I gave one on "The Wonderful World Tomorrow" as expected to do and perhaps even assigned to do in those years. I chose to quote much of "Touch the Earth" which was based on Native American observations about what was wrong with White Culture and how we tore up the planet and had lost touch with nature and the Earth itself accept to exploit it. We have lost ourselves in doing and forgotten what just being means to our good mental health. I expressed the hope that the Wonderful World Tomorrow was more in the Touch the Earth mode than subdue, which original meaning or not seems to mean "plunder" it and exercise "dominion" over every creature as was the original Biblical injunction.
After that sermon a Native American Cherokee family came up to me with tears in their eyes to thank me for addressing Native Cultural perspectives. It was a sermon they had never heard in WCG and always felt marginalized as we all might expect. The next day they presented me with five beautiful arrowheads and a turquois tie pin with a silver feather attached. I will never forget that.
The two red points were gifts from Cherokee WCG Members .
They are Florida Points that made their way up the Coast to Georgia. They date from the Middle Archaic Period of 8000 to 5000 years ago.
If I had a chance to give one more, it would be this one.
In hindsight, living in the Present Moment in one's actual life, without always looking ahead 3-5, 10 max with 25 for sure before the Kingdom comes, ate up way too much real life time and for nothing. Lesson learned.