Saturday, December 22, 2018

Why Is Nimrod The Most Powerful Being In Armstrongism?

Anyone who has spent much time in the Church of God movement knows all about Nimrod. He was spoken about incessantly by almost every pastor out there, but never as much as Gerald Waterhouse and Herman Hoeh did.  Nimrod was the all-powerful god who was able to accomplish every desire he had, while the god of the Church of God seemed to be constantly quivering in the background.  During all my years in the church, I heard more about Nimrod than I did Jesus.

The only time the Church of God ever focused upon Jesus was around Passover time. But even then he only had value as someone to be killed, as the ministry (at least in Pasadena) loved to portray him by breaking matzo's in front of a microphone just so you could be made to feel like a filthy pile of crap for killing him each year in the college gym.  

We never heard much spoken about him, but sure heard all about Nimrod.


Anonymous said...

Three things are wrong here. I have never heard the name Nimrod mentioned. Jesus was not black. Jesus did not have long hair.

Anonymous said...

This article is the biggest bunch of baloney I have yet seen on this site.

Byker Bob said...

The funny thing about this is that there are only a few sparse sentences about Nimrod in the Bible. Historians of all ages including Flavius Josephus have been guessing for years who he might have been. This is the stuff of countless legends, and HWA not only made an all purpose scapegoat of him, but also turned him black. Every pagan practice and Masonry have been blamed on him.


DennisCDiehl said...

Long hair on a man is not near the shame the probably bald (the NT indicates he was not all that appealing in person) Apostle Paul made it out to be. Go look up some modern pictures of Native American men and try to tell me they look shameful. While Paul said "Doesn't nature tell you it is a shame for a man to have long hair," no one can explain what he meant very well. Nature doesn't send this message with the male lion and it is the female who is short haired. Many male animals have all the plumage so just how nature informed Paul of this is a mystery. At any rate, it was a weak argument as to how people "should" look.

Anyway, Jesus was probably a short, Palestinian looking Jew if not just a literary construct cobbled together in the Gospels out of Old Testament Scriptures. But unless you were Jesus personal barber, you can't say how long or short his hair was, not that it matters :)

Anonymous said...

Anon December 22, 2018 at 6:31 PM

You forgot to mention that you never attended a church of god.

DennisCDiehl said...

And I agree with the first comment that while Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Tea Tephi, Simon Magus, Zerubbabel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Satan and Lucifer along with GOD, CHRIST, HWA, GTA, "Myself" (RCM) and a few other unnamed leading evangelists, got much more press than in WCG than Jesus. NIMROD was not at the top of anyone's list I recall save for him being "a man of renown" or some other such nonsense, who was the author of everything evil as if they knew. Nimrod tended to get rolled out at Xmas time for some reason.

Anonymous said...

"During all my years in the church, I heard more about Nimrod than I did Jesus."

That's weird. I heard about 1000 times more about the Savior than I did about Nimrod, and I went to the same church!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Paul on hair length. Women look crappy with short hair, and men look shameful in long hair. Right on Paul!

Anonymous said...

Gary must be black, and is creating a god in his own image.

The Watcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Peter I know, Paul I know & Mary I know, but who is Nimrod?

Anonymous said...

8.06 PM
Agreed. Ignore Dennis Diehl. He's our resident Mini-Me Antichrist.

Anonymous said...

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Redfox712 said...

HWA took his portrayal of Nimrod from Alexander Hyslop's The Two Babylons, an anti-Catholic polemic of the 1850s that tried to make the Catholic church look bad by insisting that numerous practices and traditions of that church were imitations of Nimrod's religion. HWA used this idea to demonize all of Christianity outside of his organization as illegitimate.

RSK said...

Never read the Plain Truth About Christmas or Mystery of the Ages? Wow.

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem with the issue of hair length. How do you define "long" hair? At what length does short become long? If by nature, you mean, the way we were created, male and female, then could we also argue that men should, by nature, wear a beard? I recall HWA ranting, asking, Why would a man want to have long hair and look like a woman? I might ask him, Why do you shave your face smooth to look like a woman? All of this time spent arguing over minor issues reminds me of our Congress in Washington. They will argue over smaller issues to distract themselves from the more important issues, the tough issues, such as debt, deficits, waste, etc. It's easier for WCG preachers to preach on hair length than fruit of the Spirit, gentleness, kindness, patience, etc. Could you imagine RCM preaching to us about kindness, gentleness, patience or GTA preaching on marital faithfulness and humility?

Anonymous said...

" During all my years in the church, I heard more about Nimrod than I did Jesus."

maybe it's because you weren't listening....or couldn't hear.

The Watcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Perhaps 6:31 PM never attended Armstrong's cult.

Anonymous said...

Once a friend of mine saw someone with long hair with said someone having their back to my friend, my friend said "nice Ass" & the person with long hair turned around and the guy with long hair flipped my friend off.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

I agreed with 4:27 AM. It is what the ACOGs do best - majoring in the minors. Almost Arrested for Sabbath Keeping doubly blessed Elijah Prophet Dr. from mail order degree mill Bitter Bob Thiel and his rants about NFL football is a good example.

Why would a man want to have long hair and look like a woman? Biblical character Samson had long hair which apparently gave him strength in the story of Samson and Delilah.

My experience during my years in the WCG (1968-1976) is that I heard more about the prophetic words of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24) and the establishment of the Kingdom of God under Christ than I ever did of Nimrod. I am also reminded that GTA wrote a whole book entitled, "The Real Jesus".


James said...

Hair length describes the man or his spiritual state is so very shallow. No wonder armstrongism is dying.

Anonymous ` said...

A little physical anthropology and genetics:

1. Jesus was a first century, Middle Eastern Jew. Jews then were on average 5 feet 1 inch tall. They weighed about 110 pounds. They had dark pigmentation and curly hair. They did not have the European cast of the Ashkenazi. He looked typically Mediterranean and if he had walked onto The Big Sandy campus in the Seventies, he would have been regarded with high suspicion. Campus Security would have called the police.

2. Nimrod was not a Black. He was Haplogroup J like he other Clans of Noah and was indistinguishable from his Jewish cousins. He was not the big, Black African boogeyman that the Armstrongites like to envision for political and racial purposes. (For Armstrongites, the rogues gallery of Cain, Nimrod and Canaan consisted of racial Blacks. All of that is malarkey but fits the hearts and minds of many of the right wing people following Armstrong and Trump.)

3. Jesus was not ignored by Armstrongists, during my 30 years of involvement, but was never deeply considered. To this day, Armstrongists cannot tell you very much about the Grace that Jesus brought. Their focus is on Moses and the Law and they see Jesus through this same legalistic lens. This is not a controversial observation. You only have to read their literature to recognize this.

Anonymous said...

I also attended services for 8 years, and during that time, mention of Jesus was scant. That was my experience with the five different ministers that I had during those years. I don't recall Nimrod ever being mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Any man who has feminized himself by shaving the hair off of his face, removing the feature that most distinguishes himself from a woman, has no business complaining about the length of hair on another man's head.

Unknown said...

Nimrod just spoke to me!

In order to properly compete in todays splinter environment, he would now like to be referred to here on BANNED as

"Dr. Nimrod, the Double Anointed"

Anonymous said...

None of the mummies of Egypt have African features.

Anonymous said...

The same people who accept long hair on men have no argument against everyone wearing freaky ugly tattoos, walking around with their under ware showing, or no pants at all, or no clothes at all, and pins sticking out of their face. And that is only the beginning, because there are no standards.

Anonymous said...

The WCG majored in the minors because there were too many tares (who became ex-members and come here) who had so spiritual understanding and were holding the rest of the people back.

Anonymous said...

NEO, in regards to your comment, No shit Sherlock!

Anonymous said...

Gary knows Jesus was not black. He just likes to trigger Armstrongists.

nck said...

Nimrod was an extremely clever real estate entrepreneur specializing in skyscraper projects.

He was able to finance his projects by cleverly exploiting plummeting real estate prices whenever he or his family bought a house in a well to neighborhood and pretended to really live there and enroll his many children into the local community school.

Nimrod also exploited state subsidies on many other programs and thus succeeded in becoming leader of "the land between the two waters."

His wife was a bad cool from the East and became notorious by the peoples nickname for her cooking skills enforced upon a obese people, "semi-rames".


RSK said...

Not that its difficult to do.

RSK said...

Ok, you went from exaggerating to just dreaming there.

RSK said...

I remember hearing one WCG minister pontificate that somehow Nimrod ended up being buried in Rome and therefore St Peters Basilica was in fact the tomb of Nimrod.
Which makes absolutely no sense to anyone with even the barest grasp of history, but that was his claim.

Anonymous said...

Christ is the embodiment of virtue. So of course the ACOGs will ignore Him or only pull Him out on Passover. It's bully morality that the Gestapo ministers have embraced. Not Christ's morality.
Bully morality works, right? Well, Esau got his bowl of soup.

Anonymous said...

" During all my years in the church, I heard more about Nimrod than I did Jesus.
I was involved with the WCG church for over 40 years and find it difficult to understand why anyone would believe Nimrod was used by ministers more than Jesus. It certainly was not true in the congregations I attended. Jesus as the Christ was recognized in all the prayers I used and while the word Lord was used I viewed that as Jesus. I realize that some may not make the connection but biblically Jesus was Lord in the new Testament. I remember one minister ask me if I believed Jesus was God . My reply was that when speaks for God he is God.

Byker Bob said...

Speaking of Nimrod, I just really hope that we don't get up to go to work the morning after Christmas to discover that Trump has started a depression!


TLA said...

BB - I think we are just in a bear market. Recession will happen eventually since it always does - lets hope not for a while.
I think we are in for at least 6 months of posturing from both sides until it is time for all of them to run for re-election.
Who knows - maybe we will get a good third party candidate who will win the presidency - Ross Perot got 19% and he ran a pretty weird campaign.