Saturday, April 22, 2023

Loneliest COG Prophet On Todays COG Leaders: "All they can do is teach Armstrong's works... God has not used them or revealed anything to them"


Today's COG leaders worshipping at the feet of Herbert Armstrong

The world's tiniest little prophet, Bob Thiel, has been left in the ditch by the world's loneliest prophet. Never has God worked magnificently in one man as He presently does in Tony Roach. Bob Thiel cannot ever reach past the ankles of this man! 

He claims all of the COG leaders today are stuck in the blindness of Herbert Armstrong (which is true) and in the so-called Philadelphia Era (which is true)..

Everyone thinks you can just start a church and God comes to you... That is NOT how God works... As the Philadelphia Church of God, the Living Church of God and every other church on this earth... God always has and will choose His own leaders for His people. in every era, even the Laodicean era... If you were around you could have heard Armstrong say that many times... God would not even let His chosen King David build His church... He always chooses who HE wants.... Like it or NOT... God does NOT care what you think... Or I think or any other man... You may not approve of God's choice, I don't either and that's why I'm constantly trying to quit this job... Believe me this is no party for me... If I new then what I know now I would have never prayed to prophecy.... Because I do not like letting the evil know... 
These splinter groups eyes have been closed once again and they are very high minded and judgmental which is some of the reasons they missed the Spring Harvest of Souls... And will die in their sins before the Fall Harvest in 2031... And that is why it is recorded...

...They can't tell you of the Abomination that Maketh Desolate and how it was set up in the Temple of God (WCOG) by Tkach... And how to count the days of Daniel to foretell the exact date Tkach would sell the church to Joel Osteen... And the exact date of 9/11... I was there and I saw it all... I waited and I watched... And I counted the days and was able to foretell both events and give exact dates... I told everyone even wrote President Bush several times and all the news stations... No One listened because I am No One...
These splinter groups doesn't even know that the Spring Harvest of Souls past in 2020 as a thief in the night when the world was shut down for the corona virus... I prepared my people and that's why they are gone... And I prayed everyday to be left behind because No One would be left to take care of my babies... And little did I know God had a job for me here on Facebook to reveal even more of His secrets and mysteries... And to prepare the chosen few for the tribulations...
These blind leaders of the blind can't even tell you who the two witnesses are going to be...
They can't even tell you what the Time Times and a half means in Daniel...
They can tell you nothing but what Armstrong wrote... They are just making millions off of Armstrong's hard works... If Armstrong could speak from the grave he would be saying open your eyes prove all things... He would be very disappointed in you... Think have they ever healed anyone... NO... Have they told you ANYTHING that Armstrong did not tell you... NO... They give you world events you could get on CNN or Fox News.... Have they foretold anything that has come to pass... NO.... Have they done anything other than repeating Armstrong's hard works... NO...
As 1 Thessalonians says God's chosen will know the day of the Lord and it will not catch them unaware... They cannot tell you this date, 9/28/31... They are asleep at the wheel... And they are about to take you over a cliff...
They cannot tell you and show you that the Kingdom of God is on the sun...


...could go on and on about what I can show you and they have no clue... But there is no changing your mind... It's already been recorded... Everyone has already determined in their simple human minds how much sin God will allow from them... Some think when Jesus returns they'll get a do over or Jesus will just make them perfect... That is not going to happen and they are no do overs... One day I may tell you of this great mystery... I just don't know... The WHOLE world has been deceived (Rev 12:9)... 
You are following someone that doesn’t have the Holy Spirit because if they did they would have the wisdom of God things would be revealed to them…. and they would know these things…. Actually only very few people have had the Holy Spirit dwell inside them... Many think they have but again they are deceived... This is how you know... When you lay your hands on them and they are healed that second... When your thoughts and desires come to pass before you have a chance to ask for them... When the Bible seems as though it is written by a child it is so easy to understand and see the future and all these things I have shown you and more... These are just a few examples to know you have the ALL powerful Holy Spirit inside you... You have the POWERS OF GOD inside you and at your fingertips...

...Have you seen any of your ministers heal the sick? NO... HAve you seen any of your ministers raise the dead?... NO... These things I do and much more with the POWERS OF GOD as you can read about a few of them throughout my post... As recorded... 
Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. 
And I do COMPLETELY FREE as recorded... 
So continue following them... Stay in that ditch... Because that's why God chose someone like me so you wouldn't believe and you would judge me and you would be snared and taken... For the same reason He chose the Apostles as they were like I am... 
These blind leaders of the blind are stuck in the Philadelphia era... They think God's Master Plan stopped with Armstrong... They are totally deceived and deceiving you... All they can do is teach Armstrong's works... God has not used them or revealed anything to them Because He can see in their hearts... And in your hearts also... You cannot deceive or con God... But you will not see that until you are brought up out of your graves in 1,008 years... And then it will NOT be what you think... 
The chosen few has changed since Armstrong's era... And that's why you missed the Spring Harvest of Souls and WILL miss the Fall Harvest also... Listening to the blind leaders of the blind... Because they have NO clue... The problem is you LOVE your ministers and churches more than God... And HE knows this that's why He has blinded your eyes once again....



Anonymous said...

They taught us many Jewish things in Herbie's cultural misappropriation cult. But somehow, we missed out on the key word: Meshuga!

I think it's time for some remedial study. Google meshuga and on the list that comes up is Click on it and become edified!

Anonymous said...

Total gibberish !!!

Anonymous said...

If you want to listen to a real prophet, Julie Green of Julie Green Ministries gives prophetic words Mon. - Thurs. which are recorded, dated, and every Friday is "prophecies fulfilled day." There are really good prophets out there. We are in a time of acceleration so they are coming to pass quickly. There are videos of her giving them on Rumble. This past Friday of prophesies fulfilled was really good.

Anonymous said...

Real prophets have a powerful prayer life, and their prophecies are fulfilled. Amanda Grace from Ark of Grace is accurate. She is on Rumble. I love when she prays out loud before the prophecy. Not prideful.. Powerful prayer life