Monday, July 10, 2023

Philadelphia Church of God and its Ineffectual witness


As rumors continue to swirl about the declining health of Gerald Flurry, the showpiece of the Philadelphia Church of God, its website, is a sad mess these days.

It is much like Bwana Bob Thiel's sites where everything imaginable is discussed instead of Jesus and the New Covenant.

The PCG website now has such mind-altering articles to edify the brethren as:

Why Men Should Read Jane Austen
PCG Foods: Mayonnaise
PCG Foods: Romano Artichoke
Looking for Leavening
Amazon and the Chocolate Fountain
Will China Attack America?
How Lightning Works
Your Best Bet: Sports betting
PCG Foods: Unleavened Whole Wheat Honey Rolls
Just How ‘New’ Is New Year’s?
What Is the Unpardonable Sin?
PCG Foods: Chocolate Fruit Slice
How God Educates ( a slobberfest on HWA College)
Mother’s Day Flower Sale Unifies Florida Members
Central Arkansas Members Raise Thousands
PCG Foods: Ahi Tuna Poké Bowl
Australasian Fundraiser Brings in Tens of Thousands
Member Experiences Healing Years After Anointing
Members Avoid Deadly Collision
PCG Foods: Orange-Honey Ginger Carrots

The last "real" article by Gerald was in April at Passover time and that was a repeat of previous years. The other articles are filled with Wayne Turgeon's silliness and articles by younger HQ employees on general topics on food, church activities, and such. Nowhere is Jesus discussed and particularly any aspect of the New Covenant. 

Also, glaringly missing is all of the information on the Irish dance show they tour the country with. That is mainly kept to the Twitter account now since so many members question why hundreds of thousands of dollars are being dumped into it every year. They pretend it is a gospel message they are delivering, but it is nothing more than a showcase for Flurry's grandchildren to show their expertise in dancing.

It is interesting watching the waning days of Armstrongism as these groups who proclaim they are the best COG ever slowly dissolve into irrelevancy.


DW said...

Well, if old Gerry is partaking of just half the food/recipes highlighted on the world's best ever website from God's one true church, it is no wonder he is drooling on himself. It also explains his weight. And that of L'il Stevie.

Way to preach the gospel and make disciples PCG. You may actually end up being the closest to HWA after all!

Anonymous said...

“As rumors continue to swirl about the declining health of Gerald Flurry, the showpiece of the Philadelphia Church of God, its website, is a sad mess these days.”

Gerald Flurry always was noticeably sick in his head. Now he is noticeably sick in his old body too. The only thing that kept him going was all the alcohol he guzzled in the past that gave him the clear arteries to last this long. Well, that and Satan, who uses rotten old carcasses like Gerald to do his dirty deeds.

Anonymous said...

Gerald: Jesus who?

Jesus: Gerald who?

Tonto said...

"Why men should read Jane Austen"???

Yep, that is what the world needs right now! Copies should be dropped on both Ukrainian and Russian troops immediately!

Anonymous said...

Where is the evidence of these rumors? Rumors of rumors about Flurry's declining health have been going on for years but the evidence is suspiciously absent.

Anonymous said...

Actually their website, has some interesting articles.

Anonymous said...

6.53 pm, their small church buying a jet plane is a big red flag that Flurry has health problems. He's 88 years old. How many people don't have health issues at that age?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Philadelphia Strumpet should print a record of all Gerald's prophecies & predictions and their accuracy over the years. I bet his success rate is less than that of Miss Cleo

Anonymous said...

Has anyone watched the tv series The Righteous Gemstones. It's s about a wealthy televangelist family. The benefit of the series is that it humanizes a family controlled megachurch versus the lofty Pharisaic image that such families project to the public. It stars John Goodman and is technically high quality. I recommend watching an episode or two.

Anonymous said...

"Actually their website, has some interesting articles."

-- PCG troll.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:52 PM said...“Actually their website, has some interesting articles.”

If you look into what was taught by Herbert W. Armstrong and compare it to what is now taught by Gerald Flurry, the massive doctrinal differences are indeed “interesting.”

If you go to the PCG and see the behavior of the people there, you will not have any more use for the “interesting articles” that these perverts write.

Tonto said...

Flurry is in great condition!

Like his mentor HWA mentioned in his autobiography, all one needs is a daily vigorous rub down with a terry cloth towel, to maintain peak fitness performance!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a PCG troll, and I only said "interesting articles" and nothing more. I am aware that the articles that appear on ACOG splinter sites are totally non representative of what goes on in these churches. Like Satan, they portray themselves as an angel of light to outsiders. The writers responsible for some of their good articles are either non members, or unusual members who are begrudgingly tolerated by their church.
The fact is that truth is scattered far and wide, so I don't advice completely turning one's back on any source.

Anonymous said...

So I guessing the Key of David is in reruns?

Anonymous said...

In the WCG, as HWA aged, many of his "evangelists" were jockeying for position to be the next "pastor general." Is the same thing going on in the PCG? If I were a top official, I would be keeping a very low profile, like Saul when he was appointed to be the king of Israel. Who would want to inherit the PCG leadership? Who wants to lead the church in an accelerated downhill death spiral?
What assets will be the first to go? The campus in England? The jet? Perhaps some real estate? Who might be in line to do some television programs?

Tonto said...

Unlike GTA, who just couldn't bide his time and wait, Lil Stevie Flurry waits patiently in the wings, and is already the "Prince of Wales" for the PCG.

Anonymous said...

To make sure you get the lion's share of declining assets, it is necessary to be the new Pastor General.

Anonymous said...

It is a custom in Armstrongite circles to believe that the end will come before an heir is ever required. It is also considered presumptuous to even entertain the possibility that you might be that heir. But the worst possible thing for an heir or successor to be is a reformer!

Anonymous said...

There are so many choices in ACOGs, and different scenarios and programs available. Doug Winnail tries to encourage the LCG members as they go through trials and persecutions, while Gerald Flurry and his ministers actually cause the trials and persecution in the lives of the PCG members. If that isn't intense enough, Bob Theil's witch doctors put the bad ju ju on CCOG's African members. Don't even get me started on all the misery Dave Pack brings into his peoples' lives.

Talk about a hostile environment!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 1:33 AM said...“Talk about a hostile environment!”

Well, yes, the false prophets (Flurry, Pack, Weinland, and Thiel) are hostile. Satan sent them against the Worldwide Church of God people, not to help anyone or to do any good. Their mission is to lie, steal, destroy, and kill. It will not be nice.

Anonymous said...

I was raised in the PCG as a youth starting around 1994 after we came out of the WCG. Baptized at some point and then left around 2009.

What they teach today would be unrecognizable to those of us who were in it in the mid to late 90s and 2000s. The doctrines and beliefs they continue to formulate out of thin air not only contradict their own early teachings, but they also contradict teachings that they credit to Herbert Armstrong in his role as "apostle".

If for nothing more than this cognitive dissonance and measuring them by their OWN standard, it's amazing they aren't losing members at a faster rate.

Check out @pastorplanes on Twitter.

They claim they bought their Gulfstream IV so that Gerald Flurry could take a warning message to world leaders. I'm not aware of that occurring once.