Sunday, June 5, 2022

Dave's Latest Pentecost Statement…The Math Is Perect! Unless Its Monday...


Come Monday morning the crap will hit the fan if Pentecost was not the day...

Listen to it here:


Anonymous said...

I've been harping on this on the blogs and forums since the year 2,000!

As a carpenter or stone mason, Jesus would have to have been an excellent mathematician throughout His human lifetime. Yet, He said that nobody knew when the end was coming except the Father. What should be perfectly obvious from that is that the end is not determined by math. It will be a judgment call by Father God when He feels that the condition of mankind and the planet have become terminal, and He decides to pull the plug!

It's a fact that we're kind of sputtering along at this point, but these guys who are using math are absolutely clueless, as everybody should know by the math failures which started in 1972 when rhe Germans didn't land. Every date they set with their recalculations fails, guaranteed. They need to change their line of thinking!

RSK said...

This Monday? Next Monday? Every Monday? Whatevs. He'll say the firstfruits were reaped to await Christ at the Feast of Trumpets or something.

Marc Cebrian said...

@ 3:25 - "Now, if we're here Monday after Pentecost, I believe I know why..."

Yeah, I know why. Just like I knew why in 2019. Because DCP is NOT getting any "revealed knowledge" from God and he's false apostle and false prophet. Shocker.

The same tired playbook: "I discovered..." and "maybe God wants..." and "...a final message..." AGAIN, getting in front of his own failure.

Dave Pack must LOVE making me 100% right all the time.

I'm sure folks in RCG are sure glad they stuck around for 5 more minutes from Damage Control Pack. (DCP) :)

I feel bad for the set-up crew, though. They had to take the lectern off the stage, rush to get the room put back together after the meal, now have to take the table down again and put the lectern back for this morning.

Rinse and repeat.

DW said...

Shall we all place our bets now as to why "we" were wrong? Shall we bet how long it will take TC to jump on here to defend the "great" Mr. PACK?

My bet is his math was wrong because he didn't consider how long it actually takes to receive a wire transfer confirmation from Switzerland!

Anonymous said...

Sell the horses dave!

Anonymous said...

The man continually spews incomprehensible convoluted nonsense. He actually believes he has some special connection to God, yet he has been, and continues to be wrong on every one of his special revelations. God doesn't need "math" to do his will. He doesn't need a guy that belongs in a Cracker Jack box. Why cant people see through his pathetic charade?

Tonto said...

Pack says "The Math is Perfect" . Problem is that he keeps trying to divide by ZERO!

Anonymous said...

Dave, I'd like to imtroduce you to a new word: Embarrassment - An emotional state that is associated with mild to severe levels of discomfort, and which is usually experienced when someone commits a socially unacceptable or frowned upon act that is witnessed by or revealed to others.

It is the proper reaction to having made a false prophecy, or claiming falsely to have received a revelation from God which turned out not to come to pass, and not to be true.

Anonymous said...

No math, just scripture. Pack is wrong, even presumptuous.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

Don’t fear the man. Leave his destructive cult. It is a violation of scripture to stay.


"pray that I am wrong twice". I wonder what would have happened if the first disciples would have prayed that Jesus Christ was wrong twice and their prayers were answered?

"It is perfect, almost too perfect"; and that is a concern? God being perfect is now a concern? God could send his Son as a thief in the night and that would be a concern for many.

"We are day to day" - "It is a type" - "It is a picture", wow, this was nothing but a 4 minute mind overload to those tuned into the math of it all.

So Dave is back to juggling could be in one hand and can't be in the other hand. The answer to that juggling act will now be?

Anonymous said...

Why can't David C. Pack keep the horses?

Ronco said...

Well, the sun has already set in Wadsworth...

Back to the drawing board!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:19

Because if he continues with his failed prophecies, pretty soon, he won't get enough tithes to buy hay for them. My mho.

Zippo said...

Dave grew up in a time when the dreaded New Math was introduced to confuse students into constructive thinking. Then Dave invented God's Math to confuse people into the joy of triple tithing, offerings and Common.
But Dave's Math is a whole new ball game... something like Jethro Bodine's method of cypherin'.

Anonymous said...

He's leery, we're weary. He reminds me of the con man in a movie called "The Good liar" or even better our bumbling commander in chief. Someone once said words mean things. He seems to be speaking in an unknown tongue to a group of airheads.

Anonymous said...

Dave asks his devoted followers to: "...pray that I am wrong..."

How does Dave know that such a prayer request is God's will? Or, should we say: "god's will:" the one who wants to be like the Most High God?

Besides, if Dave is again proved to be wrong: what means it?

It means that Dave was lying, again, and who is the father of lies? Dave Pack? No.

And if Dave had lied to everyone, including himSELF, as he usually does again and again, over and over and over, then what's new? We'd only be reminded of something we already know. Dave lies and there appears to be no truth in him, and if that is true, then what is the difference between Dave Pack and those Pharisees who were told the following?

"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

When will Dave stop representing that father? By their/his "fruits" we know them. When will Dave stop bearing that father's lusts for $mammon$ from others, and the lies of that father?

Both lying Dave Pack and self-righteous Doug Winnail continue to wrestle flesh and blood, while turning a seemingly blind eye to the principalities (Eph 6:12; John 8:44; 2 Time 2:26; I John 3:8, etc.) busily working in their lives, and evidenced by their fruits/works among others.

Does anyone think Dave Pack will repent/change about the same time Doug Winnail stops his Friday night smack downs?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

The Sage responded to a moronic utterance:

"The question should be rather WHY does a false prophet need horses?"

Anonymous said...

Got the man figured out. He has created his own little world. In his fantasy world, he is the supreme leader. He is in charge. He makes the rules. He lures you in, and indoctrinates you. You either agree with all, or out you go. Any question to his authority or teachings is grounds for banishment from his little domain. Manipulates the bible to prove his nonsense. Pushes the guilt trip. Ignores all his false date setting. Just keeps pushing forward. The more he pushes, the more his followers stick by him. In analyzing his videos he appears to be smug and very self confident. After all he is king in his own little world. His downfall will occur when true reality sets in. When the cash stops, and the sheep dwindle to near nothing he will come a crashin down. Won't be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Math is perfect, but Dave is imperfect.

Anonymous said...

Anonymousat at 5:44:00 AM said..."The question should be rather WHY does a false prophet need horses?"

When a false prophet lies as much as Dave lies, and steals as much as Dave steals, he had better have a fast horse to ride away on.

Marc Cebrian said...

Anonymous June 6 at 7:05am - You nailed it all in one paragraph. Wow. Very good observation.

Anonymous said...

KEEP THE HORSES and KEEP DOING THE WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RSK said...

At least you actually know what New Math was. People look at me like Ive just grown extra limbs when I mention that.

Anonymous said...

Dave's work is his horses and his flowers. Marie Antoinette would approve. And Dave's response to his members not being able to feed themselves and remain warm during the winter months because of his common doctrine, is likewise "let them eat cake "
Yep, his destitute members can go eat cake.

Anonymous said...

Its more like "let them eat unleavened bread" because that will be all they will be able to afford or make at home to eat with their lentils and beans.

Anonymous said...

Pray that I’m wrong.

Prayers require faith. I don’t have to have faith in David Pack being wrong. His untruths never fail. I know he’ll be wrong. No faith required.

Mark Wolfe said...

It's sad to see Dave continue to go down this road. I can see him getting excited that he was able to build a compound and think it is God's will. But after three COG leaders did not die on a specific day Dave said would happen, I would think he would be reflective and more grounded in basic scripture, but he keeps going after this thing that really does not matter. I mean who cares what day Christ comes----as long as He comes. It seems he has this desire before he dies to prove to the world that he is God's apostle. He is Elijah. He will fight the prophets of Baal and bring down fire from heaven. No. Just stop it. Be a pastor and care for your flock.

Anonymous said...

Can you say "mental breakdown" is on the way? Who the hell is going to take care of the Horses?

Anonymous said...

Today, the day after Pentecost, was supposed to be the day we were supposed to hear the latest new "false pronouncement" from the "not so mister" Pack. He said we were to pray that he is wrong. So how can I pray that he is wrong if I don't know what the latest false prophesy is? This gets so confusing at times, but hey the horses are still at the compound.

Anonymous said...

What do horses have to do with the post?

Anonymous said...

What do Horses have to do with the preaching of the Gospel?

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. He wants us to pray that he is wrong. That means we are to pray that what ever he says is wrong. So if we ask God to let the pronouncement be wrong that would mean that he wants it to be wrong. So why not pronounce the opposite of the pronouncement so it will be right? You see the math makes sense, but only on Tuesdays. If by chance the pronouncement is pronounced on Wednesday, we have a real problem. You see it will be out of alignment with the conjunction minus the third meridian squared, unless its snowing in Amsterdam. So please pray he is wrong. It all makes sense!

Anonymous said...

Regarding "Elijah Pack," Mark Wolfe suggested: "...He is Elijah. He will fight the prophets of Baal and bring down fire from heaven. No. Just stop it. Be a pastor and care for your flock..."
But Dave Pack acts more like a prophet of Baal/Satan, and whatever god he is trying to get to respond just isn't listening or doing anything for him.
Jesus Christ gave his disciple, later apostle, Peter sound advice by commanding him to feed sheep! But don't feed them lies, or milk, or junk food but meat, perhaps some strong spiritual meat!
It is obvious that God the Father, by the power of His spirit, through His Son Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Dave pack and his small flock. When will Dave feed God's sheep? Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Dave pack is furnishing his compound with flowers and trees and horses because he believes that Jesus will come there and rule for a certain amount of time before the Great tribulation and the end of the world. We know that Revelation says that Jesus Christ returns on a white horse he doesn't need Dave's horses. But the person who asked what do horses have to do with this post does not understand what he is telling his people and why they should give their money to him.

Anonymous said...

Any news from the compound? Since we all are following instructions praying he is wrong, I want to know what the hell is going on. I want to know what the math says. Please, some information.

Tonto said...

Do the horses on Davey's Plantation have names??

Anonymous said...

When do we find out if he is right or wrong. I can't sleep. He was supposed to let us know today, Monday. I can't help thinking about the math. If its just math ok. But he never said. Could it be Trig, Geometry or Calculus? And another thing that bothers me about that video. What are those two things on the table he's sitting at that look like helmet visors. He has one on each side. They really have me puzzled. Do they have anything to do with horses?

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit confused. Mr. Pack said the math was perfect. And then something about more perfect. The definition of perfect is as good as it is possible to be. Therefore nothing can be more perfect that perfect. So how can he say its more perfect? Troubling. Is the math he is referring to common core math? In that case I understand why it makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Can we all admit that Dave Pack is at best a very flawed messenger? He is doing nothing but introducing confusion into peoples' lives. Somebody remarked that Dave has more knowledge that HWA did. First, a statement like that is like comparison shopping for diarrhea! You are comparing two examples of something bad and disgusting. And, one is supposed to come up better??? Nothing good is going to come of even thinking along those lines! Nothing at all! Both professed to have insider knowledge which failed consistently, due to faulty facts coupled with a COMPLETE LACK OF WISDOM!!!

Retired Prof said...

Tonto asks about the names of Apostle Davey Seapak's horses. According to prophecy they are named War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.

Anonymous said...

Those are literal motorcycle windshields. The maintenance staff built them so fans on opposite sides of him outside the video frame, don't blow his papers around. Turn off the fans and Dave will overheat and explode!

Anonymous said...

The individual who says Dave has more knowledge than Herbert Armsrong is none other than Davie boy himself. He posts here regularly. He is obsessed with all things associated with Herbert Armstrong. His reign of abuse is slowly ebbing. We are watching his little empire dissolve right before us. Sell the horses Davie.

Anonymous said...

any news from the compound?

Anonymous said...

Why does he Davie C need fans? Is there a problem with "Gas" where he sits. I must be flatulence, or is it just hot air?

Anonymous said...

Troubling, its Tuesday and we haven't heard a thing from the compound. I thought Davie C said if it didn't happen on Sunday, he would have earth shattering revelations on Monday. It was so big we were to pray that he was wrong. Well its Tuesday and not a peep out of Wadsworth. Might they be in Damage Control Mode? This is all so disconcerting. Now I find out there are two motorcycle helmets sitting in front of Davie C when he utters his prophetic utterances. I'm worried there is now a Hells Angles involvement in this whole thing. It is so troubling. What could possibly be next, a Charles Manson connection. I'm at my wits end.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pack isn't blinking at all, he looks down a lot like he's hiding his face. Blinking is involuntary, unless your possessed by a demon.

Anonymous said...

What??? As it turns out, the two witnesses end up being a couple of Hells Angels??? Where's his multi-cultural sensitivity? One of them should at least be a Mongol!