Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why Do COG Ministers Preach About So Many Silly Topics?

I had a news alert today regarding Almost Arrested Elisha Elijah Joshua Amos Doubly-Blessed Chief Overseer Bob Thiel. It was about his latest online sermon. Poltergeists and Lying Wonders.

Who sits around and thinks about poltergeists day and and day out?  Who really cares about levitating chihuahua's in Scotland?

Here are other things that he thinks occupies peoples minds continually.  You will notice how fear based it all is.  Demons, government conspiracies, illuminati, rouge planets, and the collapse of the dollar...where would the church be without such fearful things to worry about?

  • 10 Reasons Not to Vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton
  • Chinese threats against Australia for real?
  • Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, and Isaiah 3
  • Could the Large Hadron Collider lead to destruction?
  • Germany ready for military leadership?
  • America's Day of Reckoning 2017 Dollar Collapse?
  • Forbes' Brexit Monster is the Beast of Revelation
  • Post Brexit Prophecy
  • Can the Bilderberg Group Affect 2017 and Beyond?
  • Is the Universe Expanding or about to Catastrophically Collapse?
  • Planet Nibiru to Destroy Earth by 2017?
  • USA pushing gender confusion
  • Eliminate the $100 bill?
Thiel has also come up with a new gimmick in order to make him look like the biblical "authority" he foolishly believes he is.  Hold up your big thick bible and shake it at the camera and people will know you mean business!

The self appointed lying wonder Thiel is not alone in his fear based topics and embarrassment of Jesus.  Here is Gerald Flurry's latest topics.  Jesus is not even a consideration.  Much of Flurry's articles are militaristic, about old testament "hero's", and loyalty to church government.

Armstrongism is fear based to the core.  Grace, mercy, peace, justice and redemption are not part of the church make up.  Showing kindness to ones neighbor, deliver food to the hungry, helping the needy and being agents of comfort to the hurting are not part of their church plan.  Who needs the words of Jesus when Moses, Jeremiah and Elisha are more important.
When Thiel talks about lying wonders, he perfectly describes himself, Malm, Pack, Flurry, Meredith and the rest of the corrupt church leaders.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't help it... I'm still laughing my butt off from a few posts earlier where Bob was flailing his arms on TV together with the Simpsons.

Simple minds, simple pleasures...


Byker Bob said...

I keep wondering what the Bob Thiel of five years from now will be like. Whether he realizes it or not, Rod Meredith's influences on his life and personality are very visible.


Anonymous said...

Don't know bob thiel but my opinion on answering the title question why do COG ministers preach about many silly topics ? I'd say because they are burnt out and listen every Sabbath to the wonders if their own voices. The wonders of God are lost on many.

Unknown said...

Thiel cannot be a true COG ministry. He has not preached against the horrific evils of masturbation yet!

Anonymous said...

"Get away from me with that leather-bound Deadly Weapon!"

Where's my bat from Bat Day at the baseball park? You wanna wave something at me, I'll "wave" something back at you!

Anonymous said...

Not magnifying the ten commandments has been a major flaw from the very beginning. There's a knowledge explosion via self help books, yet these churches have chosen to ignore this, and rather focus members minds on technicalities that have no bearing on everyday life. Members have paid tens of thousand of dollars in tithes, yet after decades, are still morally confused.

Cheers TradingGuy

DennisCDiehl said...

Bitter Bob Gerald Flurry are the National Enquirer of Religion . Dave Pack got stuck in the WCG format of "12 Ways...." but refined it up to "90 reasons why I am ridiculous.y wrong...."

Jesus? You mean KAH-RICED! You only use the word Jesus to wrap up a prayer in the COGs. But you wage war and control folks with Kah-Riced!

Anonymous said...

Why do COG ministers preach on such silly topics? Because for the most part, they have zero real world experiences other than pointing the finger at everyone around them.

Anonymous said...

Mental illness and / or alcoholism.

Anonymous said...

To think there was a time when I was forced to go to hear this kind of stultifying garbage live in person for two or more hours each week and there was no off button, mute, or Pokemon Go. What a time to be alive!

Anonymous said...

Diggin' the flowery/pink curtain backdrop, Bob-o. It's what all the serious world commentators are using.

Anonymous said...

It's really quite simple. William Miller started it all off back in the eighteen hundreds and that led to the Seventh Day Adventists who went gah gah over a frontal lobe impaired idiot called Ellen G. White, and they're still going door to door with that travesty called "The Great Controversy." Then, they split up into the Church of God Seventh Day that threw out some of the inanities, the Branch Davidians and I suppose some other largely unknown schisms. Along came Herbert who managed to worm his way into an ordination by COG07 while bringing in a lot of Mormonism, British israelism, Jehovah Witness madness and who knows what other stuff from wherever. He soon went independent so he could control the whole ball of wax for his benefit, and his only. It's just a rehash of what has been going on in the farce of Christianity since Emperor Constantine created it and forced it on the Western World back in the fourth century. Keep in mind that that was all based on myths much older than the entire history of the United States of America.

Allen C. Dexter

Anonymous said...

"Not magnifying the ten commandments has been a major flaw from the very beginning. There's a knowledge explosion via self help books, yet these churches have chosen to ignore this, and rather focus members minds on technicalities that have no bearing on everyday life. Members have paid tens of thousand of dollars in tithes, yet after decades, are still morally confused."

The ten commandments are a very incomplete list. To begin with, the first four are useless. You can live by the ten commandments and still lead a pretty immoral life. In fact, if you want a truly good book, you've got a rip a bunch of junk out of the bible, and then add a bunch of stuff in that was never there, but should have been.

Anonymous said...

"KAH-RICED!" lol
"The Great Controversy" or "The Great Dissappointment" they took a failure and turned it into a celebration! Gotta give them kudos for that.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"Diggin' the flowery/pink curtain backdrop, Bob-o."

Well, it sure beats crooked bookcases!


RSK said...

ha, I remember an aspiring ministurd giving a sermonette against the film "E.T.". Of all topics.

Steve J said...

Flurry may not want to include a sermon about improving memory. If his member's memories improve they may remember his failed prophecies then bail.

Anonymous said...

Rsk I can best that without even trying lol. I remember a minister giving a sermon about his recent house move. No life lessons at all, no intriguing link to scripture, only his life his move no bible quotes at all.

Anonymous said...


Only nincompoops don't recognize TRADE.

Don't worry, TradingGuy.
When Jesus returns within your lifetime (as the Holy Spirit told you), you will be given a position of power in The Kingdom- perhaps as Trade Commissioner.

Plus, what about all those bad dates you had because the gals didn't understand TRADE?
The Holy Spirit told me that in The Kingdom, there will be YHVH-Tube videos where you'll be able to watch all those BAD DATE LADIES of yours thrown into the Lake of Fire! Possibly on reality YHV, too!

Also, Jesus will open their ears so they'll hear you scream, "COMMIE!" at them as they're burned alive.

God loves you, and will give His ALL for you.
Could anything possibly be any sweeter than ladies burning because they didn't like TRADE?

Retired Prof said...

Nicely done, Anon at 8:36.

Actually, the most honest way to conduct a date under the system of TRADE is obviously prostitution. Perhaps the new Trade Commissioner could make it mandatory.

Anonymous said...

"Rsk I can best that without even trying lol. I remember a minister giving a sermon about his recent house move. No life lessons at all, no intriguing link to scripture, only his life his move no bible quotes at all."

It seems every time some ministers speak when they come into town, they spend a quarter to a third of the sermon time getting you up to date on their recent move, their kids lives, their grandchildren, etc., as if we cared. It was almost as if to poke you in the eye and say, "Aren't you envious of how we're living better than you are with your money?"

RSK said...

His house move? Oh geez. I don't know that I ever heard one that mundane.

Retired Prof said...

One time Gerald Waterhouse arrived late to services in Springfield, MO. His car, a Chevrolet, had broken down, and he barely managed to rent a car in time to get there at all. He spent what in memory seems like twenty minutes ranting against General Motors in general and Chevrolet in particular, before starting the sermon proper, which went the usual Waterhouse length. So we wasted almost four hours instead of the normal three and a half.

R.L. said...

I'd answer your title question by saying: probably because members are submitting all kinds of wild ideas, concerns and theories. The pastors may not need to go hunting for many.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many anonymous people on this forum?

Retired Prof said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are there so many anonymous people on this forum?

September 1, 2016 at 5:13 PM

Two answers, take your pick.

1. Because.

2. Why not?

Anonymous said...

It seems every time some ministers speak when they come into town, they spend a quarter to a third of the sermon time getting you up to date on their recent move, their kids lives, their grandchildren, etc.

Not Rod Meredith. Nobody wants to hear about his son Mike Meredith's divorce and remarriage (to a non-ACOG woman much younger than his ex-wife), or the failure of his son David Meredith's second marriage, or the disruptive queen-bee arrogance and entitlement of his great-granddaughter Bria Martin at Living University. Rod's personal stories in sermons begin with his repressed gay stories about "wrestling" with Jimmy Mallon, and end with his marrying Sheryl Meredith after Margie died. He leaves out the part where he laughed about Margie's "skin condition" before the melanoma killed her.

SADLOVE said...

Sorry, I can't help it... I'm still laughing my butt off from a few posts earlier where Bob was flailing his arms on TV together with the Simpsons.

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