Thursday, January 30, 2025

Southern CA Fires Are A Result Of Angy "god" Still Ticked Of About 1979


Armstrongism could not exist without its virulent, angry god just itching to destroy most of humanity. Unfortunately, that god is the most mentioned god in Armstrongism, except for the all-powerful Satan. 

This angry god was reinforced upon us weekly in sermons, magazine articles, and television broadcasts by Herbert Armstrong and his loyal band of Junior Gestapo agents. Members lived in fear of this god and yet were tantalized by the fact we were told we were to become little gods and godless and would be there to help hand out the punishments upon the backsliding reprobates of the sinful world.

It just frosts the butts of COG leaders and many members that the worldly people around have happier, more fruitful lives than they all do. It would be with great pleasure to see angry god come in power to wreak havoc upon the world.

The Church of God needs this to happen in order to "prove" their heretical teachings correct.

This brings us to that other self-appointed prophetic idiot, Gerald Flurry. He has this to say about the recent fires in Los Angeles and Altadena, CA.

Mile after mile of urban California is now embers and ash after the most ruinous fires in state history. Fierce winds up to 100 miles per hour ushered flames with breathtaking ferocity across roads, up hills and through neighborhoods, torching 10,000 buildings, killing at least 24 people, and leaving millions more tearfully coping with the losses. 
“[I]n recent days, many images of wildfire devastation coming over the newswires made the City of Angels look every bit like Hades: raging infernos, charred skeletal remains of homes, a smoke-filled amaranthine sky, weeping residents,” wrote James Hibberd for the Hollywood Reporter. “The frequency and intensity of fires statewide likewise feels new—seven of the eight largest California wildfires of all time have occurred in just the past four years” (January 8). 
That is fierce affliction! Why is this happening? What is the cause? There is a cause for this effect, and we must understand it.

The nation is cursed! Bob Thiel and Gerald's eyes glaze over in spiritual ecstasy at the mere thought!

Flurry continues:

With these recent fires, you will read biblical terms like Hades and apocalyptic to describe the scale of the devastation. But you have not heard any real discussion about God’s hand in these events. You will not read anything about how the Bible actually prophesies in dozens of passages of such terrible events! Over a hundred major Bible prophecies are unfolding in this end time! 
Yes, God foretells such curses, and He actually explains why we are being cursed! 
For years I have pinpointed a reason for California’s troubles that nobody else is talking about. You can read about it in those older articles I referenced. It may seem surprising, but I hope you will think seriously about it, because it truly is at the heart of what is happening in the Los Angeles area.

Did you know that one specific event in particular is what has led to these disastrous fires? It was the intervention of the State of California in the affairs of the corrupt Worldwide Church of God back in 1979.

Pasadena, California, is where Herbert W. Armstrong established the headquarters of the Worldwide Church of God (wcg) in the 1940s. He built that Church into a magnificent global work that helped millions of people through publications, television broadcasts, humanitarian projects and more, as well as local congregations all over the world. Because that was where he headquartered, his message reached California more than any place else on Earth. 
In 1979, the state of California launched a shocking, authoritarian and wholly unwarranted attack on Mr. Armstrong and the wcg. Guided by outrageously false allegations of financial mismanagement from disgruntled ex-ministers—despite financial and all other required records having been regularly and voluntarily filed—the state attorney general’s office took the extraordinary step of literally taking control of the Church. 
On January 3 of that year, they initiated a sudden armed assault on the headquarters facility. A receiver secretly appointed by the court tried to take over and operate God’s Church, seizing the Church’s assets, appropriating its income, and usurping all authority. This action utterly defied the United States Constitution, most egregiously the protection of freedom of religion. 
No evidence of wrongdoing by the Church was ever found. Thus, on Oct. 14, 1980, the attorney general dropped all charges and dismissed the case. Later, the appellate court ruled that the lawsuit was “without foundation.” 
California is the only state that ever attacked Mr. Armstrong and his work. But as Mr. Armstrong spoke out very forcefully, they were doing something much worse than that: They were attacking the living God! 

Old Six Pack loves to pretend that the Worldwide Church of God was a bastion of truth and upright behavior when the State came storming in. It was anything but that. Yet, Flurry and others turned this into an attack against God instead of a corrupt church.

He writes:

What a grave mistake it is to attack the living God! 
Is it possible that God is still cursing California because of the diabolical actions of those corrupt leaders? 
The late California Sen. Barbara Boxer said, “California has gone through too many tragedies and too frequently.” She was right! But why is that? Is it because the state attacked the living God? 
You can certainly verify that the state of California did attack God and the message of God. That was criminal, beginning to end, and a terrible sin! What happens to someone who attacks God Himself? What will God do about it? He will respond. “Vengeance is mine,” He says (Romans 12:19). 
This may not sound real to you—but it is reality!

Lord Six Pack claims that Herbert Armstrong. as Elijah, restored families and all things. Yet, Furry glosses over how dysfunctional Armstrong's own family was and how the church literally ripped families apart and destroyed relationships, much like he is doing today in their own cult with his appalling "no contact" ruling.

God promised to send a man in the spirit of Elijah the prophet right at the end of human history, in the days just before Jesus Christ’s return. That prophetic office was filled by Herbert W. Armstrong. That is how important he was! And he did a mighty work to build strong families: He established programs such as schools and summer camps; he provided spiritual instruction for both parents and children, including books like Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? and The Missing Dimension in Sex (both available free upon request). Family was key to his entire 50-plus-year ministry.

In Matthew 17:10-11, Christ spoke of this same end-time Elijah, and said that he would “restore all things.” He established the true doctrines of the Bible in the Church of God, just as God prophesied he would. He was here, and now he has died and is gone.

Lord Six Pack continues blaming the ministry who rebelled against Herbert and the law of the Worldwide Church of God (note: This means YOU, Bob Thiel!). 

The prophecy of Malachi is a strong warning aimed at God’s own ministers who rebelled against Him. In these verses that conclude the book, God says, You must bring families together—physical families, and the Family of God, the way Mr. Armstrong did. If you fail, you will lose your salvation unless you wake up! The “curse” in Malachi 4:6 is the loss of eternal life! This is the strongest warning you could imagine! 
Oh, how our society needs strong families! But families are being broken apart more and more. God says that is a great sin. Surely you can see that a strong nation needs strong families. A nation without solid families is very weak. 
God’s Word teaches us how to build our families, if only we will listen. There is mind-staggering hope in that—and in the fact that very soon, God will be building the Family all over Earth!

Sadly, Armstrongism has destroyed more families than anyone dares to imagine.  Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, X, Reddit, and countless other groups are filled with horror stories of what Armstrongism has done to individuals and families. There is NOTHING godly about Armstrongism and its hundreds of splinter groups, particularly when it comes to some of the more malevolent degenerates littering the COG landscape today.

Incompetent government officials, a once-in-a-decade Santa Ana wind of up to 100 mph, a spark from a Southern CA Edison power lies, dry shrubbery, and happenstance led to this disaster (at least in Altadena). Stop blaming everything on the petty, pathetic, pissed off god of Armstrongism. That god will never be satisfied. Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, and Bob Thiel are making sure of that.



Byker Bob said...

if God were piss3d off about anything in the '70s, it would be regarding HWA speaking presumptuously about 1972-75. He failed to validate HWA, which validation is precisely what would have happened if He had sent Jesus to return in 1975. If God had ever been working through HWA in the first place, there is no way He would have continued to do so following HWA's disgraceful despoiling of Dorothy!

But, Flurry apparently learned nothing from the great disappointment, and is still waiting on HWA's fairy tales.


BP8 said...

What Armstrong was notorious for and what Flurry is doing now is projecting their own narrative on current events, interpreting causation as they please. It's quite effective, the UN and our government does it all the time. Every extreme weather event (even these fires) is now proof of climate change, and now Trump is blaming "diversity" for the recent DC air crash.

Trust your leaders people---NOT!

Tonto said...

Logic 101-- Just because "B" follows "A", does not mean that "A" causes "B" !

Anonymous said...

Before 2010, earthquakes of any magnitude were extraordinarily rare in Oklahoma. Since PCG opened its Armstrong Auditorium in 2010, the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma has increased by nearly a hundredfold, while the number of earthquakes in California has remained almost unchanged. If Lil' Stevie wants to rant about earthquakes as God's judgment, he needs to look a lot closer to home.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the funny thing is, diversity actually works, except for people who don't want it to.