Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dave Pack: "And I knew this was the last message. And every day, this week, I worked all day, every day and deep into the night. Uh, every day it got clearer and clearer and clearer. "

From a Restored Church of God source:

Excerpts from, sermon 276:

Excerpt from 57 minutes:

Okay. Let's talk. As I've often said, I didn't really know what I was saying. We won't get out of this year. Now, what I meant was we're not going another year, but it's interesting. My words are almost prophetic. Maybe literally were, was I saying something? Uh, I didn't realize I was saying, that's kind of a question everywhere. You turn, people are overwhelmed with COVID and destitution and storms, and they're all saying maybe 2021, just an interesting little side point, flicking it out there. It will be better. One commentator and news comment. After another horror, weary and beaten down and suicides have never been like they are now depression, alcoholism, drugs, domestic abuse, 110,000 restaurants gone, never to return.


Now I want to turn over to acts one and verse seven, and let's revisit in an extraordinary way. The disciples asking Christ, right? As he's about to ascend and I'll show you, you read things over and over until it's time to get to the end. You just don't know. So here we go. They'd been talking about the kingdom of God, the end of verse three. And here's what they asked. Excuse me. When they four were come together, they asked him saying, Lord, will you at this, this space of time restore again, the kingdom, Israel, just right out of the gate, nothing more. Bad's going to happen, brethren. We're not going to see any bad people till bitter. It's just bang. You're going to bring the kingdom down here.


Excerpt from 1:05:

And I'm going to just shock you with some stuff we're going to look at here. What are the odds that we would have the same Sabbath layout in 2021 that would occur in that occurred in 27 when Christ began his ministry late in the year? What are the odds of that? You have to just think about it. I guess you could say six to one on that, but it's lined up to where the series is over and there's a final message. You start getting into some astronomical math, and haven't even given you the most powerful evidence yet.


So I began to, I'd go into Mr. Schleifer's office before I knew any of what I'm about to tell you. And I would say, Brad, you know, this, this looks like new year's night. Would Christ come on new year's night? I mean, would he? And we we go over the evidence, not, not the strongest of which I was suspicious of it before I even examined Luke. But timing itself, I said, this is the final message. You go a few days. And then there's a Maha that, that doesn't even get you out of the week. We're trapped and we'd sit there and we'd go puzzle over it. And Mr. Mr. Habboush and Holcomb we'd do the same. There's no evidence that you wait another second. There's a Sabbath in due season where he gives a final message and then he's waiting and watching that looks like you get to another Sabbath.


What would, what would be too long? And then I wonder, wait a minute. He hits a certain point and he can't Terry won't, he can't, he's stuck. It's like, as he stuck with the new year, what is this? That's the way it was, it was questions. What is this? I knew there were no more messages because when the messenger delivers the message, he knows that he did. And I knew this was the last message. And every day, this week, I worked all day, every day and deep into the night. Uh, every day it got clearer and clearer and clearer. I saw all these things. So then you go on over to Galatians chapter four, and we find an interesting clue. We know that God has some year in mind that matters.


Excerpt from 1:35

That comprise the sacred month. What new moons is he talking about? Turnover there at Isaiah one? Let's just read it. He actually says it twice. Just here. You're talking to the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah sound like our nation today, frankly, the old world in a way to what purpose is a multitude of your sacrifices, the new year's and ancient Israel. And for thousands of years, people give each other gifts. It could be booze, it could be chocolate, it could be food and stuff, and they would lay garlands on the altar to the gods. And God says, I hate that. I don't want you serving other gods. So if you were going to come and set up the kingdom of God, what day might you come? And just smash it right in the middle while the whole world's drunk. Okay.

And this is December 26th and this series is over. And there is a message. The, when everybody's heard it, you got about that long before the Lord. Jesus Christ comes before the first season. And nine months later, you have the last season when we get eternal life, which is the day of the Lord.


Excerpts from 1:49 to end

Institutions are something under a year, seven years and a thousand years. If I could have known that I could have sorted this out and a dozen to 15 hours, and then I would have been done about five years too early, or God would have waited later. So why did he, why do you think it went so long? Why did God want it to go long? Well, number one, I'll just say perhaps to humble me. Because of the great honor of getting to teach this and maybe because of what is going to come to me, it now you think of humble. I'm going to use a bunch of words. I'm going to use the word humble, uh, human humiliate and humus. So they all come from the earth here, humans and stuff that lays on the ground. At times it was humanly humiliating to say I was wrong and to stand up and have to explain it again. But I was on a course. I wasn't going to see things and you ought to at least sit here and wonder how in the world Mr. Pack, did you put all this together in a week? I heard what you said last week, and that was helpful. And I hope you think that bang at the end of over five years, is this all the answers? I didn't put it together and put anything together. I was on a train. I wasn't a conductor. I was in the second car. And at times I felt like I was in the caboose. And, but I wasn't a brakeman either. I couldn't slow it down. So I would see more things.

It was humbling. I wouldn't say humiliating, but it was hard. It was galling. I'm a precisionist. And I would have to stand up. I got to change it. But here's the second reason so that the self-righteous impatient people among us would expose themselves and leave making the most horrific decision of their lives. And if you just spat it out in a few weeks, it'd be too easy. You wouldn't have to keep the word of my patience because Christ has been guiding us all along toward a date he surely knew. Most are extremely grateful for this knowledge. Some are not. And even a few among us who are, we're not just cannot say thank you. They're just upset with the way I bring it. I could cite some people and, uh, you know, just very self-righteous people.

I can think of one particular person not here, always telling me I couldn't get it right. I'm just upset. Just upset. Could never be grateful. She's not here headquarters, but it just never could be great. Never say thank you for this treasure of knowledge we didn't have years ago. Couldn't do it. It was just always it wasn't right. Wasn't right. Wasn't right. But most are extremely grateful, but those are not leave. They're not grateful. They're not staying because they love it or leaving because they love it. Jude 22 and 23 says have compassion. They're just going into the fire. Let him just, just try to pull them back. And if you can't let them go, here's the third thing.

It, we would learn. God will learn who would keep the word of his patients waiting and watching all the way till he arrived, because they saw that big 27 and they understood it. My job was to tell you what God says, not to make a pronouncement. So tell you what God says. I've shown you from the Bible. The best I could believe me. This series is more over than it could ever be. You saw tonight and have heard for over five years and you know, 500. And I don't know, way up there, way over 560, 70, 80 hours, because we cut so much out in the early, early years. They were long, but you've heard it and you've seen it. And it looks like we might have about five days, but I can't tell you exactly in there, but I can see newminea and I can see all the warnings about drunkenness. I can see Peter talking about it. Paul talking about it in Christ three times. And something's going on on that night, which is unusual and is a threat to people because of alcohol and other things that are related. So we might close the series saying, come Lord Jesus. God speed this day and good night.






Anonymous said...

Sounds like David Christ may be ready to ascend to his father soon. I hope he doesn't take anyone else with him!

DennisCDiehl said...

Reading it is harder than listening to it. Is practically incoherent and just Babble On.
Dave is changing. Is tired of it all so what next? Concerned not "I was mistaken".

Tonto said...

Latest "Capstone" Sermon from Pack that explains it all more clearly!

(Copy Link and paste into browser)

Anonymous said...

How much more bizarre can this delusional man get?

Anonymous said...

Dave knows that he was mistaken and still is mistaken. And more and more RCG members see it also.
Sounds as if he’s looking for a way out, and I don’t think he cares much about which way out he goes.

And that makes him exceptionally dangerous.

Anonymous said...

When you put any of Dave’s ‘sermons’ on high speed, THAT is what it sounds like!

Anonymous said...

If any brethren say they understand this stuff, they have to be as delusional as Pack is. I don't think any actually believe it, but as has been previously stated, there are other explanations for why people stay in RCG. Unfounded fear of losing their salvation, lost all their earthly possessions and feel immobilized to do anything but go down with the ship, totally given their minds over to this madman. A scary, pathetic scenario all the way around. Can't wait to see this insanity end so no more lives will be destroyed.

mortisrigori said...

Soon, perhaps January first or shortly thereafter, Pack will have a new revelation. Christ won't return at the new year on mans pagan calendar, but rather at the new year on God's sacred calendar. That will buy him some more time to keep fleecing his flock.

Pack's theme song:

Baa, baa, Packs's sheep
have you any tithes?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
ten tithes full!
All for the Packster
and for his dame,
but none for the homeless boy
who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, Packs's sheep
have you any tithes?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
ten tithes full!

Anonymous said...

December 26th and this series is over! Finally! lol

PT-Editor said...

His sentences are not structured correctly at all. In the past he was not nearly as sloppy with what he spoke (not talking prophecy crap here, but structure).

His thought pattern seems like its on manic mode. I honestly sense danger....

Anonymous said...

Would like to call it Covid brain, but his unravelling came far before his infection.

Anonymous said...

Just reading some of it, one can't follow him at all.

Anonymous said...

Dave members reminds me of a documentary on a British ferry that sank with the loss of many lives. Many passengers were frozen with fear, and just sat there as the water lapped at their feet.

Anonymous ` said...

I can't read the kind of material that is in this post. I get light-headed and my stomach churns. Instead, I read the comments and then comment on the comments. That means I don't get the data at the source but I just can't deal with it. Maybe its my post-Millerite PTSD. So if I am far afield sometimes, that's why.

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"What would, what would be too long? And then I wonder, wait a minute. He hits a certain point and he can't Terry won't, he can't, he's stuck. It's like, as he stuck with the new year, what is this? That's the way it was, it was questions. What is this? I knew there were no more messages because when the messenger delivers the message, he knows that he did. And I knew this was the last message. And every day, this week, I worked all day, every day and deep into the night. Uh, every day it got clearer and clearer and clearer.

This is the kind of reasoning that Dave Pack in the past would excoriate "bible" men for. Myopically working to try and "hammer out" a defined conclusion until it is "correctly" defined.

Tracking this, his reasoning is easy. Looking at it from an outsider prospective makes for a sad look at a man flailing in the cold dark waters just before he drowns.

The evidentiary lead up to this supposed crashing on down kingdom is that first of all, there is the imaginable belief that this message is being delivered by a specially chosen prophet and servant. Add in a detached reality of feral cats roaming in every city, unrelenting suicide, human worry and fear and supposedly a soon to be whole world drunken and then flip the mind back on self and declare that me and my servant's birthdays are now relevant evidence along with the prophetic fulfillment of being "locked" in my own house with Covid means now we are on the doorstep of ........

That doorstep is this reasoning from Dave Pack: "And then I wonder, wait a minute. He hits a certain point and he can't Terry won't, he can't, he's stuck. It's like, as he stuck with the new year, what is this?"

To interpret this, Dave has made the giant leap of voicing his own coming to the end (I knew there were no more messages because when the messenger delivers the message, he knows that he did.), directly into now putting Jesus Christ in the "weakened" condition of unable to direct his own path. Think about this, poor Jesus is now stuck with his back to the wall so he can't tarry any longer, his end is now and he has to come back to the world in the cold dark winter night unto a drunken nation/world.

It is tragic and concerning to view such a conclusion and yet Mr. Pack bemoans the fact that some sitting before him don't appreciate his effort. Wayward ditches to nowhere will do that to people - especially people that paid with all of their physical possessions to end up in a muddy ditch.

Anonymous said...

I did read through it and survived. It is everything the Apostle Paul warned against. How RCG members can sit through this, and not be alarmed enough to leave, I cannot understand.

At a very basic level you only have to look at the life of Jesus Christ and see Pack ramblings are so far removed from Jesus.

Pack seems doomed to be using the holy scriptures as a code book to justify whatever idea comes into his mind.

Anonymous said...

The Great Packster sounds tired and trapped. Can someone tell him that it’s okay to admit that he was wrong, that it was his mind playing tricks on him? And that his delusions will go away with the proper treatment.

And can someone tell his followers to relax and start living their lives, without meddling from Pack and his minister.. Tell them that they DO have a FREE choice.

Now that would be a good kickoff for the RCG!

Earl said...

Neo, Maybe it’s anxiety hearing babblings or the same flawed thing over and over in the COGs, and remembering the time wasted in listening to them, and powerfully not wanting to give more of your time to hear/read more of it. I wouldn’t read it all either.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do you people keep beating a dead horse? Are not there other subjects to discuss on here? I guess not. I'm not coming back.

Anonymous said...

Tell them that they DO have a FREE choice.

Unfortunately in the ACOGs, they DO NOT have a FREE choice. The ministers impose their will on their members using be verbal brutality and verbal murder. This despite the many scriptures against lording it over members. This is an abomination since lording it over members nullifies members wisdom, convictions and character. It's like owning a car one can't drive, food one can't eat, money one can't spend and cloths one cannot wear. So members are expected to listen to sermons, study their bibles and build character, all to be made of no consequence by the whims of lording ministers. And this is the social system put in place by the 'great' Herb that so many still revere, if not worship.

Phinnpoy said...

It's obvious that Dave Pack is suffering from some kind of mental illness. This latest sermon is a word salad that's typical of someone in the grip of one. I hope the sane members of his family who are not in the RCG can get him into a doctor's care before something tragic happens.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:29
You could ask the same question to Dave Pack.. Why does he keep beating a dead horse? And also; why does he keep pounding on the members?

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack continues speculations regarding his "Mickey Mouse Millennium" for another Jesus with his little helpers to soon return to reign on earth; he, in part, said:

"...I didn't really know what I was saying...
.... people are overwhelmed with COVID and destitution and storms, and they're all saying maybe 2021, just an interesting little side point, flicking it out there...
....I'm going to just shock you with some stuff we're going to look at here. What are the odds that we would have the same Sabbath layout in 2021 that would occur in that occurred in 27 when Christ began his ministry late in the year? What are the odds of that? You have to just think about it. I guess you could say six to one on that, but it's lined up to where the series is over and there's a final message. You start getting into some astronomical math, and haven't even given you the most powerful evidence yet...
....My job was to tell you what God says, not to make a pronouncement...
....And it looks like we might have about five days, but I can't tell you exactly in there, but I can see newminea...
....So we might close the series saying, come Lord Jesus. God speed this day and good night."
I would say Dave's pronouncement odds about "another gospel made up in his own mind" about "another Jesus (some say 'creature') returning with some little helpers to very soon reign on earth are slim and none but, if we're honest, it is ZERO!

And Dave wants us to agree with his concluding sentence and make our ask/request known?

Dave is all about SELF, himSELF, b/c he is driven, like the Pharisees (John 8:44), by "another spirit," and James has a message for Dave:

James 4:3 "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts."

Has Dave been asking amiss?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

why can't he spend some time on what Christianity is at its root. James 1 take care of those in need, and live a morally upright life.

Anonymous said...

To anon 7:29 AM:

Goodby Dave and don't come back!

Anonymous said...

You’re not alone NEO! I sometimes do the same! Lol!

Anonymous said...

We can only hope!

nck said...

I tend to follow NEO's interpretation of events.

All of it is staged like a Medieval Miracle Play of things that "Could, Should, Ought" to happen, in order for the "Common People" to understand ideology, while no one expects things to really happen while at the same time be caught up in the miracle of it all.

In other words.
This New Years "return prophecy" is RCG's "Christmas."


Anonymous said...

He said last year that Christ would return at Christmas.