Saturday, February 5, 2022

CGI: Bill Watson Exhibits The Typical COG Leadership's Condescending Attitude Towards Anyone That Dares To Question Them


There is one thing that Church of God leaders and ministers dislike and that is to be questioned about their utterances. Nothing infuriates lofty leaders more than having one of the lowly sheeple find what they say to be wrong. Seriously!  How dare they not think like the leader! They are God's mouthpiece here on earth and you must obey them even when they are a shill for NewsMax.

We have watched over the last couple of years the interaction between Bill Watson and Lonnie Hendrix's (and others) and almost every time it is a knee-jerk reaction from Watson getting all pissy. Gone are the days when Ian Boyne participated here. Of any COG leader, he was the only one with real integrity and saw through the crap that occupies the minds of so many of the American CGI leadership. Boyne thankfully led the Jamaican church away from the legalist crap of the American side of the church and had the largest CGI congregation anywhere that were active and RESPECTED in the community, took care of each other, and actually enjoyed worship services with lively music and singing. 

Here is Watson's knee-jerk reaction to Hendrix's latest questioning. The condescension drips. 

COG "christianity" at its finest!

I'm really sorry you have fallen prey to the Devil's work of "accusing the brethren" because this is exactly what you're doing (Rev. 12:10). Your dissonance is nauseous already and sadly, should be recognizable to you. But, your (sic) blinded by your own "projections" that you continue to "spin" to justify your meaningless accomplishments and to appease your own insecurities--so sad! You're only embarrassing yourself by these misappropriated ramblings and rants, for years now. It's unfortunate you don't see yourself because what you're doing is such a waste of time and so self-destructive. 
Frankly, with all the education you have, you'd think you would be more productive in your life, but you continue to mindlessly, ridicule and criticize a work of God. Let me suggest you go back to working at a fast food restaurant and at least do something more worthwhile. Because you obviously have too much time on your hands. Watching you waste your life in this self-deprecating behavior is pathetic––you really are showing serious signs of obsessive mental and emotional trauma. Perhaps, you should get some therapy? It may be you're suffering from some PTS syndrome and don't realize it. But, your "obsession" with dogging us (CGI) and me in particular, choosing to "rag" on anything and everything is really sick and unstable. Get some professional help Lonnie. 
So, please stop sending me these accusation and false narratives––you're just wasting your time because from here on out I won't be responding, lest I stoop to your level. I'll follow my Lord's advice and not waste my time (Matt. 7:6). And all the reason since an individual of your mind-set is not ready to receive truth about yourself. You are very confused Lonnie––such a wandering spirit (Jude :12-13). 
I'll continue to pray you will see the accusers of the brethren (which you are participating in) is from the devil and you need, for your own sake and peace of mind, let it go––whatever "it " is that is triggering you to act with such offensive hostility––you really are filled with a lot of animosity. It "oozes" out in your writing, like pus from a spiritually infected spirit. As a matter of fact, you are hurting your health and this tension you carry, over the long run, can hurt you physically.

Stop the "wandering" Lonnie and focus on something more positive and be a force for God that you can be, "if" you will forgive and let your past go!

I pray God will recover you from the hostility you harbor (2 Tim 2:24-26).

In Christ's Service,


Saving for the Feast - Canadian Dan McIntyre Talks About Being A Survivor of Armstrongism


A humble upbringing is an understatement for Dan McIntrye. Canada born and bred, Dan’s cult journey took him from guitar god, to free desserts to cult escape, only to land him right in the arms of… another one?  

A double survivor. A triple thriver. And one extremely nice guy. Damn, Canadians, you really are as kind as they say.

Hosted by Tyler Measom and Liz Iacuzzi, Was I In A Cult? is a documentary-style podcast showcasing individuals who have been in, and most importantly, successfully left a cult. Told first-hand by the experiencer themself, these are raw, riveting and inspirational tales of what it means to be a survivor. Using levity and info-tainment, the show humanizes the cultic experience and may leave some of our listeners asking themselves…“Wait…Was I In A Cult?”
If you or someone you know has been in a cult and want to share your story, contact us at We'd love to hear from you.

60 Years of the Place of Safety: One of the Most Dangerous Beliefs Ever Perpetuated by the Worldwide Church of God and Her Daughters

Continuing Church of God Arrives at Petra

As a WCG pastor, sad I know, there were a few topics I never gave a sermon on, ever. British Israelism, Divine Healing only and The Place of Safety. 

The first made no difference to me, even if proven and it is debunked, because it does not reflect the teachings or message of the New Testament which always seemed the focal point of Christianity. (That was meant to be somewhat sarcastic :)  

The second, Divine Healing Only was just ignorant and dangerous to one's health. I also strongly felt and reminded fold that adult parents really had no right to exhibit "faith" for a sick child. That's both unfair and dangerous. If the adult wanted to trust for divine healing only without medical help, fine. But you cannot make that decision for your children. Be responsible. 

And the third, The Place of Safety seemed concocted and the cause of more fear and questions in the congregations I cared to address, but should have, and downright stupid. "Hide me in the grave until thy wrath be passed" seemed more desirable to me and I was not about to tell any congregation that HWA or whoever said, "It's time to flee!"

Dr Bob," I'll Tell You When to Flee", is a big fan of the dangerous and insane concept of the Church around the world, all 200 of them, fleeing to the Place of Safety, whether to Petra or the back room of Bob's office. 

Here Bob repeats Dr. Hermann Hoeh's long ago views, which I am sure, were he alive, he would disavow.

Of course, typical of the WCG schtick on such topics, it was "never before understood" until now, or then. It actually should read, "Never Before as Misunderstood Until Now". I would remind Bob that when he was in WCG, Gerald Waterhouse, or "Watermelon" as my kids called him, was the Church spokesman for the who, what, where when and why of the insanity of the Place of Safety. I would remind us that nothing of what he wasted the time of tens of thousands over came to pass or could come to pass.  He is now hidden in the grave.  

Sorry, too many people in the first crowd fleeing picture.  These are probably more accurate

"Back in April 1962, the old Radio Church of God published the following from the late Dr. Herman Hoeh:"

"Let’s open our Bibles to see why Petra has puzzled scholars and Bible students for centuries.

The true Church of God is pictured in Revelation 12. It is symbolized by a woman-the bride of Christ. But it is a persecuted woman-a Church hated by the world. According to verse 6 the Church fled the first time from her persecutors for 1260 years – during the Middle Ages. But verse 14 unveils another flight of the Church-in the very last days. This time the duration is only 3 1/2 years! “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle”-supernatural deliverance-“that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time”–3 1/2 years.

This prophecy has never been understood by the world because the world cannot understand to whom this prophecy refers."
Read the Late Hermann Hoeh's views 60 years ago if you wish, but, of course, it is Bob's spin and additional "proof" of this insanity that fascinates and is worth repeating. 

Bob goes on to note and is not a little haunted by his obsessions with Catholic prophecy

"Furthermore, it is my opinion that the demons themselves know about this place (recall that even Satan quoted scripture to Christ, see Matthew 4).

Notice that the power behind the “secret society” is expected to be hidden in a cave:

Anne Catherine Emmerich (October 1820): I saw the secret society undermining the great church and near them a horrible beast … concealing itself in a cave (Emmerich AC. The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Volume 2, p.290).

I also believe that somehow demons influenced a mystic Catholic saint and prophetess named Hildegard to warn that those in a place with caves worked for the devil and were an advanced group that support the Antichrist. "

"Notice what she wrote in the 12th century:

And fly from those who linger in caves and are cloistered supporters of the Devil. Woe to them, woe to them who remain thus! They are the Devil’s very viscera, and the advance guard of the son of perdition.

Therefore, O you My beloved children, avoid them with all devotion and with all the strength of your souls and bodies. For the ancient serpent feeds and clothes, them by his arts, and they worship him as God and trust in his false deceptions…Because they are afraid of My people, they do not openly resist these institutions of Mine, but in their hearts and their deeds they hold them as nothing. By devilish illusion, they pretend to have sanctity; but they are deceived by the Devil, for if he were to show himself to them openly, they would understand him and flee him. By his arts he shows them things he pretends are good and holy, and thus deludes them. O woe to those who persevere in this death!

But because the Devil knows he has only a short time for his error, he is not hastening to perfect infidelity in his members; you, you evil deceivers, who labor to subvert the Catholic faith. (Hildegard of Bingen. Scivias. Paulist Press, Mahwah (NJ), pp. 301-302).

Since I believe that the mystic was demonically influenced, she is actually warning against supporting the true Christians who will be protected who she is claiming are the “supporters of the Devil” (probably because they will oppose the Catholic Church). Since she calls them the advanced guard “of the son of perdition,” she seems to be referring to a group of people who will be protected in caves just before Christ returns (I stated that because certain Catholic prophecies seem to refer to the returning Christ as the “antichrist”, who is also sometimes referred to as “the son of perdition.

Hence, I believe that the above demonically inspired vision will be used to try to persuade people to be against those that are in caves (Jeremiah 48:28), who seem religious (Revelation 14:12), and are apparently miraculously fed (Isaiah 33:15-16). Those being protected will be teaching that Jesus is about to return (who certain Catholic prophecies call Antichrist)–this would be expected to result in persecution of those with similar beliefs. Yet notice that the above vision does indicate that even the demons have known about a place of protection where some people will be miraculously fed, for quite some time."

You go Demons! 
Flee at your own risk...

The unexpected arrival of the Philidelphia Church of God, The Restored Church of God and Whatever Ron Weinland calls himself at The Place of Safety