Sunday, October 1, 2023

The "Safecracker": Starring Apostle, Branch, Messenger of the Covenant and Elijah to Come...David C Pack.

Like wondering just why members of the Restored Church of God stay put in light of all of Dave Pack's prophetic failures and self-aggrandizement, so too, we wonder about the mind of Dave Pack in all this.  

Why is it that Dave can NEVER look back and see his obvious and multiple, almost weekly, failures of prophetic foolishness?  How can he fail and fail and act as if he hasn't never acknowledged the failure of just yesterday?  Only rarely does he seem uncomfortable with it all but covers himself by reminding the faithful, after the fact, that "I always had some doubts about that." or some version of "We were missing something...but now I see it".  

Does the man have no conscience? Is he just incapable of admitting to being mistaken? Does he have no working memory of what he said yesterday?   

Perhaps Dave has never perceived himself as wrong.

Perhaps Dave only sees himself as not right YET.

Perhaps Dave Pack is simply a failed Safe Craker who believes that every turn of the dial and every subtle click gets him one step closer to getting the combination right and the glorious contents of the safe revealed, by him! 

Title taking is just reaching into the trunk for one more tool, in his mind, to get the combination right and the safe cracked. After all, getting the combo right or the code broken on Biblical Prophecy has been the hook of the Churches of God since its inception. Codes, Puzzles, and Unveiling have been standard stock in trade.

Art Mokarow cracked God's Puzzle

This "classic" now sells for $52.95 on eBay. Unfortunately, it has yet to be actually unveiled unless one is of the Preterist persuasion and has a mind to see such realities of scripture not actually mean for us today. 

Dave Pack believes that sooner or later, unlike others, will succeed in 
Cracking God's Prophetic Safe, so failures aren't failures. They are just steps to the right combination. The difference is that Dave isn't ever going to get the combination correct, not ever. 

"The concept of a locked box used for the safekeeping of valuables has been around for thousands of years, and as long as there have been safes, there have been people trying to steal their contents." MEET THE SAFECRACKER OF LAST RESORT

OBSERVATION: The concept of prophetic understanding has been around since just before the body cooled, and as long as there has been the need in humans to know, "what's going to happen to me?". There have always been people in religion willing to believe they alone have the answer to that question. Dave Pack sees himself as one, if not THE ONE alone to do that. A common delusion among safecrackers. 


"To that end, safe manufacturers throughout the years—Chubb, Milner, Herring, and Ratcliff & Horner, to name just a few—developed an array of mechanisms intended to thwart burglars. Safes were often touted as “burglar proof” and companies frequently tried to outdo each other in terms of the reliability of their safes. Things sometimes got competitive. There were various “safe battles,” such as the one held at the Paris Exhibition of 1867, with rival manufacturers seeing who's safe could withstand various attempts at cracking (and even destruction) for the longest amount of time. That did not mean that these safes were invulnerable, of course. As the safes got more ingenious, so did the safecrackers." MEET THE SAFECRACKER OF LAST RESORT

OBSERVATION: Thus splits, splinters, and slivers are all headed by those inclined to believe they have special safecracking skills and insights. They don't. Nevertheless, the competition among them grows ever more intense. 


"The methods differ depending on the type of mechanism and skillset of the safecracker. There are multiple ways to go about it, from drilling into the safe’s door to using force to pry or “bounce” open safe doors to the use of explosives. "

OBSERVATION: Dave Pack is a safe bouncer and explosives expert, at times, when "it is inarguable" or his understanding is rock solid and unquestionable "with many proofs". Often, he is just sure what he is about to reveal "will blow your mind". But it never does. Dave's idea of explosives is what most actually call, snaps or "party poppers". 



"The most intriguing to me, however, is the subtle art of lock manipulation, the ability to crack a safe’s combination and leaving the safe just as one found it.

OBSERVATION: This is Dave. While no safe has yet been opened, nor will one ever be, Dave tweaks his dramatic views and failures every week, heading ever closer to getting it right. So he thinks. He won't. 

Last week's safe is not damaged just because "we" didn't get it right then. "Everything is just fine brethren, and we are still on the right track" assures that the safe is just as we need it to be. Soon the "I" will take over in Dave and he will see what "we" never saw before, "but now I do". 

This weekly tweaking of his erroneous beliefs keeps the soon, shortly, and quickly in place for yet another go at it, with no blowback from the members, because "He's almost there", takes over in the minds of the faithful and those that have a vested interest in what's in the safe. 


Lock manipulation is a skill that requires a quick mind and nimble fingers, as well as a good head for figures and the ability to chart out a graph of the possible numbers in the combination, either on paper or—even more impressively—in one’s head. 

This, in its simplest definition, is accomplished by feeling for slight differences in the give of the dial as it encounters internal contact points and then working out the correct line-up of the wheels inside the lock. It’s an extremely complex maneuver and one that takes an admirable level of expertise, whatever side of the law the safebreaker happens to fall on."

OBSERVATION: It's all in Dave's head and Dave has always been quick to tell us how intelligent he is and all his credentials both intellectual as well as in the line of King David and the Aaronic Priesthood.  Of course, this is all foolishness but a necessary credential in the mind of David C. Passover. 

People have told me over the years that Dave is "brilliant". I disagreed, as one so wrong on so many things over so many years can hardly be seen as brilliant. Dave's Creationist series on "The Irrefutable Proofs of Godproved that.

Dave Pack does not believe in brilliantly conceived truths. He believes foolishly imagined delusions. 

I used to respond he was "clever". But that implies a bit of deceit and I really believe Dave Pack sees himself spoken of in the scriptures and all the titles he actually takes he takes believing them to be so. Now I understand he is simply delusional with religious content and needs an intervention just as any drug or alcohol addiction would need to be properly addressed, before someone, or everyone, gets hurt.


In my honest view and with all my WCG experience and observations behind me now, Dave Pack is incapable of seeing his multiple failures as failures at all. No need to apologize or even acknowledge them. They are not failures. They are just steps to getting the combination of God's Prophetic and End Time safe open. Dave desperately seems to want to be the one to open it and if it takes title-taking or tool-taking to appear to be the one called by the Deity to do so, so be it. 

Dave Pack is never wrong because being right will always be just around the corner. Opening that prophetic safe door and revealing the glorious content is moments away and Dave wants credit for getting the job done. 

The problem actually is that there is no safe to open. What Dave believes is a safe to be cracked is merely a Rubik's Cube, with only the outside colors to be matched. Nothing to see here. 

And he may as well use The Magic Eightball to advise him on which way to manipulate the colors.


Marc Cebrian said...

Very informative article, Dennis. I think you nailed DCP's mentality. Each failure is another step closer to success. The brethren are sitting quietly because he is only one click away from popping that sucker open and it is goodies for all of us if we keep our mouths shut and let the man concentrate.

Even IF he cracks it open (he will claim he has), it will be a Geraldo Rivera moment when Al Capone's vault was opened on live television. You are really old if you remember seeing that when it happened.



Anonymous said...

"Really old"? NOW I'm old. In 1986 I was 41 years old.

DennisCDiehl said...

Marc Cebrian said...

Even IF he cracks it open (he will claim he has), it will be a Geraldo Rivera moment when Al Capone's vault was opened on live television. You are really old if you remember seeing that when it happened.


Then I am old as I watched that non-event the night it was aired over two useless hours, April 21st, 1986 :) Although, 1986 was only 20 minutes ago in "what the hell?" time.

DennisCDiehl said...

DennisCDiehl said...
PS Come to think of it, Dave Pack opening prophecy is the Geraldo Rivera of Capone's Vaults! Except instead of just 2 useless hours, Dave has taken thousands of hours that no one is getting back. And with the same result. Dave will get "no return" on his wasted and over hyped message just as Geraldo got for his. Well at least Geraldo got an old Whiskey bottle for his trouble.

Dave may soon be saying "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than of a frontal lobotomy. :)

RSK said...

I think its more like that "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" scene where Butch uses too much dynamite and the precious haul of cash is just blown all over the area, unable to be collected in any significant amount.

Anonymous said...

The safe analogy applies to all of the ACOGs. It seems they all feel that by finding the correct combination, using principles they learned from HWA, everything the man taught will fall into place. Their specific splinter will appear to be the super blessed one, all the others will see the light and come to them, and the end time events will begin, followed by the return of Jesus Christ.

Dave Pack has gone off the deep end, forecasting Jesus' return before specific necessary prerequisite events HWA lifted from the Bible have occurred, such as the building of the temple in Jerusalem, the rise of Germany, predominance of Catholicism, everyone in modern "Israel" who isn't in the church becoming homosexual, and the devastating famines, earthquakes, and disease epidemics and financial depression being sent to warn and punish everyone because they ignored the warning which would go out in great power.

And he wonders why people schooled in Armstrongian end times prophecy don't drop their own splinters and recognize his (Dave's) leadership? Dave doesn't even rate with the people in the other splinters, because the needle on their end times meters is still hovering a little bit to the right of zero. It quivers from time to time, but still remains in the safety zone. He is seen by these people in competing ACOGs as having lost it. He's like the panic stricken person on a life boat who has to be knocked out or thrown overboard before the sane and rational ones can get the boat ashore.

There are various degrees of deception. Most of the people who have decided to remain deceived by Armstrongism know better than to go with someone who takes on Biblical titles, exacerbates the rules to unbearable extremes, makes worse financial demands that even exceed the extreme demands made by HWA, or distorts the prophecy mold created by HWA. If Dave, Bob, Gerry, Ron, Wade, or any others who can't even blip the radar are looking for some biblical character similar to themselves, the only one which seems totally appropriate is Jereboam the son of Nebat.

Ronco said...

After Capone's vault, I imagined Geraldo's next adventure would be to dig under Graceland the LONG way to take a peek inside Elvis' crypt to see once and for all if he was really in there.

Geraldo peeks inside:

SHHHOOO, that stinks! Yes folks, take my word for it, he's really in there. Bye for now!

Àyelböůrne, Elder on Ørgæñìa ⚖️ said...

& if Dave or any charlatan safe-cracker types fake predictions long enough, eventually they'll "randomly" get it "right" like the "infinite monkey theorem" :

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, including the complete works of William Shakespeare. In fact, the monkey would almost surely type every possible finite text an infinite number of times. The theorem can be generalized to state that any sequence of events which has a non-zero probability of happening will almost certainly eventually occur, given unlimited time."

even a broken clock is correct twice a day 🕓

Dave will get it right by the year 2525 (if man is still alive) 🎵🎶 🙊

Anonymous said...

Does Dennis think he has "cracked" the "secret" of Dave? Or is Dave just a bald-faced liar who is on a power trip, ego trip, and making a nice living while at it? I suggest the latter.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack believes that sooner or later, unlike others, will succeed in
Cracking God's Prophetic Safe, so failures aren't failures. They are just steps to the right combination.

Did he ever tell his congregation that? If not, he is a total fraud. He keeps setting specific dates which fail.

Anonymous said...

Where is the proof that Pack is descended from king David? There is NONE. That proves Pack is a total fraud.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Dennis cannot recognize that Pack, whom he knew personally, has pulled the wool over his eyes.

Psychopaths are extremely deceitful, and fool everyone. The only people who can see through them are psychologists who: i) are trained in recognizing psychopaths, ii) interview all the psychopaths friends, family, co-workeers, etc, and iii) personally interview the psychopath himself. Dennis does not have those qualifications. However, we see from the fruits that pack is a liar.

I am not making this up. Read the book by the world's expert on psychopaths. Robert D. Hare. "Without Conscience".

Anonymous said...

he "might" try to claim that his great/great/great/Great/great-great/great Grandmammy was Jeremiah's guest passenger Ms. Tea-Tephi who hopped off the middle east sailing ship landing at an Irish port eons ago

Anonymous said...

FBI cold case-cracking profilers know how to get in the shoes for a min. of these bamboozling charlatan false prophets and attempt to surmise what the snake-oil salesman's next move might be

Anonymous said...

Schoolbus drivers also have experience being able to notice the occasional psychopathic behaviors in the back of the bus

I saw a few smart-alecky middle school cads & brutes who were as skilled as Dave at pulling wool over their classmates' eye

there were future Daves back there on the bus