Monday, March 23, 2020

Dave Pack/Restored Church of God: Even Though 6,000 Year's Ends Tuesday Night March 24, RCG Members Still Required To Give Money And Attend Church During "Stay-In-Place" Order

If you thought Dave and the Restored Church of God cannot get any whackier, then wait till you read this.  

From an RCG source

Meanwhile, the Great Packster is telling the RCG members that services are mandatory, so is tithing and offerings. No matter what local governments are saying about NOT traveling. And HQ also has this ‘encouraging message’ for the RCG members:

By now you have heard yesterday’s message that mentioned the Work of God is under threat of immediate shutdown.
Even though the governor of Ohio issued an order for its residents to "stay-in-place" Dave thinks he is above that order and is still requiring his employees and members to work and attend church. To do otherwise is letting Satan have his way.

While the Governor of Ohio has been praised for his leadership during the coronapocolypse, Dave thinks he knows more than he does, which is standard practice for COG leaders worldwide. 
Earlier this afternoon, the governor of Ohio announced a stay-in-place order, shutting down all non-essential businesses in the state beginning Monday. While this was expected, the blessing (and answered prayer!) is that religious organizations are still exempted. Think about this. If the Work was still headquartered in California—where a more strict stay-in-place order without a religious exemption was put in effect late last week—this would be a much different notification.
God’s Work today can continue!
Brethren, we do not know how much longer this religious exemption will apply. But without a doubt God’s hand is clearly on His Work and He has given us additional time to finish strong. Allow this to encourage you.
RCG members will soon be forced into giving money online. 
Given the current situation, the Business and Accounting Office will soon update you on more efficient ways to send your contributions to Headquarters. These steps are important in case there are disruptions to the mail service or further restrictions are enacted.
Dave wants to make it abundantly clear that he CANNOT be stopped, even though he says they risk being shut down. 
It is amazing the clarity that the passing of time will bring. Today, Mr. Pack took time to cover what may be the biggest reason yet that time is short. Unsurprisingly, it has much to do with the world collapsing around us. The Work of God—a Work that Christ promised cannot—CANNOT!—be stopped, is at risk of being shut down. Members in an increasing number of states in the U.S. are already being forced, under the threat of fines or jail time, to stay in their homes. They are being permitted to leave only for the barest essentials. Other parts of the world are today—right now—under even stricter circumstances as governments are shutting down public life.
In Mr. Pack’s message, he referenced the situation with the brethren in California. However, we have learned that brethren in several other locations are under increasing pressure. Shelter-in-place orders are now in force for Illinois, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Oregon and California. Some states have issued similar orders for specific counties. And this is just the United States!
Orders are also expected or have already been issued in Ontario, Canada, the United Kingdom, much of Europe, as well as the Philippines.  
With all the bad news going on around us, today’s message is actually one bringing encouragement. You will want to listen to it as soon as possible to see for yourself. While we cannot know the day or the hour (something that will be covered in the message) we are able to project what has to be ever so close. 
Well, I guess we had better bend over and kiss our asses goodbye because the 6,000 years of God's supposed plan is ending tomorrow night, Tuesday, March 24, 2020.   
One thing to consider, this Tuesday evening, going into Adar 29, is the exact day—the last day before the first day of the sacred year—we reach the 6,000-year plan of God. Could this be the “last day” we have all been looking forward to? Only time will tell but so many things line up for us to consider this possibility.
Or course, "Regardless" is in order here.  Like every other lying COG self-appointed prophet, Dave is a liar and does not know the time or the hour of Jesus' return.
Regardless brethren, we are to wait, and God tells us exactly how to do so. In Revelation 3:10, a people are lauded for keeping “the word of [Christ’s] patience.” The Greek word for patience there, as we know, is hupomone, or cheerful endurance. Notice this is not hupomeno, which means to “stay under” or “bear.” Christ meant what He said. We are to cheerfully endure as we await the return of Jesus Christ. This is despite those in the world (and our brethren in the splinters) who are bearing under all that is going on around us.
To close, stay encouraged! Why? To quote Mr. Pack, “Everything is right on track.”
The Headquarters Ministry
Just think how exciting it will soon be as Dave reports to us how Jesus Christ has returned to Wadsworth and is walking the grounds of the most beautiful campus ever built, where Jesus Christ tells Dave just how things will be as they prepare for His third coming.

Dave has it made. Once the world falls apart, he and his crew can run over to the Giant Eagle where they will willingly hand over all of their food and supplies because they know Jesus Christ is now living across the street, at least for a short while.  Who knows, the Big C may even walk across the street and shop for himself before all hell breaks loose.

It is certainly is an exciting time to be alive!


Anonymous said...

It must be humiliating to be Bob Thiel and James Malm right now. They both missed this revelation!

Anonymous said...

Brethren, we do not know how much longer this religious exemption will apply.

It seems COG prophets have always been caught unaware of major events and never know when they will be resolved.

Anonymous said...

Something worth a read.
L.A. Times : Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: ‘We’re going to be fine’

Anonymous said...

Malm and Thiel are never embarrassed. They are too narcissistic. I am watching to see how long it takes for Malm to copy this info to his blog pretending it was sent to him.

Byker Bob said...

This was totally predictable. However, edict or not, the pandemic is going to affect Dave and his pissant "work" in the same manner as it affects the greater surrounding culture. He is not immune to the virus, and he won't be immune to the economic effects, either. In fact, some of his members will most likely be unemployed soon, and it is very unlikely that RCG will be rendering any assistance to them in their time of need.


Anonymous said...

Mock Mr. Pack all you want. It will not be long till you will either be groveling at his feet or you will be suffering in the tribulation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:03 PM said...“Mock Mr. Pack all you want. It will not be long till you will either be groveling at his feet or you will be suffering in the tribulation.”

Thanks for the permission. I will now mock klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies all I want.

Dave Pack's followers are ALREADY groveling at his feet AND suffering great tribulation.

AND it will only get worse for them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:45 AM said...“It seems COG prophets have always been caught unaware of major events and never know when they will be resolved.”

So true.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (12:03): "Mock Mr. Pack all you want. It will not be long till you will either be groveling at his feet or you will be suffering in the tribulation."

I would like to challenge you. When Coronavirus is finally brought under control, when the Tribulation does not happen, when you do not go to the place of safety, when your little
"work" dies of natural causes and when Adar 29 comes and goes, will you please try to find a real Christian church to attend.

This is your sweet opportunity to get out of Millerism. You won't have to grovel anymore. Some people learned from the events of 1844. Maybe you will learn from the events of 2020.

Anonymous said...

I would guess Anon 12:03 is a troll.

Anonymous said...

Little boy who cried wolf. How many more times will he be saying this before any of his people wake up?

Anonymous said...

Little boy who cried wolf.

You've got it backwards. Pack is a wolf who cries "Boy!"

Stevoreno said...

Hey, everybody better take heed to what Dave Pack says. After all he was spot on in the fall of 2013....err...spring of 2014....err...ok, ok, ok, so he wasn't right...or even kinda right but...umm... his campus is so damn pretty that proves he's a prophet....doesn't it??

the Ocelot said...

Pack is gonna have to spend a few more bucks because giant eagle doesn't have double coupons any more

NO2HWA said...

Dave won't spend anything. He believes he is too important to set foot in Giant Eagle or anywhere else to go shopping. He makes his lackeys do it. The men who worship the ground he walks on wear the same kind of clothing, same socks, same color shirts, ties, etc. The men in Wadsworth have essentially emasculated themselves in order to please him. They will do all the shopping for him so he doesn't have to rub shoulders with the infected masses.

Anonymous said...

Blogger NO2HWA said...
Dave won't spend anything. He believes he is too important to set foot in Giant Eagle or anywhere else to go shopping. He makes his lackeys do it. The men who worship the ground he walks on wear the same kind of clothing, same socks, same color shirts, ties, etc. The men in Wadsworth have essentially emasculated themselves in order to please him. They will do all the shopping for him so he doesn't have to rub shoulders with the infected masses.

Essentially, they have become prostitutes for the organization. They betray the creature called Christ, for David C. Pack.

They can look forward to the words "I never knew you" but I doubt it would bother them. They found their little tin horned god.

RSK said...

Looking back on Banned's history of "Beware fools, you will bow down to (insert cult leader here)" comments, at least Henry the Earthquake Guy put his money where his mouth was and shut his biz down when his prediction didnt occur.
Too bad most COGlodytes dont have even that small shred of integrity.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Some thoughts about what pastors and their flocks should be doing during the coronavirus:

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget he was spot on in January 2019 .. errr .. February 2019 .... errr spring 2019 when he told his ‘little flock’ to stay up ALL night because that was THE night (and everybody did ..). And winter 2019 ... errr .. the day before Christmas .. errr January 2020 ... errr today! For sure!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 12:03 said:
"Mock Mr. Pack all you want. It will not be long till you will either be groveling at his feet or you will be suffering in the tribulation."


Has Dave's 2013 and onward failed "predictions" taught you NOTHING?

NO I don't Mock him...what does the Bible Say about False Prophets? Do You ever read the Bible or just the latest RCG booklets?

He is a False Prophet, Pack is to be avoided!

Open your Bible to Duet 18:22 ...Read it

MOCK NO, Avoid Y E S

Anonymous said...

Well ... End of the world because of Corona, the day of the Lord finally arriving in Wadsworth or brethren losing their jobs ... David Pack still wants his money!

Only a few days ago the RCG members received instructions on how to send the ‘free offerings’ for the coming holy days. And guess what? They were told NOT to send cash, but instead they can ONLY send in money by bank transfer. This ‘to make things easier for the accounting department’..

Why doesn’t that surprise me? God forbids that the Great Dave would receive corona-contaminated money! That would mean the end!

Byker Bob said...

Thing is, if any corona people out there are thinking of sneezing on your money and sending it to Dave, you'll probably only get some poor peon sick, whoever counts the money. So, play nice!


Anonymous said...

@Byker Bob: Yes of course! I’m sorry, I completely forgot that The Packster would never engage in anything as vulgar and worldly as counting money..

His only concern is spending it :)

Unknown said...

Your so right.... My father is look loosing my mother over this self proclaimed false profit.......

Unknown said...

Why would it be his feet.... He's not the truth messiah!
Just like he teaches his followers 🙄
That they will be on God's console to judge man!......
They hold themselves.. As high and might as the creator.....
Mr . Pack Is a false profit!
That is all!