Monday, October 30, 2023

Musings: The Problem With Faith

The Problem With Faith: 11 Ways Religion Is Destroying Humanity

NOTE: I have posted only part of each point to keep the post short enough to maintain interest. The article adds much more to each concept for those so inclined.


"Religion has been a part of humanity since the first astronomers peered into the sky and created elaborate stories to define the movements of our universe. It made its way into our minds as we fearfully created devils and demons to explain the danger lurking in the darkness of night. It has both enchanted and burdened us as we attempt to define our world with the information available to us as we work our way through history.

However, things are quickly changing. For a growing number of us worldwide, what was once indescribable is now easily explained by the vast data we have gathered as we work towards refining our understanding. We are becoming painfully aware that, although our religions gave us a starting place for thinking about how our world functions, they no longer serve us in that process; and in fact, have left a trail of destruction in their historic path.

1.) The assumption of truth.

Most of our world’s major religions each assume that it is their faith alone that is the “absolute truth” and refuse to concede that those traditions may be mistaken. Instead, they discover ways to force conflicting information to adapt to their own doctrine; no matter how effective the evidence is at actually disproving the rationality of that particular religion.

Many religious adherents have no problem understanding the irrationality of others beliefs, but are unable to apply the same logic when observing their own doctrine. Instead, every effort is made to justify why it is their – and only their – religion that is void of any fault...

2.) The promise of reward.

The faith of many followers hinges on the idea that there is some reward for devotion to their deity. For the Islamic gentleman, it is a promise of virgins after death. For the Christian, it is a perfect place of infinite peace and comfort. For Hindus, it is escaping the grueling task of reincarnation; and for the Buddhist it is reaching Nirvana. 

How many of these same enthusiasts would subscribe to their religion if there were not a reward for their commitment? Without a reward, the faith does not carry the same power to control its congregate. There must be a conclusion to every religious story – a reason for carrying the belief to its completion.

It’s not difficult to understand why this is necessary for the ongoing functioning of a religion. Human beings are rarely motivated to commit to anything without a reward for their commitment...

3.) The superiority complex.

Religion enables people to act callously and inflict mental punishment on those they label “evil” without consequence to their hatred; and then permits them to honestly believe that their hatred is defensible as “good moral conduct”.

4.) The usefulness of control.

Most religious supporters are not mindful of the fear that has been instilled in them, often from birth. It is a fear that is so subtle that it goes undetected for much of the follower’s life. It is so deeply embedded that it is not even recognized as fear, but as truth; when in reality, it is a most destructive form of control.

5.) The distraction of division.

As most propagandists understand, by separating individuals from their peers, they are usually able to think more clearly and logically about the information being presented to them. However, when consistently surrounded by their peers, if they are not cautious, they may likely fall prey to being persuaded into believing a “truth” that is not true at all. Religion depends on this human herd mentality in order to maintain its stronghold. When you keep a person within a specific religion, reinforce the ideas of that group and then make everyone else outside of the group somehow immoral, maintaining control of hatred towards others is effortless. The best way to do this is by teaching followers the religion’s concepts from birth; and then reinforcing those ideas throughout the entirety of their life.

6.) The threat of theocracy.

Many individuals who support religious leaders and concepts do not realize the impact that a theocracy will have on their own lives and freedoms. Some people simply follow certain political and religious leaders and trust that they have their best interest in mind; but, in reality, the agenda they support will both further corrupt and further oppress their own country and its people.

7.) The illusion of love.

Is it? There may be some parts that describe love and encourage positive relationships amongst members of the human race; but, what about all the other parts? Are we to ignore some things and only identify with the good?

Here is the problem: Many of our most revered religious texts have hundreds of verses where the deity of the story literally instructs people to abduct and rape young girls whose family members they have just murdered, kill disobedient children, kill disobedient women, commit genocide and infanticide, subdue and silence women, commit incest, oppress mass communities, force marriage on rape victims, torture people, enslave people and loot and pillage entire societies. All by the instruction of or in the name of their god.

Here is the bigger problem: It’s one thing that these words are written, but it is a terrifying thought that many people in this world actually excuse this behavior simply because a god they worship did it or authorized it.

8.) Justification for inequality.

A simple and honest study of our world’s theocracies (and countries such as America where those issues are being debated) reveals how our holy texts are used to discriminate against women, LGBTs, and foreigners. Our top three world religions’ texts are full of discrimination against these groups. In fact, it is openly used as justification for that discrimination.

Religion facilitates erroneous rationalization of the attempts to remove basic rights from others. It prevents people from living in peace as a community and within their own lives. It forces entire groups of people to work tirelessly to create and preserve rights that should be available to them already.

9.) The subjugation of advancement.

We are moving towards a time where we no longer need to base our ideas on things that we cannot see or explain (faith). We can explain much more than ever and our ability to explain our world is expanding rapidly.

Now that science can explain our world, we no longer need mythology to do it for us.

We have a plethora of information available to us today. Information that enables us to become aware of the origins of our religions, the origins and functionings of our planet and of our universe. We understand how weather works and that it is not simply the anger of our gods being poured upon us as our early ancestors believed. We can interpret weather patterns, send people into space, and predict future atmospheric, economic, planetary and biological disruptions and much much more.

Unfortunately, religion has never been much a friend to human knowledge and advancement. Even now we are plagued by leaders who seek to oppress our access to and progression of our knowledge. Religion is known for insisting that it is not humankind’s place to understand things – to seek knowledge of our world. In fact, it makes seeking that understanding wrong and it’s not difficult to find followers who will even quote text supporting why we should not explore our world, ask questions and look for answers.

This is a religious tactic that keeps people in ignorance; and it has worked for thousands of years.

10.) The fear of “end times”.

For thousands of years, religion has used the fear of “end times” to control the masses. What began as mythology that told gruesome stories of a horrific end to our world has evolved into periodic religious mania over an impending doom lurking above the future of humanity.

Fortunately, we have grown enough in our understanding to realize that prophesies of war, famine, atmospheric disruptions, pandemics and expulsion of redundant belief structures are effortless formulations when one comprehends that these occurrences have been and will remain a repetitive element of the human experience. In other words – it is not difficult to predict the future when you understand how human beings think and how nature functions. Anyone who understands the natural world and the mind of human beings can make a fairly accurate prediction of what will occur 10, 20, 100 or even 5,000 years from now. History does repeat itself. Nature repeats itself. This is the cyclical part of life – when you understand the cycle, you are never shocked by the result.

The problem is, we are still living amongst an assortment of end times theories and religious fables that insist we are living in that time

11.) The oppression of terror.

It would be easy for some to look at the violence in religion today and point fingers at one specific religion. The propagandist that dominate many of our mainstream news outlets ensure this. But, the truth is, many of our religions have already asserted themselves through force and violence in the past. This is not merely a modern problem."

Humanity’s most vicious ambitions have been carried out in the name of gods no one has ever seen and beliefs followers are not willing to question and investigate. Until humankind learns to more closely examine their beliefs, wars waged in ignorance will continue to plague our species and prevent lasting peace.


Anonymous said...

And this blog denies being an ATHIEST blog.

BP8 said...

I totally agree with this assessment as it applies to carnal, humanistic, and worldly "religion". But it doesn't stop there!

Most institutions of "this world", including "science" are infected with these same traits. They all assume truth, promise something they can't deliver, act superior, exercise control, make threats and deal in illusions! That's why the truth of God that exists in Jesus Christ condemns them (see John 7:7, 1John 5:19).

"Cursed be the man that trusts in man" applies to anyone trusting and putting absolute faith in religion, science, the medical profession, politicians, and all those guilty of destroying the earth for their own profit.

"Man" is not as great as our atheist friends think. But hey, that's all you have!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

This is a very insightful and well-articulated treatise on the problems that manmade religions have generated down through the millennia of human history. Unfortunately, many Christians will ignore or dismiss it, others will resort to apologetics (defending the indefensible) or embrace it as applying to everyone else - NOT their group! Although I am a Christian, I believe that the history of my faith is littered with numerous proofs that these criticisms are VALID.

For me, that being the case, the question for me is how do we avoid perpetuating/repeating the sins of our forefathers? Toward that end, I think that there are a number of principles based on the points enumerated in this article that we should all commit ourselves to embracing. In my opinion, they are:
* Acknowledge that our understanding is imperfect and may be flawed.
* Never allow our beliefs about future rewards and punishments to prevent us from enjoying the present or each other.
* Admit that mistreating or abusing others is NEVER consistent with our faith.
* Reject doing anything out of a motivation of fear.
* Reject going along to get along and embrace the fact that you have a personal relationship with the Divine that is separate and distinct from your brothers and sisters.
* Reject the impulse to mix religion with politics, spiritual with secular, and embrace pluralism.
* Reject the notion that God EVER gave anyone permission to commit genocide - that anyone who uses a Divine command to justify any such behavior is a liar.
* Reject any action which is premised on Divine sanction for the persecution/abuse of any group - especially women, children, ethnic groups, or LGBTQ folks.
* Embrace the role and findings of science and accept that Scripture was NEVER intended by God to serve as a scientific journal or historical textbook.
* Never allow prophetic understanding to interfere with our enjoyment of and participation in the present - If I knew that the world was going to end tomorrow, I'd still plant my apple tree today!
* Finally, religion must NEVER serve as a justification for any behavior that we know is wrong.

In other words, it is possible to be a Christian without all of that craziness of the past!


Anonymous said...

“And this blog denies being an ATHIEST blog.”

Dumbest thing said so far on here today.

Anonymous said...

An atheistic blog? Not really. Legitimate atheists don't bother hanging around on this blog for long. There's no incentive to do so.
Also keep in mind that there are "fake" Christians in the ACOGs as well. This also includes some ministers. I could tell by the tones in his voice that my last ACOG minister felt uncomfortable speaking the name Jesus. Some minister?

Anonymous said...

“And this blog denies being an ATHIEST blog.”

This must be the same yoyo that claims everyone here are ministers

Anonymous said...

Alas Dennis,

The comments ‘Until humankind learns to more closely examine their beliefs, wars waged in ignorance will continue to plague our species and prevent lasting peace’.
And there we have it, and so here we are, without hope for what is the alternative.

Did not Chris Hitchens say , ‘ I think religion should be treated with ridicule hatred and contempt, and I claim that right!’ without giving us the option of asking what do you mean by religion exactly? Surely he doesn’t mean Mother Teresa whose only ‘crime’ was to live in poverty and care for the poorest of the poor; who he is quoted as saying ‘she was the ghoul of Calcutta’.

Richard Dawkins exclaimed ‘ I am utterly fed up with the respect we have been brainwashed into bestowing upon religion’.
Sam Harris commented his intention to ‘demolish the intellectual and moral pretensions of Christianity in its most committed forms’.
Were they all unaware that Hitler, Stalin, Himmler, Pol Pot, Mao, Ceausescu, the Kim’s of North Korea had similar ambitions?
Or doesn’t it matter?
Their ideological forebears found among the French revolutionaries in the name of libertie, egalitarian and fraternity slaughtered their opponents like dogs reserving their great ire for priests and nuns. With the utmost savagery and bloodshed. One must wonder.
Looking at the disasters that befell Russia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn concluded ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened’. And he should know.
Hitler saw no transcendence, no good or evil, only power and he wanted it for himself. Slaughtering the Jews and other undesirables was of no consequence.

History is written in the blood of countless innocent victims, especially of those who suffered from the hands of those denying faith.A world devoid of religious belief will not necessarily bring us the nirvana the utopia we all desire. Nothing means anything. History attests to that.
Oxford professor Dr John Lennox has said ‘ the more we get to know about our universe, the more the hypothesis that there is a Creator gains in credibility as the best explanation of why we are here’.

Thanks all the same for your post Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever even visited an atheist blog? Someone in a discussion long ago recommended studying the basic precepts of atheism before judging, and linked to some atheist sites that he apparently frequented. Now, I'm not a prude and certainly understand the value of an occasional "F" bomb when used for emphasis, but the sites that dude linked to were just overflowing with nasty fuck language! I mean every sentence in some cases! Gave a whole new meaning to the word "gratuitous"! The funny thing is, judging by the ideas advanced, some of the participants were obviously of the high IQ set, but their choice in language made them look both ignorant and angry.

Dennis regularly presents materials on the absence of belief with a theologian's tone. I disagree with much of what he presents, but his manner is totally inoffensive! My experiences in Armstrongism were that most of the church members are very easily offended with anything that disagrees with their basic theology, and they expect it to be censored! I"ll just bet that there are still members who correct their children for using words like "darn" and "heck". I can't tell you how many times I used to wish brethren "Good Luck!", only to be admonished that there's no such thing as luck. People were offended if you said "Bless you!" when they sneezed!

Yep, those are the kinds of people who are criticizing us for the things they see on the site that they're forbidden to visit by their Apostles!

Anonymous said...

A red flag when the athiest can't spell atheist.

Anonymous said...


I do not disagree with the observations that you cite. The data is supported in history. Religion is a source of much conflict in the world. The death of Jesus was facilitated by some of the most religious people in the world. And the Romans soldiers likely belonged to the cult of Mithras.

Christianity is highly diverse. There are people within the Christian fold who follow The Way and there are people who are totally nominal and every gradation in between. So a great diversity of behaviors can be expected but no one behavior is attributable to all.

In Christianity, there exists the concept of the invisible body of Christ. This means that Christians span denominations. And they are organized by the presence of Jesus and not denominational governance. Jesus spoke of the wheat and the tares. Scattered about among the nominals, there are real Christians. Sometimes one can tell who they are and sometimes one cannot.

My only critique of what you have written is that you have painted religion with a broad and un-nuanced brush.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the Pastor General of Atheism has spoken once again to his assumed flock. If you fail at preaching to a church, then success must come for Pastor Diehl by preaching atheism to those who are displeased with their past church experience. Either way, there must be someplace a failed church pastor can still preach something, and be admired.

Didn’t someone once write here that atheists ARE the proof the Bible is true? Did he ever present any proof of that?

Anonymous said...

"...... Scripture was NEVER intended by God to serve as a historical textbook."
O damn. Now I will never find out what really happened to Ahithophel.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that secular people are arguably as bad or worse than religious people and have failed to provide a better alternative. What a lost opportunity.

Anonymous said...

All religions are man-made.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Of course many fake Christians write numerous articles on here.

Anonymous said...

Did Diehl even write this ? He was supposed to have given it all up as he wanted to move on and yet suddenly returns.
Faith is only a problem for those who have no truth in them, who have committed gross sins, gross deceit and gross lies and are a shadow of themselves.

Anonymous said...

7.10 pm, Dennis a "failed church pastor?" On the contrary. He admitted here that one of his large congregations disintegrated. This makes him a very successful wolf in sheep's clothing. He continues to ply his trade of crown stealing on Banned.

Anonymous said...

Eh, the problem is not religion, but wrong religion (along with atheism). That will be taken care of when Jesus Christ returns

Anonymous said...

7:10 1:01

There is an elephant in the room. You may not of noticed but there is an issue here to respond to and it is not answered by ad hominem attacks and sound bites aimed a Dennis Diehl. Religion creates conflict. Especially ironic in Christianity whose founding leader, Jesus, espoused peace and love. And we have all the warring little factions within Armstrongism - mutually condemning each other to Gehenna. I doubt that there is any denomination that has generated so much internecine division. To blithely step over this to take a punch at Dennis is an exercise in denial and belligerence rather than reason.


Anonymous said...

To blithely step over this to take a punch at Dennis is an exercise in denial and belligerence rather than reason.
Wrote Krischan

Hardly my friend, it is to see all sides, and acknowledge the part Dennis plays in his part in instigating division. But, thanks for trying to shift the blame.

Anonymous said...

“ Hardly my friend, it is to see all sides, and acknowledge the part Dennis plays in his part in instigating division. But, thanks for trying to shift the blame.”

Division in what? With who? The Churches of God? The churches deliberately and consistently have caused their own division. No one here caused that. Dennis is awfully powerful if you grant him that ability. Power hungry men who think they are God’s divinely sent messengers have caused the division. Their continual lies cause that division. Every single COG leader out there has turned their backs on God and have become agents of the dark side and members are too conditioned by those lies to discern that.

Anonymous said...

“A simple and honest study of our world’s theocracies (and countries such as America where those issues are being debated) reveals how our holy texts are used to discriminate against women, LGBTs, and foreigners.”

Dennis “The Spiritual Menace” Diehl strikes again against women's private spaces, women's sports, and all common sense.

The old male transvestites in young girl's dressing rooms is the problem. The old pedophiles in school classrooms is the problem. Crazy “social workers” and greedy surgeons mutilating young children is the problem. The laws of God in the Holy Bible would tend to prevent such problems.

Globalist Traitors are trying to hand over the USA and Britain to millions of foreign invaders. People who reject the God of the Holy Bible end up lacking common sense and thinking that this is a good thing. Those who do not appreciate the good land that God gave them might lose it.

Anonymous said...

“A simple and honest study of our world’s theocracies (and countries such as America where those issues are being debated) reveals how our holy texts are used to discriminate against women, LGBTs, and foreigners.”

Dennis “The Spiritual Menace” Diehl needs to smarten up.

The real problem is that it is becoming a so-called “hate crime” to discriminate against anything that the God of the Holy Bible calls sinful, evil, or abominable behavior. In fact, the more abominable the behavior that you are discriminating against, the worse the so-called “hate crime” that you are guilty of.

In the past, everyone knew that it was wrong for a guy to be in a women's dressing room. Everyone would have chased him out and he would have been ashamed of himself. The police might have been called against him. But now, he could just say that he self-identifies as a female. He could even call the police to complain about the real biological women who have discriminated against him and thereby committed a great so-called “hate crime.” A wicked judge might lecture the real women about the so-called “rights” of the pervert to do anything he wants to them.

LGBTQ is now spelled LGBTQ+ with the + meaning any additional perversion that people might want to get into. In fact, LGBTQ+ is now becoming LGBTQP+ with the P standing for Pedophile. But it supposedly is unkind to call them pedophiles. They are now MAPs, or Minor Attracted Persons.

The craze these days -- and it is crazy -- is to try to say that there are 57+ different genders. The only two real genders, male and female, get told that they are actually, or should want to be, the opposite of whatever they are. Parents who do not “affirm” the gender confusion nonsense that perverted school teachers and warped social workers put in their child's head can have their child taken away from them and put in an LGBTQP+ home.

The so-called “Human Rights” agenda was not really about human rights at all, but rather about pervert's imagined “rights” to do any sinful, evil, and abominable thing they want to do. The so-called “anti-bullying” campaign was not really about anti-bullying at all, but rather about stopping people from saying anything against sinful, evil, or abominable behavior.

Anonymous said...

"instigating division"

Is that what you call disagreeing with the HWAcaca?

Anonymous said...

People need to wake up. The world is far more deceitful than most can even begin to imagine.

Just one example: all the problems blamed on Communism can be blamed on religion because it was secretly invented by religious fanatics in order to overthrow governments and install a new system that they could secretly control. It was officially athiest in order to destroy Christian societies in order to corrupt them and erase the existing moral system so that a new moral system that they controlled could be invented from scratch.

This is a fact. It is little known, but that does not make it a conspiracy "theory." It's a fact, and anybody can verifiy it if they do their homework on it.

Anonymous said...

Paul had to repent of his religion: Gal 1:14 "And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers", which some traditions were suspect.... and he persecuted the Church of God and ravaged it!-Gal 1:13 as a strict his religion-Acts 26:5.

Anonymous said...

As Jeff Foxworthy might say, "If your opinions are anything like 8:33's and 9:17's, you might be a redneck!"

Retired Prof said...

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix, I consider your bulleted eleven-item list at October 30 at 1:17:00 PM to be spot on, even though I fall into the awkward category of philosophical agnostic/practical atheist. The only part I can't subscribe to is the clause in the fifth item: "you have a personal relationship with the Divine."

I don't really know what the Divine is, so can claim no relationship there. Closest I can come is to say I apparently arose as a separate entity by means of the same physical and chemical principles as everything else in the Universe did, and I am embedded and enmeshed in the Universe and integral to it--never mind that I an insignificant being in an obscure spot on a planet orbiting an unexceptional star on one arm of a spiral galaxy similar to trillions of others. So nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but glad to be here anyway, for whatever brief interval I have between birth and death.

Everyone else, as I see it, is in the same boat, with opinions arising through the same processes mine did, sometimes with startlingly different results. Discussing them is one way to keep the interval between birth and death from growing unbearably tedious.

Anonymous said...

Retired Prof,
Millions, perhaps billions have lived and died without hearing the name of Christ. You by contrast went to AC, and despite its many short comings, was exposed to Christianity. Even minimum prayer and bible study, together with a commitment to live by the ten commandments would have resulted in answered prayer.
Calling yourself a agnostic-practical atheist is a profound disappointment.

RSK said...

If "discriminating" means running them away from the polls, burning their churches, throwing them in jail for the silliest of charges, destroying their businesses and lynching them like you did to us, you deserve every "hate crime" charge you get.

BP8 said...

My observation of prominent modern atheists like Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris is that their beef is not really with "God" but "religion", those who supposedly speak for Him. Yes, they have issues with certain points like hell and slavery, but the Catholic scandals and the blatant Armstrong like con games of the likes of Copeland, Jim Banker and Robert Hilton haven't helped.

All arguments aside, when I consider the Holy Bible, the book claiming to be the word of God, I stand in awe of its magnificent structure and story it tells from beginning to ending. It is DIVINE, not the product of the carnal mind of man. I can't believe the book is a bunch of myths or strung together by a pack of gypsies sitting around a campfire. If it is then they deserve our worship!

It has been said, " it would take a Christ to invent a Christ"! Think about it. Of course, that rules out the Romans and the gypsies, they were not that clever. They were not bright enough to come up with the sermon on the mount, the Golden rule, or a plan of salvation!

Even if the Bible contains shady origins, an evolution of concepts, borrowed deities, or penned by men infested with heresies, I believed the finished product, the book we have in our hands today, is not the product of King James, but God Himself.

I have no problem with FAITH!!!