Saturday, July 6, 2013

Davey Pack Declares He Is Ready To Give Absolution To Wayward COG Members When They Return To His "True" Fold

Davey has it in for the men in charge of the various splinter groups.  While it may revolve around what some of  them teach, it runs far deeper.  Davey is still incensed that church members are giving their money to these groups.  He hates that with a passion.  Every single letter he writes has to have this pointing it.  that money belongs to Davey and he cannot understand why no one else in the various COG's understand that.

On top of all this, brethren foolishly sent tithes to God’s enemies who were teaching them “damnable heresies.” The men leading PCG, LCG, UCG and COGwa are God’s ENEMIES! (You have actually read this in these announcements from Mr. Armstrong’s own pen.) God’s people assumed they were following faithful leaders when these men were in fact “evil men and seducers” who were growing “worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (II Tim. 3:13). Also weak and confused themselves, many ministers have been participants with false leaders over the groups. God must deal with these leaders—and you will see in a few weeks how prophecy reveals He will! For now, you at least know how soon this will happen.

Davey's god is so pissed off with the COG's that he has deliberately left them in a state of turmoil.  No one in the splinter groups has listened to Davey or his god.  That has ticked Davey off big time.

Davey's god though is ready to bring back the wayward apostates in the COG's into the loving arms of St Dave who will forgive them of the adultery, lying, stealing and Sabbath breaking they are all guilty of.
God left His people in this terrible condition so they would “learn from affliction” (Psa. 119:67, 71). Much like the prodigal son, who blew everything before he woke up, God’s people had to learn bitter lessons and repent from their wrong conduct and false beliefs. They had to “consider their ways.” Only then could they return to God’s Church. (I have written an entire announcement outlining the meaning of “consider your ways,” along with how to do it.) God has been trying to get the attention of brethren in the splinters about their condition by sending desolation upon them. It has not worked, and Haggai shows that God knew it would not. Although He has not yet been working with large numbers in these “houses” of men, He soon will through His Spirit. As a loving shepherd, God will regather the non-resistant part of His flock back to His Church, REINSTATING THEM, just as any good local pastor would do with one who was disfellowshipped for adultery, lying, stealing tithes, Sabbath breaking, etc.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Davey Pack: Jesus Was Kicked Out of the Church in 1992

“This people” (recall Hag. 1:2) assumed they were spiritually “okay” after leaving the WCG. They thought they had “done the right thing.” But they were not okay. Therefore, God allowed them to go on to follow rebellious leaders not chosen by Him. This happened because they were not close to God as they should have been. As I have explained many times before, when Jesus Christ was put out of the Church in late 1992 (through the God Is…booklet), most brethren did not recognize what had happened—they did not seem to miss the true God! Of course, they went on to reject God’s government and many of His truths, falling into a variety of false doctrines (more all the time) and deplorable spiritual behavior. These people (brethren) also assumed they were doing God’s Work as Mr. Armstrong taught—many also thinking they were following God’s government—all believed they were standing for the truth—all believed they were still in God’s Church! But they found themselves in many groups, and chose to conclude that God’s Church now consists of multiple organizations.

Joshua Davey fails to realize that he is just another in the 700+ splinter groups to form. He is exactly like those he condemns.

Balaam's Ass Davey Pack Says God Has Already Disfellowshipped You

If you are a Christian and have any inkling about New Covenant theology you would know that people have not been "disfellowshipped" from God.  Instead it is a story of reconciliation, mercy and grace.  Apostate pasturds like Pack, Flurry and Armstrong deny that understanding and focus instead on an angry vengeful god who is really, really pissed.  Balaam Davey invalidates the reason for the resurrection when he teaches this crap.

A final point before looking at reasons the prophecy is “on” for August 2013. As was mentioned in last Friday’s announcement, God has actually disfellowshipped His people—putting them out of the Church—“delivering them unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that their spirit might be saved” at Christ’s Return (I Cor. 5:5). Also read I Timothy 1:20. That God disfellowships people, usually through His ministers, should surprise no converted person.

God knew that the apostasy would spawn many thousands of people who would leave His destroyed corporate Church and enter multiple competing splinter groups. Since the falling away, these thousands have simply not been ready to return to His Church. This is because of their conduct. God has not been pleased with them—their doctrines, traditions, standards and behavior.