Friday, April 20, 2012

Van Robison on: "Penetrating the Heart and Soul"

Penetrating the Heart and Soul

Is there ever a magic bullet that will penetrate the mind and thinking of all humans?    Is there anything that will ever prevent people from becoming victims of religious cults?  Young people are obviously targeted as pawns. Youth has not lived long enough to know better.  Many are drawn magnetically to persuasive public speakers.  There is something magical about those who vocalize their concepts of what "truth" is.  The reason for "religious" colleges and universities is to clone parrots to go forth and parade the belief system of the particular school.    Religious schools exist by cloning their own kind.  Young people may be totally sincere, but they become products of their "education."  Ambassador College certainly did not turn out Roman Catholics or Baptists, but rather, clones of the thinking of Herbert W. Armstrong and those who influenced Herbert.

Piercing the mind, heart and inner being of a human being is not often easy.  Many are the minds that are stuck in religious glue.  Until a human being questions their own comfort zone, it is impossible to be free from preconceived ideas of what truth is.  What Roman Catholic questions his or her own upbringing?  What Baptist questions his or her own upbringing?  What Worldwide Church of God splinter group questions their own belief values?  Some obviously do, because the Internet reveals many websites by EX-members of many different groups.

The sad reality of man-made religion is that their purpose is to penetrate the heart and soul for an endless supply of $money, to fill the bank vaults of those who stand in pulpits.  As Jesus stated "you will know them by their fruits", and the fruit of deceivers is material wealth at the expense of the gullible and naive.  MONEY is not only God of the secular world, but is the God of the church world and those who promote themselves as "pastors" and rulers of those who go to church.  Should the gullible and the naive ever come to their senses, the churches would all collapse.

Van Robison

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