Saturday, December 11, 2021

Wishy-Washy Crackpot Prophet On Midwest Tornados


Last night, devastating tornados hit the midwest and caused major damage in Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennesee, creating a 200-mile long path of destruction.

Then, as usual, self-appointed Church of God prophets started their screeching about end-time events happening before our very eyes. And, as usual, none of these buffoons dare make the definitive statement that this WAS an end-time event. Deep on their corrupt heart they know it is not, but yet the sound bite registers with deceived followers with itching ears who think the same thing.

The biggest offender of this wishy-washy non-commital prophecy making is our illustrious Great Savior of Africa and 305 Caucasians, Dr. Robert Thiel, the COG's greatest prophet to ever appear in the almost 2,000 years of its existence.

Thiel writes:

Tornadoes injure at least hundreds and cause severe damage nearly every year. Yet, the USA is not in its the normal ‘tornado season,’ which is in the Spring. 
Does the Bible prophecy a time of major tornadoes? 
The answer looks to be yes. 
While the terms ‘tornado’ and ‘cyclone’ are not in the NKJV, KJV, or the DRB (Douay Rheims Bible), some translations of the Bible (like THE MESSAGE) do use them, and those that do not tend to use the term ‘whirlwind,’ which is basically what a tornado/cyclone is. 
The Bible shows that whirlwinds are one of the forms of weather that God controls...

The following is telling of a time when at least some of the descendents of Ephraim (currently dominating lands such as the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) will face a major destruction from a tornado:

15 Even though Ephraim ran wild,
the black sheep of the family.
“God’s tornado is on its way,
roaring out of the desert.
It will devastate the country,
leaving a trail of ruin and wreckage.
The cities will be gutted,
dear possessions gone for good.
16 Now Samaria has to face the charges
because she has rebelled against her God:
Her people will be killed, babies smashed on the rocks,
pregnant women ripped open.
(Hosea 13:15-16, THE MESSAGE)

Nothing gets COG leaders off more than seeing death and destruction dished out on unbelievers. Killing people and bashing baby's heads on the rocks are delicious sound bites for these perverted buffoons.

Never fear though, the Greatest Prophet ever to live in church history wants people to know that he is praying for them. So comforting.

Those impacted by the latest tornadoes are in my prayers, as are those by the deadly truck accident in Mexico (Mexico truck crash: At least 54 people killed as trailer overturns). 
God wants people everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). He uses weather for correction and for His mercy (Job 37:13). 
Will you heed the weather and other warnings?


Anonymous said...

What's next from the Petulant Prophet of Possiblys?

Is it possible that ancient Mayan prophecies predicted the rise of Pope Francis who would use homosexuality and Sunday-worship to cause God to call down some kind of terrible storms, maybe tornadoes, on the part of the USA traditionally best known for its conservative behavior and adherence to at least nominal Christianity but who reject not only a dreamer of dreams but a dainty little man whose head cold made him a doubly-blessed prophet?

Anonymous said...

I am surprised the Petulant Prophet did not blame the gays in the midwest for the tornados. That's the favorite boogeyman of the wrist flipping prophet.

Anonymous said...

I can't quite understand why Bob even bothers. Will there ever be a second step for him? He seems to remain very tentative in his first step, let alone progressing to the next one. Possessing an eclectic fund of "knowledge" is one thing. Doing a mighty work involves the ability to attract a crowd willing to buy into, believe in, support, and actually join in on spreading it. That is a talent that many probably covet, but relatively few actually possess. He's had years to watch others in the Armstrong movement who are more talented than himself either get nowhere, or preside over ever shrinking works.

True Christian said...

There's two ways of life. One way is the "Give" way and the other is the "Get" way. We must choose one way or the other, but the "Give" way is the only way that would make us prosper, while the "Get" way would lead to extinction. The ten commandments is loving God and loving your neighbor. In other words love is God's "Give" way of life.

True Christian said...

Love is God's way of living

True Christian said...

Suffering kicks the learning mechanism in the mind into gear as nothing else can, to teach us the "right way." It is also the result of broken health laws, and of broken physical and/ or spiritual laws, of our own or of those around us. Jesus Christ also suffered horribly, not because of crimes He committed but because of our, all mankind's, spiritual crimes. He bled and died on the stake or cross, to pay the penalty of the sins of all mankind, to make it possible for you and me and all people, past, present, and future, to receive forgiveness from our sins and to inherit eternal life in the kingdom and family of God. Praise and thank the Lord for that!

Anonymous said...

Bob says " Does the Bible prophecy a time of major tornadoes? The answer looks to be yes"

Magic Eight Ball says, "The answer looks to be YES"

As well, Bob means "does the Bible prophesy... not prophecy. Prophesy is the verb. "Does the Bible prophesy a time of major tornadoes?" Prophecy is the noun. Prophecy looks to indicate yes"

Anonymous said...

Bob is an idiot stuck in his ways and incapable of critical thinking. He is just like 99% of the human race. Never researches both sides. Total fool.

Hoss said...

Sadly in Bob's priorities, human suffering is not as high as speculating on a new contender for possibly one day being the Beast or what some Catholic saint has to do with another Aztec prophecy...

RSK said...

Bob seems to be either occupied or having writers block lately. He's been churning out some really sloppy pieces. It's too bad - the one truly interesting thing he does is his little sketches of the lives of various saints (even if the conclusions he draws in those seem forced/unwieldy), but lately he's been trying to push the sensationalism button and citing some seriously fringe stuff.