Saturday, December 24, 2022

Satan Disrupts Winter Family Weekend!!!!

Usually, that bad boy Satan takes his anger out on the true church around Feast or Passover time. This year he has upped his game and is now attacking Winter Family Weekends! Being that WFW's are the Churches of God alternate version of Christmas, even this event can't come under scrutiny from Satan.

The Lexington, Kentucky WFW site has had all kinds of issues. First, it was the snowmageddon that is wreaking havoc across the midwest, then the boiler at the hotel burst flooding the conference hall. Then to add misery to the already miserable situation, the power went out!

Satan is NOT happy!

From Facebook:

From a Banned reader

RCG: Why Are There No Ministers Left In RCG With Integrity?


On Saturday, December 24 at 9:40 AM EDT, 

Jesus Christ will bring salvation to The Restored Church of God 

David C Pack

Well, here we are, it is 10:49 am on the West Coast and Christ has not manifested himself to Dave Pack nor appeared in Wadsworth to walk the sacred grounds of the property. This means it is early afternoon in Wadsworth and Restored Church of God members are dejected and disappointed once again. They swallowed his lie believing that what Dave was saying was true.

Around Dave is his council of 16 men, men are supposed to be men of integrity and men of high moral and ethical standards, the pinnacle of what a true minister of God should be. Yet, there they sit listing to Dave ramble on in another sermon about why God has been playing with Dave and testing him with false dates. 

Many of them know deep down that most of what Dave says is a blatant lie, yet they sit there nodding their heads as they copiously take notes so Dave is impressed by them. After church, they may pat a few dejected members on their shoulders and tell them to keep the faith and then walk out the door and head down the street to their church-owned home all warm and toasty with blessings of food and family surrounding them, leaving all their concerns on their front steps or outside in the snow. After all, this nice home with a well-stocked kitchen and a steady paycheck is far more important than being men of integrity by taking a stand and calling Dave out as a liar and a false prophet.

These same guys have sat through years of Dave's rants with everything he has uttered being a total failure and yet they do nothing. They sit there and think it is ok for Dave to publicly state that he hardly sees his wife at times because he is such a dedicated servant of God and spends all of his hours in his office studying. Hours that have been a total waste of time and hours taken away from quality time with his wife.

Sadly, as the Churches of God inch closer to the 37th anniversary of Herbert Armstrong's death and their apostasy from the mother church, there are fewer men with real integrity left in any of the COGs. Worshipping their paycheck more than the Christ they "claim" to be following, these men sit there and watch as false prophets and liars wreak havoc with the members. Members they are supposed to be shepherds of, protecting, feeding, and caring for them.

Are there any real men with integrity left in the ministry?

Friday, December 23, 2022

Dave Pack: Christ Returns Bringing Salvation December 24 at 9:40 A.M. EDT


2022: Seven Years


In less than 24 hours, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God will fail again in a spectacular way. This will be an awful weekend for him, and not just because of the severe winter storm.


His imaginary construct for the return of Jesus Christ will NOT occur on Tevet 1, which begins sunset on December 24, 2022. Whether you calculate sunset Jerusalem time or local time, this will result in the same biblical event: a prophetic no-show.


This will be Dave’s worst Christmas ever. And for some in RCG, but only if they let it.


The first Tevet 1 declaration was on November 5, 2022, during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 403).”


@ 12:12 We’re gonna begin to prove in absolute certainty that the Day of the Lord is the first day of Tevet…And therefore, the Kingdom of God comes one month before that.


According to the latest messages, the Day of the Lord now falls on New Year's Eve, and the Kingdom of God arrives on Tevet 1. Maybe that is only a minor quibble, as unveiling the Mystery of God is a slow process that requires a lot of patience and a lot of faith over seven painful years.


Before you get excited, remember that this was also the message Dave got on his haunches, being so confident of his own bellowing.


@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022.


Ouch. The words of David C. Pack do not age well. There are volumes of foolish quotes that should embarrass everyone in RCG. They were delivered with hubristic confidence, but all have been proven utterly false.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 18:34 I believe that [Tammuz 1] no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


Part 385 – July 30, 2022

@ 08:27 …I’m gonna prove absolutely, incontrovertibly straight out of your Bible over and over again that the only possible day for the Day of the Lord is, in fact, the Feast of Trumpets.


Part 386 – August 2, 2022

@ 13:39 Because we have to see Christ by next Sunday.


Part 394 – September 24, 2022

@ 39:15 So, you’re blessed when you get to a day. At 11:33 tomorrow, you’ve made it.


Part 398 – October 10, 2022

@ 3:56 …now, this is a very dramatic statement, the Kingdom will arrive at dawn in Jerusalem day two of the Feast.


Part 405 – November 16, 2022

@ 00:52 The Series will be over. So, because of timing, I think we all know that this could readily be called “Final Part Number 405.”


David C. Pack lies.

David C. Pack is not a man of his word.

David C. Pack is 100% wrong 100% of the time.



Are these opinions or facts?


A simple passing of time forced this conclusion.



Dave has made a big deal about the Series going on for seven years. Seven long years.


“The Greatest Story Never Told! (Part 1)” was given on November 14, 2015.


The more significant date is Part 8: December 26, 2015.


This was the day that David C. Pack declared That Prophet was Elijah, NOT Jesus Christ. Since he had announced that he was Elijah on January 24, 2015, he was now also That Prophet.


This was the day RCG “broke” for me. This was the day David C. Pack became a false apostle. This was the day David C. Pack took a title belonging to Jesus Christ onto himself. That process only accelerated.


Looking back, I now realize this was when The Restored Church of God became The Restored Church of Another god. It took me a long time to recognize that.



Like many others who left RCG, I have tried to wrap my mind around what went wrong and what God is doing. Monday is the seventh anniversary of "Elijah is That Prophet," and the timing is fascinating to consider since Dave went "all in" for a December 24/25 return of Jesus Christ.


Could that just be a coincidence? Absolutely. The Magic 8 Ball is not making proclamations.


While trying to make sense of what happened with Dave and RCG, I looked to the Bible to find parallels and types. Some pop off the page and almost gives you chills.


Those in RCG do not endure sound doctrine but have itching ears. They turned away from the truth toward fables. There have been seven years of fables called "The Greatest Untold Story!" These people are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men who use cunning craftiness. The enabling clouds are without water living in their cieled Campus houses. The hirelings care not for the sheep.


David C. Pack is a false prophet. Every sign and wonder has not come to pass, and he has admitted he speaks presumptuously. Therefore, God did not send him, and we should not be afraid of him.


David C. Pack is a type of King Saul. He was head and shoulders above the others. A “mighty man” leading God’s people. A king who caused his own men to sin. A king full of arrogance, disobeying Samuel by sacrificing unlawfully and taking an office to himself. His kingdom was torn from him. Saul was vexed by dark spirits and had murder in his heart. His end was not good.


The Man of Sin sits in the temple of God, and nobody sits more than David C. Pack. Though, he has tried to reverse that recently by standing since Part 398 on October 10. Keep an eye on how long that lasts.


The Foolish Shepherd of Zechariah 11 does not seek the ones who have wandered off, does not heal the broken, nor does he feed those that stand before him. Instead, he eats the flesh of the fat. That sounds eerily familiar.


Nebuchadnezzar surveyed his vast empire and said, “Look at this I have built.” God cursed him as a wild beast of the field with dew upon his back while he ate grass. For seven years. David C. Pack has been a spiritual wild beast speaking nonsense for seven years. If there was hope for Nebuchadnezzar to repent, there is hope for David C. Pack.


There are many more examples in the Bible that could be stated. But you get the point. The Bible is a living book that is so alive when you hold it as a light on David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God.



On Saturday, December 24 at 9:40 AM EDT, Jesus Christ will NOT bring salvation to The Restored Church of God because Tevet 1 occurs “in the midst of the years," beginning the Kingdom of God on a Sunday Christmas.


This will not happen. Call me Debbie Downer, but that is a fact.


After this failure, where does Dave go? Is 2023 going to be a rinse-and-repeat of pushing every two weeks all year?


If you look at the Bible pattern and what he has already said, the next big step is for him to hear an utterance from God. This will happen while he is on his knees in prayer. He will hear an audible voice and he will not be making it up.


A day will come when David C. Pack announces to RCG that God spoke to him. That is when it gets really serious for everyone. What that voice says could be an entire “What If?” article. The trajectory of The Restored Church of God is headed down this road. The groundwork has already been laid.


Seven years of the Series. Seven years of failed dates. Seven years of excuses. Seven years of prophetic schizophrenia. Seven years of lies. Seven years of Elijah as That Prophet.


Seven years of David C. Pack building himself up to be some great one.


Will there be seven more?

Marc Cebrian

See: 2022: Seven Years