Sunday, June 11, 2023

CGI’s Bill Watson and YouTube = PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CGI’s Bill Watson and YouTube

Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, and Bob Thiel got NOTHING on CGI’s Bill Watson! Watson just delivered another installment of his series on the “prophetic advantage” of British Israelism this past Sabbath. According to Bill, Scripture and current events cannot be understood without this “truth.” Moreover, last week’s installment of his “Missing in Action News” resulted in a reprimand from YouTube and the removal of the offending material from their platform!

Bill launched into a forty-plus minute rant about news that didn’t make it into the “mainstream media.” Bill, however, is definitely a prophet – He predicted last week that YouTube would probably remove the content (which they obviously did). Bill’s solution? Everybody go to the extreme right-wing platform known as “Rumble” to view his MIA News!

Even so, never let it be said that Bill’s tastes in the news department aren’t diverse! He talked about ten thousand photos from Hunter Biden’s laptop that have been posted on the web. And, yes, Bill has viewed them all! He proudly proclaimed that this stuff isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore! According to Bill, the whole Biden family is corrupt – from the President down to his grandchildren! Next, he launched into another tirade about the Covid-19 vaccines (Didn’t CGI headquarters forbid further discussion of that subject from the pulpit?). He said that the vaccines were causing blood clotting and myocarditis (To be fair, these side-effects have been observed in a relatively small number of the folks who have been vaccinated). Bill’s source for all of this? The Epoch Times, an extreme right-wing website.

Talk about being outside of the mainstream! But Bill wasn’t finished! He went on to talk about digital currencies, and folks in Denmark receiving chips in their thumbs to use instead of paper currency or credit cards. He also talked at some length about the videos which Tucker Carlson and others have released related to the events of January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol building. According to Bill, these videos demonstrate that there wasn’t any insurrection! It was just a protest that got out of hand, and most of the violence was perpetrated by FBI agents anyway! Bill also demonstrated his compassion for those poor “January Sixers” who are currently rotting in jail! His final story was on aliens and UFOs – taken from The Blaze (another right-wing site).

You just cannot make this stuff up! To be sure, there is a large audience for this kind of tripe, but the overwhelming majority of Americans regard this stuff as CRAZY! It should throw up all kinds of red flags that a platform like YouTube won’t allow this stuff to be posted, but it doesn’t. Bill just complains about infringements on his freedom of speech! What’s worse, the folks in Tyler just smile and pretend that it’s not happening! And, what does this stuff have to do with Jesus Christ and salvation through him? It is sad, so sad, to witness this descent into madness playing out on public platforms!

Lonnie Hendrix




Anonymous said...

Watson needs to get off his lazy ass and shave! This is not a good look for old men to be doing, particularly one who claims to be a minister. It is not cool or hip for geriatrics like Watson to do this. He looks as bad as Flurry does in his goatee.

Anonymous said...

The picture is misleading. People do go to jail in several Western countries for the things they say, and there is no need for anyone to prove in court that what they said is not true. And people do get cancelled all the time.

BP8 said...

Since when is "being outside the mainstream" and "the overwhelming majority of Americans" a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

As if we needed more evidence, this is just further proof that Armstrongism causes permanent brain damage! It's to be expected that people in the church would be infected with this nonsense (Armstrongism is a brain-clot shot!), but people who have left and should have much better sense also embrace it! So sad. Statistics indicate that 4.4% of the American public still fully buy into it, and I suspect that quite a number are sitting on the fence waiting for the other shoe to drop. Somehow, we have to get past it, or the results could actually end up rivaling the Armstrong apocalypse.

Tuesday is going to be a big day this week. Keep it in your prayers for no violence, everybody!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks Jan 6 was an insurrection is a loon who has been watching too much junk news from the mainstream. Wake up and stop listening to their tripes.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Being in the minority isn't necessarily a bad thing (sometimes the minority is right, and the majority is wrong). However, being contrary for the sake of contrariness - OR - being against something simply because science and intellectuals support it, is NOT only stupid - it can also be very dangerous and subversive! And, the truth is usually found somewhere between the extremes.

Anonymous said...

Contrast this with just a few short years ago. I registered to vote for the first time in my life to vote for Bill Clinton, and he won! I recall being filled with hope as my wife and I watched the inauguration party/Fleetwood Mac reunion, and went to bed so happy that night. A few weeks later, someone told me about Rush Limbaugh, and I became aware for the first time of his dastardly efforts to take Bill Clinton down. Limbaugh marked was the start of everything in America going wrong. What a rotten bastard he was! He initiated the hate speech and division of America which has persisted to this day!

Anonymous said...

Are you blaming any mental health issues on a beliefs ?

Anonymous said...

He didn't make it up about Hunter Biden or the covid vaccines. Epoch Times is reliable. I didn't need Epoch Times to figure it out though. Holy Spirit pointed it out
I had so many red flags my research began. Holy Spirit was right.
What he is talking about is not a conspiracy theory. There are no shortage of facts to back it up.
You need the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh told the truth. You need Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton said he,
"balanced the budget."
That translated to Bill Clinton stealing from our social security money that we were required to put aside out of our paychecks we earned for when we were too old to work. He also bragged he, "created a lot of jobs."
He did this by ruining full time jobs so you had to find 2 separate part-time jobs to earn what we were earning before which cut work benefits in half. Let's not forget witchcraft Hillary's seances in the White House, destruction of our healthcare system, and scandals one after the other the trail of murder of those opposing them has been going on since Vince Foster. Glad you voted. You need to research first though.

Anonymous said...

All you need to do is listen to the Ted Talk . Bill Gates is on stage saying they can get rid of 15% of the world's population with vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates father was on the board of Planned Parenthood the altar of murdered babies.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is present day Baal, Ishtar, & Molech working together.

Anonymous said...

Well Lonnie, Bill is not wrong. You simply can't stand it when CGI is right about anything.

RSK said...

Well, what he helped to usher in (he wasnt the only one) was the entertainment format all the 24-hour news networks have adopted. I stopped watching televised news because of that, now I only read it. I want the news, not some overpaid shill's reinterpretation of it. My "favorite" aspect of this fomrat is when they bring in some rando to comment on something they have no expertise in. "And here's Jim Smith from Mud Lick, Kentucky to tell us about foreign policy!"

BP8 said...

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof"?

That's interesting. Exactly what kind of "proof" would you recognize and accept?

Jesus Christ, the perfect man, full of grace and truth, made extraordinary claims, and yet this world system was able to convince the mainstream people to crucify Him! How do we explain that?

1 John 4:5
They (YouTube, Bill Clinton, Big Pharma) are of the world, AND THE WORLD HEARS THEM!

Just because Satan and his minions are able to hide and suppress their corruption, then explain it away with their false narrative, doesn't mean we can't see the results!! They are NOT the angels of light and benefactors of humanity they claim to be!

I think Bill is doing a good job in spite of what YouTube does!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Bill is entitled to his opinions and so are you. Even so, he is NOT entitled to present those opinions as facts from the pulpit or Church platforms! The Roman Empire was also of this world, but we don't find Christ and Paul making political commentary about it and its leadership in the New Testament! If Christ commissioned HIS DISCIPLES to carry his message and teachings to the rest of the world, then shouldn't they be doing exactly that? If Bill wants to talk politics (or "policy"), he should see if any of his favorite sources (The Epoch Times, The Blaze, Fox News) are hiring political commentators! Moreover, the folks in Tyler need to stop worrying about rocking the boat that Bill has been jumping up and down in and reach down and grab a pair and deal with him and his allies once and for all!

Anonymous said...

If you read the Bible, the plan was in place before the foundation of the world to redeem us before we were created. Remember, God knows the beginning from the end. That is why Jesus and Stephen both said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. That is God the Father's unfathomable love for His creation.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's right..They are the ones that researched the morgue records. In 2020 it was almost the same total as the previous years because of false labeling. Guess what? It was all about getting people to take the vaccine and boosters. There are the higher numbers in 2021 after people were tricked into taking the vaccine. I hope you weren't one of them. Holy Spirit told me and other Christians not to take it. I wasn't going to play Russian Roulette with the vaccine and boosters.
They were after your T cells that fight off cancer & other diseases. Every booster was timed to knock down your t-cells when they would start to build up your immune system again until you were dependent on them like insulin to a diabetic.

Anonymous said...

A conspiracy theory is like a bloodhound that picks up a real scent. Most of them are right. In fact, mine conspiracy theories turned out they weren't conspiracy theories. I need new ones.

Anonymous said...

I know many different people personally from growing up, from work, and from church close to me who got blood clots in their legs, lungs, facial paralysis, got cancer and died young with no health issues until right after taking the vaccine. One older friend who was not ill died within a week after some testers mandated by the government came in to her nursing home & stuck the poison stick up her nose. Young people died in church --teenagers after taking the vaccine. So bull shit.

Anonymous said...

The term "conspiracy theory" was invented by the mainstream in order to brush aside, often without evidence, anything they don't want you to know about.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the so-called vaccine, I have a young relative who was murdered by it. Came down with a fatal condition within days of getting it and died a few months later.

BP8 said...

John 7:7 states, "the world cannot hate you but me it hates, because I TESTIFY OF IT, that the works thereof are evil".

Where in the NT do we find Christ doing this? He had no conflict with Rome for they pretty much left him and the Jews alone. He DID however specifically call out the worldly religious establishment (Matthew 23), who constantly challenged his authority and message because he was a threat to their power structure!

As a result, they brought false charges against him, bribed witnesses, convicted him in a kangaroo court, and finally convinced the people to have him crucified. The whole account is found in holy writ for all to see how this world really operates!

The world is more complicated now but nothing has changed. Exposing the world for what it is, is not only an intricate aspect of Scripture, but certainly a part of following the example of Christ. Apparently the CGI still recognizes that!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

This post was about the appropriateness of discoursing on these topics from Church platforms - NOT WHETHER OR NOT YOU AGREE WITH WHAT HE WAS SAYING! Nevertheless, since some have decided to focus on the vaccine and offer anecdotal evidence to support Bill's narrative, the scientific data and verdict on the efficacy and safety of the Covid-19 vaccines used in the United States has been in for a long time and it is overwhelmingly positive.

Darlene and I received the Moderna vaccine and boosters and have suffered NO ill-effects from them. On the other hand, my father and brother-in-law did NOT receive the vaccine, and they're both dead (how's that for anecdotal evidence?)

Some of these folks remind me of a great-aunt from Alabama who used to role out a shoebox full of clippings from tabloid articles. My grandmother would role her eyes - which generally indicated that our visit was about to come to an end. She would always hug my aunt's neck and tell her that she loved her, but she never swallowed any of the garbage she trotted out for our perusal (she considered the sources and found them wanting in credibility and seriousness).

Folks, some of you may find this kind of stuff titillating and fun, but that is a conversation for another time and place. The Church is a place for talking about Jesus Christ and salvation through him in God's Kingdom. There are literally a multitude of platforms for talking about Hunter's laptop, Biden's policies, vaccines, wokeness, etc. (Church is NOT one of them).

Anonymous said...

Know what's really funny? Sometimes when you scan with your eyes, you see and form a conclusion based on a picture, and then it is quickly countered as the surrounding words catch up with your brain. Don't know how it happened, but when I first saw Bill's picture, my mind went "Damn! David Duchovny has lost an awful lot of hair!"

But, it was not totally inappropriate to be thinking of Fox Mulder, cause certainly, all readers must have seen the X-files and "get" the faux connection! How Freudian!

Anonymous said...

I was reading an article on PCG's site the other day (they sometimes run archaeological notes that can be of interest) and it's obvious Stephen Flurry has gone over to QAnon. Lot of key phrases being used that only exist within Q groups.

Anonymous said...

"Are you blaming any mental health issues on a beliefs?" (sic)

Uh, excuse me, but don't most of the comments above supporting Bill Watson tend to support my theory that that is indeed very much the case? You guys really slaughtered yourselves!

BP8 said...

The best way to dismiss and ridicule alternative (labeled conspiracy) theories is to categorize them along with Bigfoot, Elvis, tin hats and the tabloids. All that says is that you fully accept the official narrative and worldview, which in my opinion, puts one in the category described in 1 John 4. But hey, we have all been there. We are all contaminated by the world in one form or another, which is why we are told in in Scripture to "come out"! And that certainly should be, according to Christ, Paul and John, part of the Christian message!

BTW, for those still collecting data for anecdotal evidence, I didn't take the shot (that didn't stop transmission) and I'm still alive and kicking!

Anonymous said...

"Bill is entitled to his opinions and so are you. Even so, he is NOT entitled to present those opinions as facts from the pulpit or Church platforms! "

Really, Lonnie? So tell us, who decides what can be said from the pulpit?

Does your disagreement with facts reduce them to the level of "opinion"?

Anonymous said...

Submitted for your enjoyment.

Yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's facts:

And that's just a starter. The list goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous at 5:38:00 AM PDT

If you believe that stupid shit, I have a pyramid scheme opportunity I would like you to invest in.

The facts are simple. Unvaccinated died far more than vaccinated from Covid. Barely anyone, if any, died because they had a covid vaccine.

I would hate to live in whatever reality you think you are in.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

BP8 referenced a small portion of a great passage of Scripture which is certainly applicable to this discussion. The full passage:
I John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. 2 This is how we know if they have the Spirit of God: If a person claiming to be a prophet acknowledges that Jesus Christ came in a real body, that person has the Spirit of God. 3 But if someone claims to be a prophet and does not acknowledge the truth about Jesus, that person is not from God. Such a person has the spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard is coming into the world and indeed is already here.

4 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 5 Those people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them. 6 But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception."

Notice that Jesus Christ is at the CENTER of the message that John was talking about, and that the worldly message is focused on the world's viewpoint. To answer another commentator, Jesus Christ determines the messaging within HIS Church (Matthew 28:18-10). I may have missed it, but I don't recall Christ EVER talking about Hunter Biden, laptops, microchips, vaccines, Anlo-Israelism, or ANY of the other topics in Bill's referenced sermon and MIA News!

Anonymous said...

"The facts are simple. Unvaccinated died far more than vaccinated from Covid. Barely anyone, if any, died because they had a covid vaccine."

You should go look at the UK official statistics. But, then again, I don't think they will matter much to you.

Anonymous said...

Christ pushed back against the darkness in His culture (the Pharisees, Sadducees,
horrible treatment of women, etc.). We are to also run toward the darkness in our culture and speak out against it and take action against it. We are not to tolerate darkness. We are to expose it & move it out like Jesus did.

BP8 said...

No, Christ never mentioned Hunter and his laptop or the vaccine, but He also never mentioned Easter Sunday, same sex marriage, and other things highly promoted today.

WHAT did He mention? And if he mentioned it I would assume it to be appropriate messaging for the Church!

John 8:12,
he that follows me should not walk in darkness.

Darkness? What's that? Where is it? How could that be?

Luke 21:8,
take heed that you be not deceived!

My Lord, who would want to deceive me? And why?

Matthew 7:15,
beware of false prophets in sheep's clothing. You will recognize them by their fruits.

False entities appearing to be benefactors of humanity but are not? Surly not??

Fruits, what fruits? Lord, would that include trusting Phizer, who in the past has been convicted and fined for deception but now wants to be the gatekeeper of our health?

How did the apostles understand this aspect of Christ's message?

Jude 17-18
Remember the words spoken by the apostles of Christ, how they TOLD you there should be mockers in the last time, walking after their own ungodly lusts.

Mockers? Ungodly lusts? In the last time, my day?? Who, what, where?

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Paul, let no one deceive you BY ANY MEANS.

What? You mean there are multiple methods and gimmicks and deceptions?

Wow! I guess the message of Christ and the church is not all roses and cupcakes!!

We know that many of these warnings applied to specific deceivers and heresies of the time but that hasn't gone away. I think it's a good idea to understand how these instructions apply to us today and share that information with others! As with Christ and the apostles, it is appropriate messaging for our time!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


Jesus Christ is THE LIGHT. The message is Jesus Christ and salvation through HIM! Christ and his apostles criticized the messaging of those who deviated from that message!

BP8 said...

The same Paul who said, "Christ sent me not to baptise but to preach the gospel", 1 Cor.1:17, also told the Thessalonians, "let no man deceive you by any means"!

The 2 ideas are NOT mutually exclusive! They are both essential for the Christian! Christ is the light. But it's not a bad idea to understand its opposite.

Like Paul, Christ addressed both.

"I am the light of the world. He that follows me shalt not walk in darkness. He that walks in darkness knows not where he goes" John 8:12, 12:35.

Maybe your ax to grind with Bill is that you think his message is one dimensional and not balanced. No more than I get to hear him, I can't say. I do know that most of what I have heard is spot on!

Anonymous said...

Well, 6:24, that's why we're speaking out about Bill Watson! He's totally into the activities which are dividing and ruining our country!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love libtards. They come up with divisive ideas and if you don't accept them YOU are the one being divisive.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

BIGOT - "a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group" (Bing online definition) That definition would apply to anyone on the right or left who classifies the other side as evil or "retarded" (not a nice word). By the way, "owning the libs" is by definition NOT a Christian exercise! To purposefully set out to offend or anger another person is NOT Christian.

In this instance, it was Bill Watson who decided to discourse on the Biden family's corruption and engage in an anti-vaccine rant. You might have a point if one of us had stood up in church and talked about Trump's corruption or endorsed being vaccinated from the pulpit, but that didn't happen - did it? When there is a wide range of opinions on some "policy" or political matter, it is inappropriate to be taking a stance on it from a position of religious authority (think Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Bill Watson). THAT is being divisive! In other words, there are conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, and Christians. While a Christian may or may not belong to one of those groups, a true Christian is a partisan of Jesus Christ first and foremost - PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

We've been told that Dave Pack's people are going to anoint Father God.

If this is a trend amongst the ACOGs, I believe that Bill Watson and his followers should anoint something, too. Like maybe a planet. Ah, but how to choose??? Being an ACOG, the answer should be perfectly obvious. Their only inspired choice would be the seventh planet, of course.

Anonymous said...

"Didn’t CGI headquarters forbid further discussion of that subject from the pulpit?"

No, we did not. We established a policy regarding the content of our own website and other media platforms we created, not on what ministers could or could not say in their own pulpits.

Vance Stinson

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Mr. Stinson,

Thanks for the clarification, but I'm still a little confused. So, your ministers can say whatever they want to say about Covid to their local congregations, but they can't post their rants on Church platforms?

Anonymous said...

New Cleveland Clinic Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of Covid Vaccine: Boosted 33% MORE Likely to Get Covid

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 3:13:00 AM PDT,

What have we said about checking your sources? Sorry, the Cleveland Clinic Study did NOT confirm the negative efficacy of Covid vaccine! Check this out:

Free Your Mind said...

So where is Bill Watson's video on Rumble? Please post a link.

Anonymous said...

Leonie wrote:

"What have we said about checking your sources? Sorry, the Cleveland Clinic Study did NOT confirm the negative efficacy of Covid vaccine!" Check this out:

If you look at the end of the article it had this disclaimer:

Stop Press: According to, the Cleveland study “did not show vaccines increase COVID-19 risk”. The fact check is misleading in that it quotes various ‘experts’ pointing out that correlation is not causation and there could be any number of confounding factors skewing the results but omits to say that the researchers looked at some of the more likely confounders and ruled them out. You can read the fact check HERE.

The article provided the same link as you did.

Anonymous said...

Really, Lonnie? is the best you can do?

It is well known that they are a shill for the Democrat Party.

That "vaccine" was the most evil thing every created when Trump was in office. As soon as Biden moved in it became the savior of mankind.

Anonymous said...

UK stats: 92% of COVID deaths were vaccinated.

So, the "vaccine" didn't keep you from catching it, didn't keep you from spreading it, and apparently didn't make it less lethal.

From here on out, anything the CDC says is suspect at best, and most likely a total lie.

BP8 said...

Why not, as Scripture suggests, fact check it for yourself?

Oh wait. What happens when I do that and my findings are not in accord with the official narrative promoted by the official fact checkers? That's called a conspiracy theory!!!

That's how "darkness" works!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 7:47:00 AM PDT,

Not that it will make any difference to you, but for those who are still open to the truth about the efficacy of the Covid vaccines:


If you checked the sources that are supported by science and public health experts instead of fringe folks who reinforce your notions about the vaccines, your findings would be in accord with the official fact checkers! I urge you to come out of the shadows and into the light.

Anonymous said...

Jn 1:46 “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked.

“Nathanael’s sceptical question does not reflect, as far as known, a widely held opinion of Nazareth. It was not a famous city, but we have no reason for thinking it was infamous. We should probably understand Nathanael’s words as the utterance of a man who could not conceive of the Messiah as coming from such an insignificant place” (Leon Morris, The Gospel of John, NICNT, p.145).

For those who are sceptical by nature, the urls below, if you haven’t seen them already, may be interest:

John Campbell

Ed Dowd

Naomi Wolf

* Bodie-Sutton32, London, United Kingdom, June 19, 2023 @ dailymail:

Read the trial data P was forced to release after wanting to keep it hidden for seventy-five yrs. There are 3,400 scientists, trial specialists drs etc reading these as they are released. It makes for sober reading. In the first 90 days P onre there were one thousand two hundred and twenty three deaths. If you were really looking you should be aware of these documents that are free to view. Thousands of pages.

BP8 said...

Your advice sounds strikingly similar to the advice I'm sure was given back in Christ's day to the man on the street who was questioning authority:

"If you checked the sources that are supported by the experts (the scribes and Pharisees) instead of the fringe folks (that renegade Jesus and his disciples) who reinforce your notions about the (truth), your findings would be in accord with the official fact checkers (the religious establishment)" !!!

This sounds familiar because this is how the system (then and now) works!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Lonnie! The CDC itself has finally admitted that the so called vaccine does not keep you from catching covid, it does not prevent you from spreading it to others, and while they held onto the "lessens the symptoms" for a while, they finally admitted that is not true either. The whole thing has clearly been a giant fraud on the public.
And I still see people wearing masks out in public, usually pulled down below their nose, and while driving alone in their cars.

Anonymous said...

Yes 4:46 AM PDT, it was a fraud.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Hilarious! "The Washington Examiner" is a right-wing source. Talk about an echo chamber!

Nevertheless, this does underscore what's wrong with talking about such things from Church platforms. When there is so much controversy around an issue, it is NOT a good idea to be sharing one's opinion from the pulpit. Kinda like endorsing Donald Trump for President from the pulpit - Oh wait, Bill has done that too!

Anonymous said...

"Hilarious! "The Washington Examiner" is a right-wing source. Talk about an echo chamber!"

Did the Washington Examiner write those e-mails?

You reject truth because you don't like the messenger? Oh yeah, you've done that many times in the past.