Friday, June 30, 2023

Did you know that HWA personally stopped a nuclear war?


The idolatry of Herbert Armstrong continues on unabated by Samuel Kitchen. I bet you did not know that HWA was so powerful that he was able to stop a nuclear war from happening. Sadly, with his death, a void has been created in the world, and world leaders have had no direction on how to run their countries since HWA died. 

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."( Malachi 4:5-6)
"Curse" here means UTTER DESTRUCTION.
Nuclear war qualifies as utter destruction and in this prophecy lies the answer to our question.
God raises up a single man, and through that man He does a work, and by that work God stops nuclear destruction.
This man must have had access to those who had the big red button. He must have met with the leaders of nations! The Kings, Queens, Presidents, Emperors, Prime ministers and other heads of state.
He must have!
Who does that sound like to you?
In the face of nuclear war, Herbert W Armstrong met with leaders and talked to them about the way of peace, and what the Bible prophecies for our peoples and talked of how peace will only come about one way and those leaders heard him! Some listened.
So nuclear war was staved off.
With HWA's death, there was a void in the world with world leaders. The Pope understood that with HWA's death, there was a void to be filled and he is trying to do it.

Jesus Christ used Herbert W Armstrong to reach leaders of nations around the world and to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God (fulfilling Matthew 24:14), and that stopped a QUICK DESTRUCTION.
Satan changed tactics.

Of course, he did. There is always a convenient excuse for why time continues to go on and COG leaders continue to be caught lying.

The landscape that surrounded nuclear war was changed by God. It was done through one man. God will intervene for the elect's sake(The Worldwide Church of God)and bring things to a close sooner rather than later.

That explains why time has elongated since Herbert W Armstrong was on the world scene. 
His absence has created a vacuum. Nations are left to do as they will with zero influence from a true man of God. The Pope of Rome has attempted to fill that void, and not surprisingly will lead nations to war in the name of peace.

Time has been extended because as usual, the church is NOT ready. Church members cannot do anything right for the last 80-some years. Jesus has to sit there twiddling his thumbs until the church gets it all right. What a weak pathetic impotent god! 

So time has been elongated to PURIFY the Worldwide Church of God. Satan is persecuting the Church(Rev 12:13). He has created a landscape of multiple choices, so you can let go of Herbert W Armstrong and the identity of the Worldwide Church of God, and fall prey to his traps. 
The key is to stick with God's apostle and stick with what He taught, and stick with the identity of the Worldwide Church of God! Hold fast to what you have, not throw it away for something you determined is "better" for you.

Apparently, salvation still is unavailable for COG members unless they follow HWA and Bob Thiel, two of the greatest men to ever walk this earth.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

11,000,000 and Counting!!!!!


UCG Is Planning Early For It's Annual Christmas Family Gathering

Bah, Humbug! 

Now listen boys and girls, when you enter the hotel make sure to NOT look at all the pretty Christmas decorations and the beautiful Christmas tree. Do not even think about having a Christmas cookie! Also, please remember to wear earplugs at all times so that you are NOT tainted by the evil satanic Christmas music playing around the hotel. 

Remember to bring lots of the Holidays or Holy Days booklets to scatter around the hotel and conference center complex to do your part in spreading the gospel! Always carry a couple with you in case anyone wishes you a Merry Christmas, then you can hand them the booklet. What a great opportunity you have to share the gospel and thwart Satan!

Winter Family Weekend - New Location! 
Although we’ve just entered summer, plans for Winter Family Weekend have begun! WFW this year will be held at a new facility—Champion Mill Conference Center in Hamilton, Ohio. Everything is conveniently all at one location. 
We’ll stay at the new Warehouse Hotel at Champion Mill and use the brand-new huge sports facility featuring 14 beautiful hardwood courts and 14 sport courts. 
You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to gather together for Sabbath services, seminars, sports, dances and activities for all ages. 
Plan now to attend Winter Family Weekend. It will begin Friday evening, Dec. 22, and end Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023. 
Watch for further updates on and a special video preview!