Saturday, April 13, 2019

Passover Funk and the COG

I have always found it interesting how Jewish people, Adventists, Mormons and people of other faith groups can have fun with their beliefs and yet when it comes to Armstrongites, they have major hissy-fits  if anyone dares joke about their beliefs.

Armstrong Church of Godites take themselves far too seriously!
Can you imagine James Malm ever smiling or joking about his zealotry?  Lord have mercy!


Byker Bob said...

Dave Pack’s theme song in such a satirical video would be Pink Floyd’s “Money” meanwhile, his ex-members would be singing Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Cry for the Bad Man”.

James Malm’s work is too tiny for a theme song, so he gets a cartoon of a decrepit old man sitting at a computer, and the caption is “Hi! My name is James. My thing or bag is obsessing over the details of covenants that were fulfilled over 2,000 years ago!”

Flurry gets a stage production. His jet is gutted to create a miniature dance floor, and Michael Flatly and the Flurry grandkids dance Lord of the Dance as the jet makes its way from Oklahoma to Edstone.

Bob Thiel? What else? An animation of Bob and Rod, and we’re going to reach way back for the soundtrack to this one: “No One Knows” by Dion and the Belmonts.

Jerry Weston, UCG, and the COGaWA are just too boring and generic to have theme songs, so use your own imagination.


Anonymous said...

This video is an outrage. Christ risked eternal death by becoming a human, and having to live a sinless life. And no eternal life for anyone if He failed. And they make light of it. They might as well be singing and dancing at funerals. Or sing and dance about the war dead in WW 1&2.

Jim Osia said...

At anonymous ever been to New Orleans? They play upbeat jazz and dance down the street at funerals!!

NO2HWA said...

Jim: That would never fly in an Armstrongite funeral. We were never allowed to mourn the dead.

Mish-Mash said...

This isn't mocking Jesus sacrifice. Its regular Jews just having some fun with their Passover seder. Armstrongists never had any fun with anything. Except maybe some stupid puppets.