Wednesday, August 4, 2021

UPDATED: Guess Who Is The Most "Sought After Expert" COG Leader To Ever Exist In The History Of Christendom...

"Find out how world events are aligning with properly understood biblical prophecy."
(Funny quote from the website)

Never had the Church of God movement had a more vain and narcissistic splinter cult leader than it has in the Great Bwana Bob Thiel. He believes he is so important that God doubly blessed him in order to be a channel for dreams and visions from the creature he calls "god".

His Bible News Propehcy Radio site has him describing himself as thus:

Dr. Bob Thiel’s writings have made him a sought-after expert in the fields of philosophy, religion, research, science, and prophecy. Dr. Thiel has received several awards for his research. He is also a regular radio guest on various AM/FM and internet radio channels and is the Pastor and Overseer for the Continuing Church of God. For more information, see 
We in the Continuing Church of God strive to always rely on the Bible: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV).

Expert?            Expert?             What?

Never have we had such a failure in the things he has spoken about than we have in Bwana Bob (well, maybe except for Dave Pack). Is there anything Bwana Bob says about himself that is actually true? From his so-called double blessing to his many nightmares, we are supposed to accept that he is the chosen one sent by God to redeem the Church of God back into righteousness because everyone is Laodicean except for him and his 299 Caucasians and 3,000 some African's. When he uses his lies to justify himself as a legitimate COG leader, what does that say about his prophecies? 

Dr. Bob Thiel is our primary speaker and writer, he brings his sought after expertise to internet radio. His extensive knowledge and research skills, are conveyed in our Bible News Prophecy and CCOG audio along with Prophecy News reports from his popular COGwriter/news page. See for more info on Dr. Thiel. See below for some of his audio items.


Trade Wars: Are COG Warnings Coming to Pass?
Donald 'Trump of God' or Apocalyptic?
Is the USA a 'better, stronger place'?
Donald Trump and Mexico's Future
Twelve Grey Swans to Watch for in 2017
13 Ways President Elect Trump is Apocalyptic
Do these 7 Prophesies point to the end of the USA?
Simon Magus and Christianity
Post Brexit Prophecy
Is There Another View of Evolution?
Where are the Ten Lost Tribes? Why Does it Matter?
Mystery of Civilization and How it Will End
Ten Kings of Revelation and Great Tribulation
CCOG Answers: The Soul, Reincarnation, Creeds and Michael the Archangel
Genesis, 'Prehistoric Man' and the Gap Theory
The Future Kingdom of God
Russia in the Bible and in Prophecy
Was USA debt and destruction predicted 2,600 years ago?
Pope Francis & the Devil's Unity
Is the USA pushing Germany to start WWIII?

As usual, not one single thing about Jesus is mentioned in his sermon list posted or on his website. Not one single thing directing people to Christ, grace, justification, or sanctification. Instead, it is just an endless mind-dump of useless speculative crap that even his African followers could care less about. 


Right on cue, Butthurt Bob did not appreciate this post and is whining about persecution again. It's all lies! Lies I tell you! Lies!

The Butthurt Bwana has now joined the worldwide celebration of Gay Pride with his new logo:

In the Letter to the Brethren: July 15, 2021, we had the following:

Online Radio

As many of you are aware, we have an online as well as mobile radio presence.

He then goes on to add:

Well, apparently posting something positive about this did not go over well with an anti-Church of God blogger who posted a lie about that radio site yesterday. His post was then followed by lies from others who commented at his site about it.

While endorsing commandment-keepers, which would include all true Christians, the Bible also warns about those who believe and love lies:

14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. (Revelation 22:12-15)

Loving and practicing lies looks to be a feature of many during this time.

Consider also that the Bible warns:

12 There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes,

Yet is not washed from its filthiness.

13 There is a generation — oh, how lofty are their eyes!

And their eyelids are lifted up. (Proverbs 30:12-13)

We are in that generation.

Truly, as the Apostle Paul wrote, “evil men and impostors” have grown “worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

Amen, brother! Preach it from the mountain tops! Evil men and imposters claiming double blessings and preaching lies have grown worse in the Church of God. Bwana Bob sadly continues the tradition of imposters infiltrating the church and deceiving many! Pure in his own eyes and unwashed in his filthiness!


Anonymous said...

‘ properly understood Bible prophecy’, dropped me beer when I read this one.
In other words it’s Bobs way or the highway when it comes to ‘properly understood Bible prophecy’.
Thanks for the entertainment Bob.

Anonymous said...

My ranking of liars in the Church of God

Bob Thiel
Herbert Armstrong
Garner Ted Armstrong
David Pack
Gerald Flurry
Ron Weinland
Wade Cox
Gerald Waterhouse
Rod Meredith
Raymond McNair
Alton Billingsley
David Hulme

Anonymous said...

"A regular radio guest on AM and FM radio? Both? WOW!

Anonymous said...

Between Bob Thiel and David Pack I can't figure out which one has told the most lies. Theil has been telling his for so many years that he actually believes them. Such a pathetic littleman,

Hoss said...

Ten or so years ago I listened to Bob interviewed on an Internet streaming radio station, and it was so-so. The interviewer was the dominant speaker; he asked Bob specific questions, being sure to keep him focused, on topic, with short responses. Not at all like listening to Bob's sermons and BNP clips.

Anonymous said...

Does "sought after" have something to do with "almost arrested"?

Anonymous said...

I'm awaiting Bwana Bob's next book, Anchovy and Pineapple Pizza in Bible Prophecy Dreams.

Anonymous said...

Ranking charts can be a reflection of oneself 9:35.

Tonto said...


Dr. Bob Thiel’s writings have made him a sought-after expert in the fields of philosophy, religion, research, science, and prophecy. Dr. Thiel has received several awards for his research.

I guess "Wikipedia" can shut down now that we have "Thielepedia"! :-)

Anonymous ` said...

NO2HWA wrote "As usual, not one single thing about Jesus is mentioned in his sermon list posted or on his website."

I have a certain impression of these modern day apocalyptic Millerites but I don't know if it is true. They seem to view Christ through a narrow aperture as a kind of prophetic Deus Ex Machina. And it is principally in this context that Jesus has any relevance to them. They seem to have a sallow Christology that apparently has not progressed much from what it was in the last century. HWA never wrote a booklet about "Who was Jesus?" (GTA did but I expect that he became burdened with crediility problems.) Christ is mentioned in the literature I have looked at, admittedly a biased sample, but only as a kind of imprimatur - a stamp of authenticity - on articles that deal with prophecy, world events and idiosyncratic history.

The problem is that there has always been what I perceive as a separation between public Armstrongism and private Armstrongism. Public Armstrongism was always an end-of-the-world sales pitch. Private Armstrongism had a more religious and denominational flavor. This may still be true in Splinterdom. If it is, we are focusing principally on the public face of Splinterdom not its pulpit and pews. This then would support the rationalization among Armstrongists that we really don't understand Armstrongism.

I can't imagine that Armstrongists all sit around the pulpit and listen to a constant stream of prophecy. I think that would drive most people away. But then again maybe they lost their private substance and replaced it with their public sales pitch. I am not inclined to attend a splinterist service to find out.

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Anonymous said...

9.35 PM
But Bobs lies are no where near as destructive like Dave's common doctrine or HWAs 1975 teaching.

Zippo said...

"not one single thing about Jesus"

Not much to even suggest that it's a religious program, let alone Christian.

Even some of HWA's fringe topics were more Christian-sounding, like "The Resurrection Was NOT on Sunday!" or "What Do You Mean xxxx?"

The admonition to "watch" had been construed to mean "watch world news", and Bob takes that to the level of "be fearful of (possible, eventual, maybe) world news (speculation)".

The only solution Bob seems to offer (although it's not clearly stated) is "Join the CCOG and you will be told when it's time to flee to the place of safety [which is probably Petra, and not as soon as other COGs say]". He wouldn't offer "Join the CCOG, triple-tithe (with offerings) and listen to my convoluted sermons about mostly useless subjects and self-promotion and learn why all the other COGs are wrong".

Anonymous said...

"Bwana Bob sadly continues the tradition of imposters infiltrating the church and deceiving many! Pure in his own eyes and unwashed in his filthiness!"

The butthurt is gonna be big on this one! Bob's gonna need a 55-gallon drum of butthurt cream!

Anonymous said...

""A regular radio guest on AM and FM radio? Both? WOW!"

Does anyone even listen to the radio anymore? I stream my music and news from all over the world and have not listened to an AM/FM station in over 10 years.

Anonymous said...

I love it when Bobbie whines. It's so funny.

Liars hate getting called out and that's what ticks Bob off. Everyone knows he is a lair.

Gay in CCOG said...

It is good that Bob supports the gay community. Very good!

Anonymous said...

It is good that Bob supports the gay community. Very good!

But at CCOG Sabbath Services, are you allowed to wear a shirt of any of those colors? Or if you do, are you improperly dressed?

Anonymous said...

All cults have an inner and outer face. And even within, they have a inner and outer face. To their members they constantly give sermons, bibles studies, sermonettes, but the real church culture is bully morality. The constant bible quoting is diluted Cool-Aid which blinds its members to what's in front of their noses, and wouldn't otherwise be tolerated. For instance, they constantly remind their members that "a soft answer turns away wrath.' God forbid if a member ever raises their voice. This, despite the laws of the land allowing equal retaliatory force in case of assault.
The church is one giant gang, with gang morality being the "true morals" of these groups.
As one proof, I've stumbled across former church members walking down the street. They could not have been more thoughtful and courteous. These same people were compulsively abusive at services. That is, they understood the true church culture. Behaving like a barbarian is acceptable at church.

RSK said...

I have Sirius radio in the car, but I havent done FM in over a decade and it must be at least two decades since I did anything with AM.

Anonymous said...

Butt-hurt Bob suffers from the Jerusalem Syndrome and his self-induced sense of a supernatural appointment to being a prophet....any man who claims to be a prophet clearly is not one.