Monday, May 11, 2020

London Tabloid Quotes PCG as Source on Prophecy

A London tabloid that leans heavily conservative is quoting the Philadelphia Church of God, again, as a source for prophecy.  Even more hilarious is that they quote Fred Dattalo as a Bible Scholar!  Since when has the Church of God had a Bible scholar in its midst? Dattallo is no more a scholar on the Bible than Bob Thiel is.

The sad thing is that PCG and other COG members will look upon this as getting the gospel out as a warning.  It's not. It's not more than Biblical junk prophecy. Or, in layman's terms, spiritual terrorism.

In 2005, Bible scholar Fred Dattolo published an article in ‘The Trumpet’ where he claimed “the galloping hoofbeats of the four horses are getting ever louder and closer,” stating that a future pandemic was all that was needed to set free the final Horseman, who would spread a disease to a quarter of the world.
He said: “The four horsemen are depicted in the Book of Revelation Chapter 6 as the first four of seven seals.
“These seals are benchmarks of end-time events leading up to and including the return of Jesus Christ.
“John witnessed these vivid events in a vision sent by God the Father to Jesus Christ, who gave it to an angel to reveal to John – Revelation 1:1.
"Then John, as he was instructed, recorded what he saw in brilliant prophetic imagery.”
With the coronavirus pandemic currently causing global panic, Mr Dattolo’s claims have come back into the spotlight, with some bizarrely stating it proves COVID-19 is in fact a sign of the End Times.
One Twitter user said: “The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse representing war, famine, pestilence and death as depicted in the Bible on Revelation 6:2-8 are most likely causing this coronavirus worldwide. 
“We don’t see them but we can feel their wrath everywhere.”
Another added: “What if the coronavirus pandemic is one of the Four Horsemen?
“This virus is the pale horse and Horseman.”
And a third outright claimed: “The Four Horsemen of the Bible are currently active.”
According to the Book of Revelation, there are still three more seals to be broken before the Second Coming. 


Anonymous said...

Bible scholar Fred Dattolo


On the other hand, we should pray for Fred. When someone shows that article to GRF, it's likely to make him insanely jealous and eager to smack Dattolo down a few pegs to keep his ego in check. Poor Fred. Poor Fred who has disconnected from his ex-Flurryite son, a son who now free of the cult is making his own way in the world as a successful software developer and entrepreneur.

nck said...

I was thinking the same thing.
Time for a humbling demoting assistant pastorate at remote "Hawai" for a year or maybe two.


Tonto said...

Im placing a 2 Dollar Bet on the "Black Horse" for show!

Byker Bob said...

As an American and never having seen a British tabloid, for me the very word "tabloid" conjures up the National Enquirer, known in the vernacular by its nickname "The National Stinky". I can honestly imagine our National Enquirer relying on questionable sources such as ACOG leaders or writers, because the articles are always sensationalist and basically for entertainment as opposed to being legitimate news. Thing is, I don't think anybody would ever seriously label the National Enquirer as being liberal or conservative, because it is seen as being a joke to most journalists. So, use of the word "conservative" on this London tabloid sort of implies a bit more legitimacy. If so, by sourcing PCG, they just sunk to the level of the National Enquirer, and probably don't even realize it.


Anonymous said...

the fact that it's a tabloid shows the kind of "scholarship" he has.

the Ocelot said...

That Prophet did it again!

Anonymous ` said...

The Armstrongist branch of Millerism seems to read the Bible with these relative degrees of importance:

Old Testament - 40%
Book of Revelation - 55%
Rest of New Testament - 5%

I think the OT gives them grounds for legalistic control of congregant's lives and resources. And the Book of Revelation (Doubtful if it should even be in the canon. Gregory of Nyssa said it really was not scripture. Luther placed it at the end to express his reservations.) is the "moneyball." The poor "Rest of the NT" is a loser. No control, no money from that one. It has all that embarrassing stuff about Jesus and grace.

Anonymous said...

The average age of the corona virus death is 85. Every young person that died from the virus had multiple other medical conditions. That is, the virus doesn't harm the healthy. The virus is being used an excuse for a power grab by power hungry politicians. Society is becoming an abusive cult.

Anonymous said...

Bump music for the apocalypse.


Anonymous said...

9:23 PM is not getting good information.

Records show that as many as 12 percent of COVID-19 fatalities are attributable to the virus alone. The vast majority, though, are tied to one or two other co-morbidities. Unfortunately for white American men, being overweight is one of those co-morbidities. If your BMI is too high, COVID-19 can kill you rather easily. Same for high blood pressure and asthma. It is true that the majority of COVID-19 deaths are tied to factors other than COVID-19 alone. However, it is also true that a majority of white American men have one or more of those morbidities that put them into the danger zone.

Byker Bob said...

There's another bit of bad information he and others might have seen, 5:49. Some of the talking heads are promoting the idea that there is a USA death rate of less than 1%. The way they are obtaining that figure is by dividing the number of deaths by the entire population of the USA. That is totally incorrect! The statistically correct method is to divide the number of deaths by the number of people who have actually contracted the virus. That figure has remained fairly consistently in the mid 5% range, 5.4% to 5.8%.

We all get bad information from time to time, as this is an entirely new situation with so many unknowns. Scientists, by analyzing the dna of the virus, have disproven the theory that this is a created or man-modified virus. Altered or manufactured sequences are detectable in the laboratory. The sequences are normal, natural, and predictable, indicating that the virus crossed species from animal to humans through hunting activities or some other form of natural contact. Probably a really bad idea to eat bat sushi (just kidding, with a point!)


Anonymous said...

A minimalist organization in Australia sent an email regarding a philosophical science fiction novel one of the members started writing in 2019. I gather that the story was about a scientist developing a virus and attempts to "reset" the environment by eliminating the majority of humanity. The reason for the email was in case one of the Australian tabloids would take the story and end up making fake news or conspiracy theories.
That reminded me of an early episode of Hawaii Five-O (2010) with a CSI Los Angeles crossover where a scientist starts spreading smallpox with a similar intent - reduce the population, which thanks to human progress has lengthened our lifespan.

Byker Bob said...

In the original Hawaii Five-0 with Jack Lord, Ed Flanders played the part of a scientist who had created a bacteria capable of wiping out much of humanity. Course, he had to get past Steve McGarrett to take his plot to conclusion, and ultimately that was his undoing. Flanders later went on to greater fame in the TV program "St. Elsewhere", and later committed suicide due to chronic pain from a back injury and depression.

These themes for TV and motion pictures have alternated between bacteria and viruses, and go back decades. I believe that this history of fictional depictions has led to many a fertile imagination regarding apocalypses. That's one of the reasons why so many conspiracy theories have such appeal right now.


jim said...

I'm sure you recognize that those that have contracted the disease are not all tested. You know that. This disease appears to have a large portion of asymptomatic people (moreso than the flu I believe). What we generally have is a small minority of the population that contracts the disease and gets quite sick, they go to the hospital and are tested. Thus it is out of the quite sick that then succumb to the disease that make up the 5%. I'd need to look, but I read where this is about the same death rate for those that go to the hospital for the flu.
I do think covid is more serious than the flu however.

Questeruk said...

The Daily Express is rated as a newspaper here in the UK - but very much a tabloid.
You would be laughed out of the room if you quoted the Express as your authority for a particular piece of news.

Anonymous said...

Bob and others,
There are too many narratives to trust any stats. This is how propaganda works. Seeding information sites with varying stats, each conflicting with the other. The population that has had this is most likely 30% more than listed on different state websites. I had all the symptoms back in October. I recovered after 2 weeks.

Once again, if this is all bullshit, WHO BENEFITS?

Look at congress. There is the idea of sending money to everyone every month being cheered on. Its called universal basic income which is rooted in communism. Forced vaccinations by Gates and Fauci, police stepping over the bounds of constitutional law. Figure it out. Nothing in politics happens by accident. Societal engineering at its worse. All this has happened since the beginning of your house arrest.

Thank Edward Bernays...

Byker Bob said...

Jim, I haven't been tested either way. However, sometime mid-February, I had an exceptionally dry throat and eyes, and some vision problems, plus a cough. I drank a lot of fluids, doubled my normal daily intake of echinacea, Acai, and Vitamin C, and after a couple weeks, it went away. Was it Covid 19? Do I have antibodies? I don't know. I just learned a week ago that one of my good customer's mother in law had a really bad verified case of Covid 19 early in February, so having been in their shop I could have been exposed. The thing is, at this point almost everyone, the minute they experience allergies, a cold, or the "normal" flu, wonders if it could be the corona virus. Suddenly, everyone is speculating that maybe they have antibodies, and we're getting close to herd immunity. We don't even know if there is immunity to the novel corona virus! There wasn't with with AIDS, which is another virus which originated in an animal species.

An argument could be made that social distancing and masks have decreased community exposure, and have kept the rate of fatality lower, in fact close to the rate for the flu. Many of the factory environments which I go into every day have workers doing their jobs just as close to one another as they would typically be in a meat packing plant, but because they have been closed for the past x number of weeks were prevented from becoming hotspots like the meat packing plants. These places are slowly opening back up as we have this conversation, and we will know quickly, within the next 14 days, how effective the shut downs were. Of course, now the virus is in the White House, so that could become the next hot spot.

You have to look at the morbidity rates in Italy, which at one point were as high as 8.9%, and then as testing and proper medical care came int play, they fell more in line with the 5-6% figure. At one point, everyone was saying, "Hey, look at Sweden!". And then Sweden's fatality rate became the worst in Scandinavia. South Korea had more of a zero tolerance shut down, accompanied by rigorous testing and contact tracing, and therefore an enviably low fatality rate, and then when they opened back up, people began contracting the virus at the night clubs, (verified by contact tracing), and there is now a resurgence.

The point is that we cannot know with reasonable safety that Covid 19 is just another garden variety flu, so if you want to live, playing with the best odds means erring on the side of caution. These guys who have been photographed with their rocket launchers and converted assault weapons, leading protest rallies and looking like they are ready for a new civil war are doing so much damage! Some of them are following and confronting people who do have their masks on and are calling them names. In a way, I can't really blame them, they are believing and following elected officials who are making many statements each day which won't pass a really basic truth check.

It's totally up to you what you choose to believe, but I have to go with my own sources and safety measures, because I like the odds better. Years ago, I was in a meeting in a high rise in LA. A fire alarm went off. I didn't stand around debating that it might be a hoax, or wondering what my chances were of actually being killed by the fire, or saying that it was a Democrat fire, and I was a Republican, I got the hell out, got to my car, and as I was pulling out of the parking garage, about five fire engines pulled up Code 3. There was a fire, and I was the last one out of the parking structure before the street was closed off. There might just be a lesson in that somewhere.


nck said...

Anyone quoting or citing numbers, percentages or statistics is making really interesting points for political decision making and discussion. It has become like talking about the weather, but now with real consequences for the crops.

I don't really care about the statistics or numbers for traffic accidents. I saw a couple of them and decided to comply with the buckle up rule. I hope the numbers are not manufactured by the "buckle up" people selling oil for cars. But they might be. Perhaps I will stop wearing seat belts in a newly acquired electric car to annoy the NWO. Do the Michigan Militia accept people with electric cars and a positive take on life? Do Bandanas stop only flysize viruses? Would it look odd to wear surgical mask and carry a semi automatic weapon? How does one fit in as a peacemaker and accommodate different views?


Byker Bob said...

I've developed a special 5 layer coronavirus mask that I call the "fump". In fact I print the name right on the front so everyone knows it's my product and is very special. I have one model for cars, one for trucks, and one for motorcycles, scooters and bicycles. And I put the model name on the front of the mask as well so you can tell them apart. Unfortunately, they have been really popular, and the only type I currently have in stock is the Truck Fump. Thought I'd mention it just in case anyone here is interested. They're a gas for any workplace, rally, supermarket, or demonstration.


Anonymous said...

Another point is that doctors have experienced coercion to label all deaths where the victim had the corona virus, as due exclusively to the virus. Even if the real cause is unclear or other medical issues were probably the cause. This is another example of the fact that the virus and its science has become politicized by the neo Marxists.
People having to remain indoors is a type of living death, but to the neo Marxists, it's music to their ears since everyone is equal, ie, equally miserable. And all those
bourgeoisie who run restaurants and similar, are being punished for voting for Trump or sympathizing with him.
For the neo Marxists, the virus is a wet dream come true.

Anonymous said...

“London Tabloid Quotes PCG as Source on Prophecy”

No honest sources, so “Trashy London Tabloid Quotes Trashy Edmond Tabloid on Prophetic Guesses.”

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Dattolo is a hard-nosed dick-head.

Anonymous said...

Don't wear a dunce mask. People will know you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It would depend on the news QuesterUK.

Anonymous said...

In 2005, Fred Dattalon was still waiting for horseman #4 to appear… And a third [[twitter user]] outright claimed: “The Four Horsemen of the Bible are currently active.”


Eight years earlier in a sermon titled "1997 Trumpets" made mention of a worldwide curse (Zech 5:3) on earth's inhabitants that would one day come to an end and be no more (Rev 22:3), and Satan who has a lot to do with death (Heb 2:14) and fear of death and bondage (Heb 2:15) had something to do with each of those horsemen. The horsemen have actually been active beginning shortly after the minds of Adam and Eve were infested/infected by Satan's spirit.

So, that 3rd twitter user may be on to something.

Here is a little of that 1997 Trumpets sermon stating the following:
"...Now, I want to give you an overview. Opening up the Seals is not for things to start or begin to happen as we read through this. This is a vision to John and we’re able to look over his shoulder and see what he wrote and what he saw. It is to reveal the mystery of iniquity: Satan’s rule over this earth and that’s what God is doing in this back in Revelation. This is what He’s doing in the vision to show us exactly what this curse is and what’s going to be allowed to happen within it. Now, we have Seven Seals and it’s a vision. This is what’s going to take place.
he first five Seals is this tribulation it’s talking about here. It is this tribulation of the world under Satan’s rule, and it also shows what powers Satan was given and would use against mankind...

...So, we’re going to go into the First Seal. Here is the First Seal in verse 2:
Revelation 6:2 “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

Now, we’ve always said this was the false prophet and all of that. Well, in a sense it is, because it’s Satan. You’re going to see that all four of these horsemen: each one of them is Satan! These are the powers that Satan has been given to be able to hurt and harm man. We thought they were other things, and to be done at different times, and they’re not. It’s just very simple!..."
So, has what those four horsemen portray been active for thousands of years, or must one keep looking for the fulfillment of what is portrayed by the four horsemen as something for our day...kind of like people still looking for some 10 nations/kings to show up on the scene?

Time will tell...
