Tuesday, June 23, 2020

LCG looking for lost Philadelphian Christians in their midst...They seem to be mIssing

7 churches of Revelation

Needed: Real Philadelphia Christians: The Bible predicts that in the last days, people will be focused on themselves and will treat others with disrespect, disdain, and even brutality (2 Timothy 3:1–5). However, Jesus urged His followers to be lights to the world (Matthew 5:13–16). One aspect of being a light to the world is to carry out Jesus’ instructions. His followers are to preach the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 16:15) and warn the world of the troubles ahead (Matthew 24), and to prepare a people to reign with Christ in His Kingdom (Luke 1:17Revelation 5:10). The Bible uses the term “Philadelphia” to refer to His Church—a name that means “brotherly love.” True Philadelphians will strive to follow Jesus’ admonition to “love one another” (John 15:12–17). They understand that instead of attacking and abusing and sitting in judgment of others, showing compassion and unselfish, outgoing concern for others are the distinguishing marks of real Philadelphia Christians (John 13:34–35). As the world becomes more selfish, crass, disunited, and violent, let’s look for ways to show more brotherly love to others we come into contact with. In this way, we can be real Philadelphia Christians and shine as lights in a darkening world.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
"They understand that instead of attacking and abusing and sitting in judgment of others, showing compassion and unselfish, outgoing concern for others are the distinguishing marks of real Philadelphia Christians" 
Seriously? They dare write this after decades of church bashing and mocking of other Christian and now they claim they don't sit in judgment of other Christians? What about abusing their members?  Meredith had a horrendous track record of spiritual abuse against members, as do many of LCG's top "men." families ripped apart and marriages were torn asunder because of Meredith's heavy-handed dictatorship when he was over Church Administration.

What about "compassion, being unselfish and outgoing concern for others?" Sadly, the track record speaks otherwise.


Anonymous said...

“Love” in the cults.

PCG: Filthy old stalkers getting their victims kicked out.

LCG: Filthy old stalkers getting their victims kicked out.

UCG: Filthy old stalkers getting their victims kicked out.

Maybe none of these are the true church, but rather frauds.

Anonymous said...

“7 churches of Revelation”

666 churches of Laodicea?

Anonymous said...

So the members must play fair while the ministers play unfair. It gives them a big competitive advantage.

Anonymous said...

"The Bible uses the term “Philadelphia” to refer to His Church"

Such bullshit! The bible does not call the church "Philadelphia", the bible is referring to the church """IN""" Philadelphia!

It was the damn asia minor town that was called "brotherly love" not the church. No where does Jesus state that the church was known for brotherly love.

Amazing the shit that people will fall for.

Anonymous said...

9:03pm maybe? Maybe? MAYBE?

Try "DEFINITELY" not the true church!

Anonymous said...

I realize that this will upset Dennis and probably spur him to leap to Winnail's defense, but take a look at another of Doug's typical distortions:

The Bible uses the term “Philadelphia” to refer to His Church...

Why doesn't Winnail acknowledge that it also uses the term "Laodicea" and "Sardis"? Nothing in Winnail's list of scriptures has anything to do with the single passage in Revelation that mentions Philadelphia and six other cities. Those passages apply to Sardis and Laodicea every bit as much as to Philadelphia. Is Winnail being lazy in applying scripture, or is he deliberately being deceptive?

Winnail also fails to notice a paradox in his little screed. Attacking and abusing brethren for "not being Philadelphian" is itself not Philadelphian. Exhorting brethren to show brotherly love is certainly a good thing, but to set oneself aside as "Philadelphian" and disparage others as "Laodicean" is proof that one is NOT a Philadelphian.

Tonto said...

Forget the Philadelhians! What about the Pittsburgh-ians or even the Scranton-ians! ??

Anonymous said...

What is going on with David Hume and his splinter group? You never write about him. Why?

Anonymous ` said...

There is an issue of cognition here. The Armstrongist splinter groups no doubt do not see themselves as external critical observers (many of whom have the bona fides of having been internal at one time) see them. They do not believe they are unloving and judgmental in their deepest substance. For them, that is just a silly and gratuitous condemnation coming from unbalanced people with bad attitudes. They might admit only to having a little problem once in a while as we see in this post. Therefore, any constructive criticism sent their direction is absorbed by deep and resilient layers of self-approval. My guess is that their opinion of the people in the Christian movement is so negative that they feel no matter what problems there may be within Armstrongism, the Pagans (read as "Christians") have many more problems - without really knowing if that cognition is true.

Seeing Armstrongism for what it is requires some sort of mysterious pivot, beyond the simple facts, within the heart that I do not understand in detail. It is like C.S. Lewis who was a non-Christian when he got on the bus and was a Christian when he got off. Or was it a motorcycle ride?

-- Neotherm

NO2HWA said...

"Anonymous said...
What is going on with David Hume and his splinter group? You never write about him. Why?
June 24, 2020 at 8:24 AM"

I was actually looking at Hulme's web site last night. It is like reading the old Human Potential magazine with God thrown in in the last paragraph. Modern current trends with a fluffy feel-good quality to it and scant information about God. It is the same schtick he has been doing since he started his minuscule floundering world-encompassing empire. Bob Thiel has more members (body count wise) than the Hulmerous Church of God does. He is still headquartered in a small craftsman home on South Marengo in Pasadena. I will pursue his site some more or you can send me information.

Anonymous said...

The ACOGs twist their members sense of normalcy, so they don't perceive their problems. It's like people getting use to a bad smell. It's only deep thinking and reading secular sources that can cut through the brainwashing. Unsurprisingly, this is frowned upon by these churches. They have mastered chaining their members to their group, which even includes rejecting that Christ leads Christians directly. Power lust is always number one.

Anonymous said...

A Christian humbly considers others as greater than himself, according to Philippians 2:3.

A Philadelphian understands that he is greater than other professing Christians, according to Doug Winnail.

I don't know about you, but I would rather be a Christian than a Philadelphian.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (11:35)

This is a little difficult to explain but credibility, in my view, is a factor in the assessment of failed Millerite apocalyptic prophets by their followers but it is a weak factor. This is why carefully documenting a failed prophecy and presenting it in a persuasive way generally does not influence the prophet's followers to hold the prophet accountable.

This is because the followers have committed to many ideas besides prophecy. For this reason, they bear in their minds many strong concepts which have not been persuasively challenged that can compensate for the cognitive dissonance generated by a failed prophecy. This leads to a number of outcomes. If a prophecy fails, the followers will not abandon the prophet but will actually wait with expectancy and dedication for a rationalization or for, and this one is hard to believe, more prophecies. The prophets know this

An example is an Armstrongist lay member who sees a prophecy fail miserably but he says to himself: "Yes, but there is the fact of the one great nation and the company of nations and the possession of sea gates - I have to be on the right path with this." I would expect that such poorly considered and fallacious ideas have saved more than one failed prophet.

After the Great Disappointment of 1844, the Millerites did not all fold pack their bags and leave. Many persisted, credibility or no credibility.

So, the cognitive dissonance that would normally lead to the prophet's loss of credibility is diluted by other strong beliefs. And the cognitive dissonance never rises to the level that people would sensibly walk out en masse.

Anonymous said...

Needed: Real Philadelphia Christians.

A Craigslist posting.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what BB’a last comment was before he died?

Anonymous said...

Definition: "conveying a innocent meaning to an outsider but a hidden meaning to a member of a conspiracy or underground movement." This more commonly called a code word or dog whistle.
The ACOGs are masters of this. The best example being "administering God's government" or "those God has placed over you," which really means lording it over the members.

the Ocelot said...

You mean to tell me he's not talking about the city in my beloved home state of Pennsylvania? If Jesus opened to door I'm sure they'd greet him with a succulent flavoured Cheese steak

the Ocelot said...

I'm from Pittsburgh,Tonto so I agree wholeheartedly!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does anyone know what BB’a last comment was before he died?

June 24, 2020 at 7:48 PM

Write me if you interested.

Tonto said...


James Malm dies, and stops posting. Simultaneously, Byker Bob stops posting. ERGO...Byker Bob and James Malm WERE THE SAME PERSON!

Anonymous said...

What? Byker Bob died? I'm sorry to hear that.

Kevin McMillen

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it's just a conspiracy theory. Bob and I hardly ever agreed but I'd never wish death on him.


Anonymous said...


June 25, 2020 at 12:29 PM

This is a big fucking joke to you heh?

There is no proof of this what so ever. This is why I banned you from the PT. Your a first rate asshole in every way.

Anonymous said...

The Mystery of the Ages is: How did Dougie Winnail ever make it past Rod Meredith's Man Power Report?

Anonymous said...

The alienated Doug Winnail can wish people to have a profitable Sabbath; but, he cannot teach them how to have a profitable Sabbath. Doug's Sabbath incompetency is due to the fact he does not know Jesus as the Sabbath Rest.

Doug is alienated from Jesus because he teaches justification by the law.

Galatians 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

Being alienated from Jesus, Doug is not capable of effectively preaching about love. Not knowing Jesus as the Sabbath Rest makes Doug incapable of teaching how people can be righteous.

John 8:42
Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.

Winnail's vey long, well documented history is proof that he doesn't have much time or concern for Jesus. All of his sermons and writings are about law and government. He has no time for all the attributes of Jesus. He does not have interest in speaking or writing about the love of Jesus. However, he does like to quote the verse in which Jesus says if you love me you will keep my commands. Doug's documented career shows he is alienated from knowing the commands of Jesus and is rigidly bound to works as a prerequisite, instead of a fruit of loving Jesus.

The alienated Doug and the alienated LCG is powerless, loveless, and perishing - as proven by the loving message of the cross being foolishness to them.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Questeruk said...

So what did Nck say June 25, 2020 at 12:29 PM? Has it been deleted?

Seems to greatly upset The Painful Truth June 25, 2020 at 1:53 PM (and repeated three blogs later)

nck said...

Hi Quest

About 5 postings have been deleted.

I doubted BB's demise in my particular way abd wording, since no evidence has been provided.


NO2HWA said...

BB is doing just fine. I have been in contact with him

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that Gary. When I saw 7:48's post it threw me. Tell Bob I'm glad he's alive and well.
