Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PCG's "Mr." Falk Has An Announcement That Affects EVERY Person In America

In a move that is reminiscent of Dave Packs over glorified "press releases" the PCG has released a video about how news is gathered in the United States.  This is astounding news that impacts EVERY A person in America.   ho hum

It is another conspiracy that dumb Americans are too stupid to realize what is going on.  Only the highly intelligent "Mr." Falk understands this mind boggling information.

With all their money behind the video it still is about as amateurish as Bob Thiel's videos are.  Malone interviews with his nose up in the air like he is sitting on the ground and "Mr." Falk gives his interview while starring up at something higher than he is instead of directly across from him.

Its all about the "famine of the word.    The Chinese are giddy about the demise of America and the PCG feels it is responsible to share the same stories. Of course you can only understand the news if you also subscribe to PCG magazines.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Living Church of God Proclaims: "This IS NOT My Fathers World" - Except For When He Is Pissed Then Its His World To Spank

Wallace Smith from the Living Church of God has a commentary up today about the tornadoes in Oklahoma.  He has this to say:

God did not intend the world to give birth to devastating storms that would wreak violent havoc and bring death and destruction upon the people He created. Rather, when God lovingly fashioned and molded His world, He called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). He did not intend the world to unleash powerful tornadoes against its weakest inhabitants and to take the lives of children. He desires a world in which children can play safely in the streets (cf. Zechariah 8:5) without concern about harm of any sort.

In the face of such tragedy and grief, Christians should pray for every bereaved mother, father and child, and that God will have mercy on those who suffer. And, just as certainly, we should pitch in where we can. Christians serve a God of compassion and a Messiah who made tangible His Father’s love through His actions on earth. His compassion and love should flow in true Christians and stir them to do as their Lord did when surrounded by suffering.
It is excellent that Wallace tells LCGers to chip in where they can.  So please start collecting money for the people who lost their homes.  Start helping people rebuild houses and businesses.  Help pay for the funerals of the children killed by your pissed off god. Help rebuild the damaged Christian churches.

The problem is, we don't believe you.  The Church of God, including the LCG, has an abysmal track record on helping their neighbor.  The LCG spends almost all of its time focused on condemning their neighbors, even to the point calling them fake/false Christians.  Every time they use the label "TRUE Christian" it means that every single person outside of the LCG are nothing more than sinful piles of human garbage destined for death and destruction.

LCG claims this is not their god's world, yet when they want to see the people chastised their god springs into action and causes earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves and floods. Their god then rules the earth.

Its hard to figure out what the god that LCG follows is.  Is he the god of this world that rules the weather or is he not?  LCG claims that God causes the storms to test and try the people in order to make them repent, yet they also claim their god has a hands off stance and sits back looking on longingly as he sees creation destroyed.

While no calamity befalls this world without God’s allowing it to be so (cf. Amos 3:6), we must not assume that He is happy that it is so (cf. Ezekiel 33:11). God has given us free moral agency, so He must witness great suffering in a world that He intends for far better things. Yet, how it must stir Him—with a passion we can scarcely comprehend—in His yearning to set this world right and to establish His Kingdom after mankind has finally learned the tragic lessons it seems we can learn in no other way. How He must long for the soon-coming day when He will ensure such calamities never occur again.
Of course he has to keep "longing" since the COG folk still cannot get things right with their god so he has to keep delaying Jesus' return.  Its your fault that the tornadoes are still allowed to happen.  If the COG would repent and get right with their god then Jesus Christ could return and fix it all.

Wallace continues:

As His people, Christians ought to share that same longing for the Kingdom. Events like the tragic Oklahoma tornado should remind us that a world apart from God will inevitably be filled with indiscriminating tragedy. They ought to remind us that the prideful path our nations are on promises only worse to come. And they should stir the hearts of God’s people, moving them to grieve with the grieving, to warn those who need warning, to reach with the truth those who need reaching—and to roll up their sleeves, wade into the rubble, and help those who need help, all while praying even more earnestly than before, “Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10).
 Everyone should also be reminded that the prideful arrogance of the Living Church of God and Rod Meredith caused Terry Ratzmann to flip out and murder LCG members while in church one cold Saturday morning.  We should all be reminded of the prideful path that the LCG has always been on.

Please, PLEASE set an example for us and the entire COG and get out there and roll your sleeves up, wade into the rubble and help those in need.  PLEASE practice what you preach!.

Dennis Holds Bob Thiel Accountable - Bob Responds


See Thiel Response below

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI sent the following to Dr. Bob as well as posting here. I am not giving him a pass on his stupidity just here. I want to be sure he got another perspective personally.

I am the "human who often thought" as I personally challenged him yesterday.

Dear Robert,

You once again note:

"While humans often seem to think otherwise, (There are scientific and historical reasons why humans often, these days, think this way Bob,) God is in charge and controls the weather. (Only in the mind of a Bronze Age, superstitious and ignorant human beings) Notice the following:

17 He casts out His hail like morsels;
Who can stand before His cold?
18 He sends out His word and melts them;
He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. (Psalms 147:17-18)
Fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word” (Psalm 148:8 , RAV).
17 I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands; yet you did not turn to Me,’ says the Lord. (Haggai 2:17)......"etc...etc.....
And while tornadoes are common in the US Mid-West this time of year, weather-problems are one way that God uses to try to get peoples’ attention to repent (cf. Haggai 2:17). It seems that the severity of destruction from tornadoes has increased in the past few years.

God wants people everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). He uses weather for correction and for His mercy (Job 37:13)."

I could easily post on some blog but I wanted to personally make a suggestion to you as you go about your both theological and scientific ignorance during hard times for nice folk.

You really need to think long and hard about how you speak and to whom you attribute these common yet disastrous storms to. We all know if they fell upon your head, you'd blame Satan. When it falls on others, you, the very fake and self appointed, self-righteous prophet of sheer ignorance give God the credit as if you knew. I would suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut during such times as these for others. Or better yet, get your sorry ass to Oklahoma if you have so much time to pontificate about things you know little about and actually help another human being. After all, you are a doctor of some sort.

The Karma Fairy generally lives here with me, but I suspect you will be getting a visit from her in time. I'm not giving you a pass on your silly yet terribly ignorant views of science and your Old Testament God who you think somehow became Jesus. You're grasp of the Old Testament and the New is slippery at best.

I'll be posting this on BannedHWA just so all can see it and perhaps also not give you a pass as you sit comfortably in your home passing judgment on the misery of others in an attempt to draw others to you as gifted with special insights. You are not gifted in such things. I suggest it is you who needs to repent and not those who have not dodged the bullet this time they know all their lives is a part of where they live.

Hug you're children Bob. You're not spending the day picking them out of the rubble, bloating and very very dead, in Jesus name I suppose according to you.

Why not give up being a fake OT prophet and try the Sermon on the Mount Jesus for a bit. Creepy for you, I can imagine ,along with those of LCG, Gerald Flurry and of course Dave Pack who you are really not much different from at all. All of you have problems with ego and none seem to be able to be able to work with others preferring rather to have the final say.

Being around any of you guys in the Kingdom of God would give most others cramps and gas...

Warm regards, with highs in the 80's and the chance of thunderstorms at 90%
Dennis Diehl
May 21, 2013 at 9:30 AM

 Dennis' comments in blue:
Dear Dennis:

"Various portions of your claims are wrong. I am not fake nor self-appointed as a prophet. Hands were laid upon me as you should be well aware, yet critics like you discount that. Paul and Jesus had similar critics."
From what I can tell and what others have noted, you only perceived the "double portion" aspect of the comments made during being anointed for something else had much more meaning than intended. It was obvious from your comments after the fact you simply did not feel listened to and appreciated in LCG and packed up. All well and good I suppose but the claim to being some kind of prophet is simply silly. I pastored 14 congregations in 5 states over 26 years and as I have noted, have met 23 of the Two Witnesses and countless prophets, some complete with scripture robes and hoods and they were all deluded and misguided mere humans. Theirs and your biggest mistake is in reading the Bible like a newspaper, out of context and sensationalized for our times. You hurt people with this prophecy baiting and use fear to motivate which only leaves you with brain dead minds slaves as we see in LCG, PCG and RCG.
"Based on what you wrote to me this week, it is clear that you no longer agree with what the Bible teaches, and hence you and I will disagree on many matters. You seem to hope that people who do believe the Bible will accept your conclusions about weather, me, etc."

I no longer agree that the Bible is an up to date, scientifically and historically accurate document. Humans don't really come for Adam and Eve and mythologies cannot be made into realities. I only ever wanted and still want in life to know the real truth of things and that is never going to be achieved living the Bible Box refusing to upgrade from 2500 years ago. It's a very long story of course and takes an open mind and a fearless curiosity letting truth take you where it actually goes and not where one wishes it would lead.

"You attempt to associate me with people like Gerald Flurry and David Pack suggests that you simply do not pay enough attention to the facts about me and them."

I pay more attention than you can imagine.

"But that is common for many at the Banned site, including the fact that a lot of false, misleading, and inaccurate information is regularly posted there by those who have insufficient love of the truth."

It's not difficult to do this Bob. You sound like them and you think like them. Many on Banned love the truth so much they are willing to investigate what others merely told them in the past was true, and come to different conclusions. Not loving the errors, inerrancy and origins of both OT and NT is not, not loving the truth. It is just being honest and doing one's homework over time. There is more truth than Bronze Age or Hebrew truth in this Universe.

Thank you for your response
