Friday, January 27, 2017

Prophecy Comes Alive!: Man-Pigs Live! False Prophet and Illegitimate COG Leader Indignant That He Was Mocked About Man-Pigs

Various news sources have published stories about the combining of human cells with pig cells to grow human organs in other animals for human transplant.  The Almost Arrested False prophet and illegitimate self appointed COG leader sees it as a sure sign that the world is coming to an end.  He has preached several times about man pigs taking over the world while ignoring Jesus and what he taught and what he accomplished and abolished.  New Covenant be damned, man pigs rule!  Does he really think any of his African followers care about such silly topics?  His three or four American members might since they feel the world is quickly about to crash into oblivion. His African members care more about living life free from hunger, terrorism, tribal fighting and slavery to Muslims.  They find solace and comfort in the stories of the scriptures and could care less about the endless troves of silly topics Habakkuk Thiel preaches about each week.  Do they care about football and rampaging man pigs running around the earth? That does not bother the false prophet though.

He is now incensed that he is being mocked.  The sensitive man/boy is stomping his feet in Arroyo Grande tonight.  He is livid I tell you!  Livid!  I can hear the steam whistling out of his ears all the way  down here in Rancho Santa Fe!

I warned about this in prior years as well as earlier this month.  I even made a sermonette video about this nearly three weeks ago: Half human, half pig: What’s the difference?
After I did this, the anti-Church of God website, Banned by HWA, posted the following, including vulgarities, about me:

Do 21st Century Christians Need To Worry About Man-Pigs? COG Prophet Thinks So!

I never cease to be amazed at the weirdness that continues to leak out of the minds of foolish Church of God leaders. …
Now we have our very own Doubly Blessed buffoon preaching a sermon about “man-pigs.” Yes, that is right.  Almost arrested, Elisha, Elijah, Amos Joshua, Habakkuk Bob Thiel felt the need to preach a sermon about “man-pigs and humanzee’s.” …
Thiel adds the title “Dr.” to  the front of his name he looks like a complete blithering idiot.  No “Dr.” in his right mind nor real theologian would ever preach such utter bullshit in a sermon.  This kind of idiocy is what occupies the mind of those that cannot and will not acknowledge Jesus.  The idiots are embarrassed to preach any thing that has to do with Jesus.
Just because the liar and certified false prophet waves his big thick Bible at the beginning of his video does not make himself an authority on the book he waves.
Maybe his 1,997 members in Africa might find his sermon slightly interesting due to the fact so many are still steeped in tribal myths and legends, but no Christian today has this topic occupying their mind.

Apparently the false prophet does not like having his sermons referred to as bullshit.   Sensitive little ears and self-righteous minds can't handle the truth.

The self-appointed false prophet and teacher then writes:
Are Christian leaders supposed to keep quiet about the sins of the end-time descendants of Israel?
According to some anti-Church of God critics, apparently so.
But you are not a real Christian Bob.  You are one in name only, a so-called Christian, unlike the real Christians around the world you deem less than worthy due to your high, dreamy,  doubly-blessed, status with your god. Plus worshipping the law while ignoring that inconvenient dude you pretend to follow and preaching worthless sermons about silly topics does not make you a Christian.  Waving your big thick bible does not make you a follower of God.

The fact still remains, you really do need to keep quiet!

Even worse in Thiel's eyes is that he was accused of copying Living Church of God's article about man pigs that it had published before Thiel had his hysterics.
Chimeras are an abomination! I have personally been warning/crying out against chimeras for years.
Yet, notice one of the ill-informed mockers at the Banned by HWA site posted the following comment about me:
Bob is just a copycat:
LCG was already preaching about Bob’s topic many months ago. A true prophet would have been crying aloud and sparing not about this vital topic long before the lukewarm LCG preachers were warning us about it.
January 15, 2017 at 8:19 AM
Claiming I just did this months after LCG did, to copy LCG on that, is absurd. Not only do I not recall ever seeing the LCG item, I have warned against chimeras for years. Need proof? See February 7, 2014 post: Russia looking at total GMO food ban; the frightening chimera research, as well as my article Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line?I also specifically warned against pig-human chimeras in 2015 (see Pig-Human GMOs proposed).
False prophet Thiel's priorities are seriously distorted.  That is apparent in his highlight comment above.

The fact still remains, he really does need to keep quiet!

A Polite Exchange of Perspectives

BobThiel writes:

Dear Dennis Diehl   

Read your post about me this morning at the Banned by HWA website. Since I do not always go to that site nor read all that is there, I would have thought that you would have emailed me if you really wanted a discussion.

(Hello  Bob,  Thank you for writing.  I had looked in the past on your site for a "contact me/us" button and did not find one so would not have known how to get in touch. 
I also am in alternative health.  I have therapeutic massage practice on the Willamette just outside Portland.  Have worked for a decade with chiropractors, and others along the way such as yourself.  I live in the neighborhood where HWA lived , worked and got baptized as well as near where Richard and Ted were born. 
Also, I suppose my public offer was because you had also taken me into the public arena on your site and the "Apostate former minister...."  label didn't help.  Just as you, I am not fond of labels and without you knowing my background and such, found my own buttons punched a bit.  Apostate would be your definition because I don't believe as you do or did not chose to continue my ministry through all the chaos and upheaval of the 90's and beyond.  Almost 30 years of daily ministry in 5 states and 14 congregations was enough.  To me, the whole WCG experience was a youthful mistake for which I will pay and pay.  I was a very compassionate, easy going and non judgmental type of minister and not beholding to the Armstrongs emotionally through those years due to my growing up Presbyterian and able to think for myself even as a WCG minister.  I'm not apostate.  I am awake.
I know Rod Meredith, Michael Germano, Gerald Weston and Doug Winnail personally.  I went to school with Gerald Flurry (arrogant even then) and Dave Pack.
As I believe you realize, I do NOT demand (nor want) the type of idolatrous following that David Pack and Gerald Flurry do.
And for that you should be congratulated.  Both of those men are classic narcissists with ALL the symptoms and behaviors.  Dave is taking his delusions many steps further as he, in my view, is slidding into religious delusions that are not going to end well.  He may be classically mentally ill.  We'll see.  His church is doomed.
While the Continuing Church of God does accept tithes and offering, unlike those men I have not asked people to sacrifice their funds or get into debt so that CCOG could construct buildings or make some massive campus.
I agree, you have not done that at all.  Good on ya!
Yet, on more than one occasion, you lumped me together with them--presumably knowing that I have written articles exposing their errors and positions.
I have , as has the blog owner at Banned and most of those who go to that sight for whatever personal reasons they have.  Money, treating members badly, spending on this or that is not the issue others take you to task for or consider you like them for.
The issue Bob is the taking of titles , out of the blue , for oneself  and the reasonings one goes to to come to such conclusions.  Flurry is Apostle and Prophet and even That Prophet which is beyond stupid.  Dave takes every ridiculous title for every ridiculous reason one can imagine.  He just makes it up.  You have declared yourself a prophet based on dreams and a "double portion" prayer during an anointing and it for that they take you to task and consider you like Flurry, Pack and Malm along with lesser knowns who also do the same thing. 
I won't challenge you on your own impression of yourself but you have to know that to trust in a dream , dreams we all have as the mind processes the day and even our inner issues are not how we should govern our lives.  I dream every week of speaking at the feast but don't think it means I should.  They feel you simply could not get along with LCG, were not listened to, promoted or given credit for your ideas and with sour grapes walked off , made up reasons you could become a prophet and here you are, yet another sliver of the church.  That's what they consider you to be like them for.  With 700 slivers all over the world as the debris of WCG, it's an oft told tale
The site watchers and Gary also find your presentations less than professional. If you have some funds, why not put it into making them more credible.  I watched , all I could , your "sermon" using the answers from the letter answering dept of yore.  Why bother Bob?  It makes you look like you have nothing real to say.  Those answers are way out of date and to even bother with some you addressed sets you up for ridicule. No one cares about dogs and tithing and many other nit picking topics of the past.  Much of those answers are outdated and simply out of context and merely opinions on things no one cares about. 
No one cares about dangers of football and what would Jesus watch.  They are going to mock you for that.  (Football is dangerous but it's not a theological topic and makes you look shallow and petty)  No one in the NT fussed about gladiators or the arena down the street and probably did not because it would have been harmful to their survival for going against Rome which you'd not even know ran the show by reading the Gospels, Epistles or letters. 
Anyway, I spare you, but if you want more credibility, at least invest a bit your setting and look professional
You also probably realize that I do not take a salary from the Continuing Church of God. Instead, after paying for expenses related to proclaiming the gospel (mainly related to literature and videos), the bulk of our remaining funds go to Africa to reach people there as well as to support the poor, widows, and orphans.
Excellent.  We did all that growing up in our Calvinistic Presbyterian Church.  It was what churches of my youth did.  WCG only seemed to help out if it benefited them and of course Dave believes helping anyone but himself is just wrong.
Regarding the 6000 years, I presume you realize that I believe in a version of what is called the 'gap theory' (, hence I do not believe that I have ignored paleontology.
Yes, and I don't believe such things.  Good science done well shows the universe to be 14.5 billion years old, earth to be 4.5 billion years old.  The issues we could discuss are not so much evolution as that is not either of our areas of expertise, but rather creationism vs science and whether Genesis is literally true or myths with other reasons for being written, which I believe.  I see , as do many, no reason to take Genesis 1-11 as anything but myth and those taken from Sumerian creation tales with a Hebrew spin.  This is not difficult to show.  I have my doubts about the literal existence of Abraham, Moses, the Exodus right up to David and Solomon with those stories including the Pentateuch being written by the established priesthood in the Babylonian captivity etc.  Long story but accepted by many to be the case.  An acquaintance , Israel Finkelstein, author of The Bible Unearthed gave me some good insights into that when digging at Megiddo of which he was in charge when I was there for a summer.  He is one of Israel's premier archaeologists.
You have ignored actual paleontology I think but we can save that for another day.
I imagine you'd defend creationist thinking exactly as Dave Pack did in his almost endless series where he made a fool out of himself and was called out for it on a video rebuttal by Aron Ra, who has the actual background to put such topics to rest.  If you have not seen what he did to Dave ,  you might learn from it if you have an open mind to updated scientific discover of the past 40 years.
You'd not want Aron focusing on you and your "simple four proof against evolution"

As far as  Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson goes, are you serious? In all due respect, he comes across as a zealot to push an anti-God agenda and certainly not as a scientist interested in the truth. I watched several of his television programs years ago and my recollection is that I found his 'proofs' sorely lacking.
Are you serious?  If that's how you view men such as him with their background and training, nothing will get through to you.  You should update from "years ago" and try again.  Your own "proofs" of many things , including your gross misunderstanding of the context and meaning of Isaiah's "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little" shows you won't change in the midst of overwhelming evidence on even this small point.  It is NOT a scripture on how to study the Bible .  If you have not read the context of it , here is my take on it which reflects that of real theologians well trained. 
Could you admit to being wrong about this?  If not, can you prove to me why you think it does mean "this is how to study scripture " in Isaiah's mind?
I am a published scientist myself, as you can verify if you go to PubMed, the US National Institutes of Health's medical database.
Then you should know better and while you might have a scientific background in one topic or another, you do not have a background in cosmology, paleontology or archaeology as do I not.
, you list in your profile the Banned by HWA website. That site regularly makes false and misleading statements about me, puts out headlines about me that are not true, and lumps me in with others in a manner that is often inappropriate. It needs to cease and desist doing that.
Why don't you write an article explaining what you find wrong and why and send it to me or Gary to print.  I am only a guest writer at Banned.  It is not my site and I don't control who ceases and desists what. 
I would suggest that you work with the people at that site so they stop trying to mislead people about me and the Continuing Church of God. If you can do so, then perhaps a more public debate about why evolution is scientifically-flawed could make sense.

Bob Thiel
I'd rather address the topic of biblical errancy, myth vs literalism and New Testament origins and politic.  Would love to chat about who Paul is and was and why you can't go with Peter, James and John AND Paul.  Each hated the other and did not believe the same things about Jesus.  Galatians makes that very very clear.  I will say that Paul declared himself in the same way Flurry, Pack and others have taken their titles and ordinations to themselves.  That is not a compliment.  The Jesus of Paul was a Cosmic, Hallucinatory Christ and Paul had no use for the teachings of the Jewish Christian church under James...  Long story, never mind
Thank you for your response . Hope this helps you to get to know me a bit.  Remember, I am not an apostate.  I am awake


Dear Dennis:
About a 1/2 hour after I sent my email to you, I saw you posted against me again, etc.

*(I posted nothing so not sure what Bob was referring too and it went unexplained.)

I am sorry that you seem to believe that you are beyond "the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).
As far as many of the matters you brought up, I would refer you to as there are articles on many of those topics.
But I will state that dreams consistent with scripture, that are later confirmed (and this includes dreams of others), combined with prayer being answered, is different than simply having random dreams.
As far as presentations go, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul were not good that way. I try, but recognize that I have limits. God does not always work through the most entertaining presenters.
Bob Thiel

Thursday, January 26, 2017

LCG and the Final Training: Just Who Will Make the Final Cut?

Rod Meredith has his latest co-worker/member letter up and shockingly it is devoid of any gay talk, but here is plenty of demon talk and final training talk.

Meredith ends his letter with the following:

Please, co-workers and brethren, try to totally commit yourself to the God of the Bible and to His coming Kingdom! It is very real! It is coming relatively soon—sooner than many people believe! Those of us in this Work are going “all out” to prepare the way for that coming Government. We are trying to train those people who could be literal kings and priests assisting Christ in ruling this world in His coming Kingdom. We are a “team” to help prepare the way for Christ’s return and to prepare a “people for God” who really will surrender their lives to do His will and His Work with all their hearts! May God make each one of you more willing to be an active part of that “team” and be rewarded foreverbecause you have been willing to totally commit to the genuine future and to the real Government which will soon rule this earth and the entire universe.
With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith
This is the same old song and dance he has been writing about for decades.  The problem in 2017 is just WHO exactly is the correct group teaching the correct people to be kings, priests and future gods?  If Meredith and his crew are the only ones doing this then what happens to Dave Pack's crew who claims the same thing?  What about Gerald Flurry?  He claims he and his little band of degenerate scumbags are also training the true spiritual leaders.   How can all of that be when United Church of God and Church of God a Worldwide Association also claim the very same thing.  Is God going to pick a few from each group to make everyone happy?  Where does this leave super self-righteous Bob Thiel and his merry band of African members?

The other thing to consider with all of these groups is that they all intend to be safely secured in the desert of Jordan as they receive their final training in Petra.  Who is the rightful heir to Petra?  Is it first come first to rule, or will they all sit around a campfire and diplomatically vote on who reigns supreme?  Will they hug each other and finally agree they are  brothers and stop their petty grandiose behaviors?  Will Bob Thiel hug Rod Meredith and apologize and say "Can't we all just be friends, Big Daddy?"

Don't count on it!  All of these self-serving and self-appointed narcissists will never be able to give up control.  They have spent too many decades lying about themselves to everyone that they no longer have any humility left.  All any of them can do anymore is think about themselves and what new title they can dream up.  Just how many apostles, prophets, Pastor Generals, Chief Overseers, and doubly-blessed end time witnesses do we need?