Sunday, January 10, 2021

Restored Church of God: Jeff Ambrose Is Gone, But Why?



EX-RCG said...

Jeff probably did leave due to health reasons. He's aged incredibly bad! I have at least 10 years on him and he looks older than me. I remembered seeing him many years ago in RCG, and he was a very young man.

Tonto said...

Once you see the rats jumping off a sinking ship, its time to put on your life preserver and jump off too!

Anonymous said...

Jeff and Kevin are part of a long list of employees that have walked out in recent years. Good on Jeff in walking out of that dumpster fire!

Anonymous said...

Jeff Ambrose left because he started seeing right through the bull crap David Pack was pouring out over the members week after week.

Good for him that he left!

Anonymous said...

My hat is off to all of the guys that took that bold first step in walking away from the cult. Getting to the point of that decision is hard and painful. We have all been conditioned by the morons leading the COG's that to walk away would endanger our salvation and that God would abandon us. This is not the case. Just one more lie that goes on the endless list of other lies they told/tell us.

Anonymous said...

I admire his salesmanship skills of putting lipstick on a pig. I'd buy a used car from him.