knowledgeable person in that field. Which is why people were taken in by the lies and distortions of HWA.
Meaning, genetic findings/'proofs' are only meaningful to other experts in genetics.

At the end of the day, you are asking us to believe you, cause you say so. Just like a Herb minister.

Sam said...

I'm convinced that this blog is in the wrong for the slander you post here.

Anonymous said...

Karl could easily assume world power just by removing Mr. Pack, Thiel, and Flurry from the gene pool. With google maps he could easily locate his targets.

Seen It All said...

With all the trolls commenting here you all should form an HWA fan club.

RSK said...

No, logistics is never of interest to fearmongers and conspiracy theory buffs.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:40
Don’t you know you’re not supposed to use logic and common sense? What would the COG’s have if they didn’t have Germany attacking the US and Britain. The 10 kings have to rise out of the revived Holy Roman Empire. The true church has to be taken to a place of safety so they can be taught how to teach the rest of us how to live. And don’t forget Rod Meredith was babtized somewhere around 1950-1951. And once he was baptized he committed no major sins up until his death. So maybe they can teach us to be like Rod.

Hoss said...

Bob Thiel wrote that correctly identifying the "King of the North" would generate a lot of media attention and Catholic scholars would want to read all the literature. When still in the LCG, Bob wanted all the literature revised, as he didn't want the Catholic scholars to find any errors. But now he'll have to consider that the scholars will want to read PCG booklets as well as his own!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in CGI, and I've never heard this particular teaching. The International church doesn't teach any of this.

Anonymous said...

"I grew up in CGI, and I've never heard this particular teaching. The International church doesn't teach any of this."

What to they teach? A GTA book on how to use power and influence to have sex with college girls?

Blogger Account said...

3:59 PM, GTA created ICG. And also, he is dead. I am NOT in the Intercontinental church.

Dillpickle said...

Anonymous 13/12/2018 11:40 AM said: "Has anyone considered how an army of 200 million will travel?..."

I assume you're referring to Revelation 9:16. The Greek is actually "two myriads of myriads." Imo it's not meant to be taken literally or specifically for 200 million in my interpretation, but simply to denote "a vast, essentially numberless host" (cf. Revelation 5:11).

Anonymous said...

7.07 PM
So some parts of the Bible aren't meant to be taken literally. Which parts? The parts determined by some commentary perhaps? So a board of commentary dictators tells readers which scriptures are to be taken literally or not. Dissidents will be excommunicated, put in stocks, and have rotten vegetables thrown at them. By decree of the commentary experts.

Anonymous ` said...

Regarding the statement: "At the end of the day, you are asking us to believe you, cause you say so. Just like a Herb minister."

No. There is a dramatic difference. My assertions are just the standard, well understood knowledge of a huge scientific community. It is incontrovertible because the science is there for anyone to look at.

Hebert did something else. He said "Don't believe me, believe the Bible." Then he would tell everyone what the Bible said. This reduces logically to narrowly believing Herbert and only Herbert, but it has a superficial varnish of legitimate inquiry. It is good sloganeering. A cultic sound byte.

So let me take this to the highest level of analysis - up there where intuition lives. That the British are not Israel and the Germans are not Assyrians is scientifically demonstrable because it is written on our genes. This is not a view. This is science. To dismiss this is to believe and encourage others to believe a lie.

nck said...


That has been done by Robert Harris in the novel and movie Fatherland.


nck said...


That is why scientists are unfit to lead a people.

Peoples are led by narratives of origin and common experience.

The 16th century protestant battle against the habsburg pharaoh spawned European political identification with the people of Israel. Later the wandering british people in South Africa, Canada, the USA, Australia amidst the heathens felt 100 percent Israel "in barren lands" as they sing in most of their protestant hymns. Sod off with your science and led me lead my people through barren land of communism, socialism, paganism and similar catholicism to freedom and land of utopia, the shining hill the beacon of liberty, the golden pot "over the rainbow", the land of milk and honey.
In short to Kansas where the food is produced and to California the end of the rainbow.

DennisCDiehl said...

Neo said "

Hebert did something else. He said "Don't believe me, believe the Bible." Then he would tell everyone what the Bible said. This reduces logically to narrowly believing Herbert and only Herbert, but it has a superficial varnish of legitimate inquiry. It is good sloganeering. A cultic sound byte.

That's also and exactly what Paul did when he said, "Follow me as I follow Christ"

TLA said...

nck - looks interesting - but is definitely not 1975 in prophecy

BTW everyone - if you have Amazon Prime, there are several free DNA documentaries you can watch.

nck said...

Oh I see TLA.

You mean a US government and military run by alt right germans, building walls to keep others out, while still the dominant culture is decimated while the 200 million asians are preparing to become no 1.

I would refer you to your local newspaper.

Just kidding of course.

You are right. The movie sucks, but for a particular generation the fact that Rutger Hauer has a lead would generate some enthusiasm. Your reaction betrays your age.

nck (profiler)

Yes and No to HWA said...

This TV series is a ‘type’ for the future:

“ “The Man in the High Castle” is an American television series depicting a dystopian alternate history. The series is based on the 1962 novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick… In the alternative 1962, the Axis powers have won World War II and divided the United States into the Greater Nazi Reich (with New York City as its regional capital), comprising more than half of the eastern part of the continent and the Japanese Pacific States (with San Francisco as capital) to the west. These territories are separated by a neutral zone (with Denver as its possibly unofficial capital) that encompasses the Rocky Mountains. The series follows characters whose destinies intertwine after they come into contact with a series of propaganda films that show different histories” (Wikipedia).


nck said...


Thank you for that addition. One has to admire the artists. The ones with the finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist and culture, the signs of the times et all. Especially the bards and the poets who are so often gifted with foresight or the gift of prophecy.

I do regard HWA as some kind of Hip Hop religious artist or a rapper of some kind.

Of course, Philip K Dick and
Ridley Scott as his very own Basil Wolverton.

Amazing, the magic that happens when the level of conversation is raised.


Anonymous said...

Daniel 11:21-45 is a point by point description of donald drumpfs behavior, period...

c f ben yochanan

Anonymous said...

2.17 PM
I've watched a few episodes of 'The man in the high castle.' I would not call it a type of the future. In the series, the country is occupied in the same way as France was during WW 2. But according to Ezekiel 5, the national destruction will be horrific. The series still does challenge peoples sense of the unthinkable. There's also some British version of this show.

nck said...


Yeah. I recently saw an episode of Stacey Dooley and the preppers, in some northern us state. Really nice and lovely trailer park people except for the a hole leaders (grandpa). They were really concerned about the North Koreans and electric pulses. How odd that the only tv series about foreigm invasion featuring the ambassador auditorium concerns koreans and on true real life it is occupied by koreans too. Assur must be Korean in hindside.

The little grandaughter in the preppers brought a tear in my eyes
One could tell she found her family really odd, the she shot a rabbit with automatic rifle telling the fridge was full_ awaiting grandpas zombie apocalypse. I love her, im a good way.


Anonymous said...

Paul's 'follow me as I follow Christ' means that imitating someone's good habits is a tool of growth. The complaint can be made that the ACOG ministers use it as a code word to endorse their tyranny. But your interpretation is way off.

DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous said...
Paul's 'follow me as I follow Christ' means that imitating someone's good habits is a tool of growth. The complaint can be made that the ACOG ministers use it as a code word to endorse their tyranny. But your interpretation is way off.

No I am not way off. In the context, I Cor 11:1 Paul says to follow him as he follows Christ, then goes on to correct the church on long vs short hair for women and men and all that, in the church and then corrects them on how to take "the Lord's Supper". Of course Paul never got his how to from any Jesus in real life but in vision. That is what "what was delivered unto me I give unto you" means. So Paul prestates that what he about to decide for them is of Christ because it comes from himself who , of course, speaks for his hallucinatory Christ. It is the same as "Don't believe me, believe the Bible" that is, my view of it as we all know that really meant. There is actually nothing wrong with men having long hair or women having short. But to Paul it was "wrong" and so it was wrong for his Christ too which then he in circular ways delivered the message to them as if from Christ.

Anonymous said...

the apostle Saul was merely saying: follow Christ after the manner that he also did, i.e., how he, being a jew (and one time staunch skeptic), came to believe that Christ was HaMochiach, and the Way he came to such a conviction...

in the Writings of Saul it is very clear that: the jews can be Saved by the Spirit of God, and mankind in general must embrace the Spirit of God rather than our default embrace of the spirit of satan...

and regarding the issus of long hair: my hair is long, but ultimately i will have to cut it cuz i believe a mans hair looks best when short, but i keeps it long to protest the cogs putting more emphasis on physical appearance than on the weightier matters of the Law...

c f ben yochanan