Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bob Thiel Sinks to A New Low


Holy Batman, what the hell did I just watch? The Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional 100 Caucaisians has decided that he needs to release a bunch of YouTube "shorts" as a witnessing tool to the world.

These have to be the most pathetic things I have ever watched! He can't even read his own scripts properly. From talking too fast to long pauses as he forgets where he is in the script, and more.

Is he not embarrassed by this?

Has he no shame?

YouTube "shorts" currently can't be embedded so look for them here, particularly these two:


Anonymous said...

Looked for 5 seconds and turned off

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t his wife or son speak up about his appalling online presence? All of his videos and animations are pathetic. Subpar in quality and content. It’s embarrassing to think I was part of this nonsense.

RSK said...

I taught a video production class last semester in which the students (who have taken a buttload of courses so far) were to finally put everything theyd learned to work and produce a "film" from beginning to end.
When shooting was over and it came time to edit the thing, they all claimed "I dont know how to edit".

So I piecemealed the parts of the film out and made them all edit different portions of it, ignoring the excuses. After about 30-45 min they were starting to edit easily.

Bob doesnt have that kind of guiding presence in his life and it shows.

The W.A. said...

I choose to examine the shorts of Dr. Thiel a little later.

Wow, that's weird to write.

Byker Bob said...

Yeah. And practice does not seem to be making perfect, either. What goes through this man's mind? Does he ever feel a sense of embarrassment? Is he expecting special enhancement from God at some point in time?

Ah well. It really doesn't even matter. It's only Armstrongism. Look at what the other fools are doing. Their efforts aren't helping any "great commission" along.


Anonymous said...

Despite Bob's grandiose self-delusion, his "ministry" has a lot more in common with the Kitchens than with LCG, UCG, PCG, or even RCG.

RSK said...

A new low? This is the same Bobby-boy who appointed himself a prophet, decided that made him a higher rank than Meredith, went squalling out of LCG when they wouldnt go along with his uppity ass delusions, then publishes verbal diarrhea where he openly wishes to be "the Elijah" and one of the two witnesses, backed by an armload of random ass "Catholic" mumbojumbo that he says is predicting his arrival on earth. I mean, really.

Yet all his ineptitude really points the other direction.

Cog Member said...

How long were you with ccog?

Free Your Mind said...

Bob does not even know his own website URL, in that video "Teach and do the doctrines of God NOT man", he said his website is but it was on the screen. He also sounded very rushed in his speech, like he was desperate to get all this silly little videos over and done with.

Anonymous said...

Most people in "CCOG" were generally there since 2014-ish

Some float-y inny-&-outie semi members/real members 2019-ish.

A very dedicated supporter person from Australia waited 7 yrs. for baptism opportunity...then was still described by ministry as impatient for it. The RCM attitude leaked over despite so called "fresh start".

6:56 seems like a 2016'er?