Monday, November 14, 2016

Dave Pack: I Walk Around in A Perpetual State of Awe and Astonishment at Myself

Dave is such a superfantabulous person that he is constantly in awe of himself. Does the narcissism of this man know no boundaries?
I don’t care how old you are in the Church and how old you are in this life when trying to understand and come to grips with this, it doesn’t make any difference…Wait until you see what God is going to do to your body so you can do it. Wait to come to understand, even in that one regard, what restoring all things—not just simple healing, but all things—means to you personally. What God would have to do or we could never carry out this world government that is in some ways, initially, with limits. I will show you exactly what those are…to the degree that God lays them out. Now, I wanted to leave you with that.
It is all right, if you just walk around in a state of perpetual awe and astonishment. I do, too—for more reasons. I get to teach this. It is the greatest privilege of my entire life. I could not even imagine…There is not even anything on a list of the greatest things I have ever gotten to do that should be on that list compared to this. It would pale anything else, so it is just awesome!
Dave feels that he is incapable of ever being deceitful!  Dave is also incapable of adding to the word of God.  Personal interpretations can never be held that are not approved by his god.  To do so would make Dave a lair.   Ha Ha Ha!
Of course, I don’t want to handle the Word of God deceitfully. I know what happens to people who do that. I don’t want to add to God’s Word or I will be found a liar. So God knows that He would have to make it clear or His leader…whoever he was, for that matter…in any age, on any doctrine could get it wrong. During this period of our second revolution in understanding, God would have to—because of the sheer size of the ramifications—make it abundantly clear. Then maybe triple that…and that’s what He does, unless it is more than triple.

From The Greatest Story Never Told, Part 6 


Steve J said...

"There is not even anything on a list of the greatest things I have ever gotten to do that should be on that list compared to this. It would pale anything else, so it is just awesome!"

That is a long way of Dave saying, "My whole life is pointless. I accomplish nothing in life. I'm completely useless"

Anonymous said...

"God would have to—because of the sheer size of the ramifications—make it abundantly clear. Then maybe triple that…and that’s what He does, unless it is more than triple."

If God's triple, and more than triple checked Dave, why can't he get it right? He changes his teachings every week, he's not even sure how many dominions there are in his story. First, it was one, now it's up to at least three. Maybe they are actually dimensions, and he's in the fourth!

DennisCDiehl said...

"Of course, I don’t want to handle the Word of God deceitfully. I know what happens to people who do that. I don’t want to add to God’s Word or I will be found a liar. So God knows that He would have to make it clear or His leader…whoever he was, for that matter…in any age, on any doctrine could get it wrong.

Translation: "I have wondered if I handle the Word of God deceitfully , add many things to the scriptures of my own immagination and may be lying. However, and here is the good thing, since God is responsible, not me, for making it clear to me and since I always have such amazing things to say, it must be God and therefore I know that everything I say is true and can't possibly be wrong. If I can imagine it, it is so."

The only thing I have ever seen happen to those "who handle the word of God deceitfully" is that they become incredibly wealthy for the humble saint they claim to be, live in big houses and get to do,be and go anything, everything and anywhere they want at the expense of the fearful and gullible.

Dave is indeed a rich study in the symptoms of narcissism and delusional thinking. This is not going to end well for his little flock or himself.

DennisCDiehl said...

Let us be reminded

"I want to make a statement, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."
David C Pack
December 12, 1998

DennisCDiehl said...

"But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."

Translation: "Brethren, when I get my chance, I will take you on the final journey, where no man has ever gone or ever should go before."

Sweetblood777 said...

I have never come across another person other than Pack that says so much to deliver so little information.

What one can say in a sentence, is stretched by Dave into a paragraph or more. This is a sure sign that he is bull shitting you. He takes something simple and blows it out of proportion.

So when you feel your mind becoming numb due to his over use of adjectives and grand standing, know full well that yes, he is being a deceiver and is talking out of his ass.

Anonymous said...

probably the biggest problem is that so many people think that God has appointed a single human being as head of The Church on earth....that God works through one man.

it's infinitely more difficult to deceive those that understand that there is no one man in charge of The Church.

Anonymous said...

DCP, having quadruple jumped well beyond the line..!!!!

"It's much more than Tony's 'personal power',...It is GHAUUWWD POWER!"

I am the walkin' dude
I can see all the world
Twist your minds with fear
I'm the man with the power
Among the living
Follow me or die
Is God now Among Us?

Anonymous said...

"Does the narcissism of this man know no boundaries?"

There simply hasn't been one shred of evidence yet that any boundaries are in any danger of being breached....

For all we know, the next thing you know, he'll be heading up a mission to Mars, claiming it is the place of safety.

Bon Voyage!

Anonymous said...

DCP reminds me of James Joyce; he has really perfected the 'stream of consciousness' style of writing with his nearly incoherent ramblings!

Senior Citizen said...

Are his new wife and his daughter and son in law on board with all this ?

Byker Bob said...

If this is what he's really about, then he needs to either raise up the Scientology Church of God, or the Sabbatarian Scientologists. He'll attract people with a higher level if income, and as he gets them "Clear" they can do group astral projection to all of these awesome scenes Dave incessantly describes. Can we imagine Dave with an E-meter, having his members reveal all of their deepest secrets??? Boy, would he ever be in his element then. And the Feast of Tabernacles could be done in the Sea Org, where advanced training could be administered.

Dave, get with the program. There's another H! Hubbard and Herbert just naturally go together to form a full picture, one for the intellectuals, and one for the anti intellectuals.


Anonymous said...

Senior Citizen:

Pack has disfellowshipped his daughter and son-in-law. I don't think his boys are part of it any more either. His current wife was the nurse for his first wife as she was dying. Lots of weird things with that situaiton.

James said...

Again, shades of Jim Jones. And soon.

Anonymous said...

Senior Citizen wrote:

"Pack has disfellowshipped his daughter and son-in-law. I don't think his boys are part of it any more either. His current wife was the nurse for his first wife as she was dying. Lots of weird things with that situation."

Speaking of "Lots", I imagine that the Packster wishes he'd had the power to turn them and his detractors into pillars of salt.

The best he's able to do is to pepper his latest sermons with his latest twisted bullcrap, hoping his minions won't notice his con- and that they'll keep hanging on tooth and nail.

So far, all of his pronouncements of God's pouncements upon his enemies have rung hollow.

Anonymous said...

" of consciousness' style of writing..."

...sshhh he is not the only one, it just depends on which direction you want to go in.

"Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age."

It's like the instructions on the label of a battery, + or - , both are the same except where you want the energy to flow!

"The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts."...and their direction of flow.