Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Can You Trust A Current COG Leader/Member Who Will Be A King/High Priest/God to Rule Fairly And Equitably Over You In The Kingdom?


United Church of God has an article up on their site from Jim Tuck on how UCG members, who will be part of the divine family, will be making judgments, helping enforce the law, and interpreting the law as they judge people in the kingdom who commit infractions. Oh, and they will also be responsible for reeducating the world at that time.

Given the track record on how disunified the Church of God movement currently is doctrinally, spiritually, and temporally, how can anyone trust any of them to do what is right?

Can you imagine living in a world where the godhead ruling over you would be Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, or Dave Pack? Imagine 1,000 years under these guys! The licking flames of the Gahenna fire would look appealing after the first month of their tyranny. Imagine being under the kings and priests of the squabbling UCG/COGWA leader! They can't get along now in the 21st century so what makes them think the world will submit to them in some fantastical kingdom?

Imagine being under Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry as their personal slaves as you bring them their morning coffee, clean their offices, and bow your head as the newly crowned god's walk by you. What joy! 

It's going to take God 999 years to get the squabbling COG's all on the same page! How will any of these men lead people to peace, prosperity, and happiness for everyone?

God’s Divine family will rule over the earth

The Bible says the government won’t be left to other people; the family of God will rule (Daniel 2:44)! Those called now will assist Jesus Christ in establishing His great Kingdom, which will never pass away (Daniel 27:14, 18). The Church—the saints—will become glorified beings and join the God Family at the first resurrection. They will begin rule as kings and priests when they are changed to spirit at the better resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:52-54; Hebrews 11:35; Revelation 20:5-6). 

In the United States government there are three separate branches—the executive, legislative and judicial. Additionally, there is a fourth branch of education which is overseen by the government. In God’s Kingdom, Jesus will set up His government in Jerusalem within which all of these functions will be united. God will provide His laws (the legislative function). The God Family will help enforce the laws (the executive function). It will also interpret those laws and judge cases concerning them (the judicial function). And the God Family will be responsible for education—which will always be taught based on God's law. His way will lead to peace, prosperity and happiness for everyone.

The Church of God is training future kings and priests who will rule with Christ for a thousand years, and they will take the law of God to all peoples (Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6). “For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Micah 4:2).

Each king will be of the Divine Family, and they will rule and serve God’s subjects using genuine love and outgoing concern (1 John 4:16). The entire world will be taught the way of give and love, and not the way of hatred Satan has instilled in mankind. 
When Jesus Christ returns, it will be a time of healing for the whole earth: “But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves” (Malachi 4:2).


Anonymous said...

How do all those unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers who go to the UCG to behave so badly expect to sneak into the kingdom of God? They can fool other people but they cannot fool God. Their own corrupt misrule and abuse will end at the start of the millennium.

Anonymous said...

I'll pass. One of my encouraging scriptures is Matthew 5:19, which notes, Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

I don't mind being least in the Kingdom of God. At least, evidently, we even the least little law breaking types make it, just the same, save for missing out on being called "Great". :)
They can also have my one city I probably didn't get either as I'd rather just leave the politics of divine leadership to others and fish.

Cogless said...

I have letters from several sources that expose Jon Brisby of Church of God, The Eternal. He is not just in his judgements, he is not merciful in his decisions. He gaslights, falsely accuses, uses all the narcissistic tactics to divert, redirect, and attack any legitimate concerns about him and his actions. Same lying spirit in all of ACOG leadership.

Anonymous said...

I can think of 8 right off the top of my head. You folks can't imagine how great it will be.

Anonymous said...

The unrepentant in the UCG have fooled themselves by withdrawing into a world of make believe.

Anonymous said...

Does UCG know how to righteously judge their rogue despicable poster boy Steven Allwine? Or do they continue to encourage all to bestow lovy churchy hugs onto the convict & expect us to invite the guy back to potlucks near our families after parole? All the while casting doubt on the overwhelming evidence of gunpowder, blood, luminol, web i.p. address tracking, & dark web Bit¢oin payoffs to mafia wannabes.

Anonymous said...

Looking into the future with human reasoning NO2HWA will always lead to great disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Those cog leaders don't really want to rule, they want the king or queen of England to rule for all eternity.

Anonymous said...

Let's all fervently pray that Jesus continues his mercy-filled and grace based management approach for the sheep, the little guys, but goes into severe micromanagement overdrive while managing these ACOG cretin-kings.

Scripture tells us that we will be judged in the same way that we judge others. That means that the rod of iron set is in for a really big ration of you know what, and we all get to watch!

Anonymous said...

The UCG always seems to keep the perverts and kick out their victims for them. The idea of love being the keeping of God's commandments seems to have been replaced in the UCG by the idea that love means condoning and supporting evil behavior. People in the UCG are expected to put up with outright perverts. Perhaps the so-called ministers are afraid that if they kicked out all the godless perverts there would not be many people left in the UCG.

Lee T. Walker said...

UCG still has the Armstrong-traditional unbiblical prohibition on bearing arms. Yet Allwine acquired a 9mm ostensibly for personal protection, giving the false impression that UCG has departed from the doctrine. Internal hypocrisy and outreach bait and switch.

COG blighter said...

Every time I see Steve Myers' pleasant & gentle & genuine looking countenance on the Beyond Today TV screen, I feel bad he is likely awash in a swamp of freewheeling higher ups bent on adjusting doctrine to "fit the times" & current trends.

Very trendy, the UCG after that 9mm stuff of goon Allwine in MN. Should have learned more caution & internal affairs scrutiny after vile Terry Ratzmann's 2005 firearms display inside an LCG church service, when a "brethren" (oh, don't accuse the BRETHREN!) opened fire onto his brethren indeed.

Anonymous said...

whoops thanks Lee T. W. sorry I missed detail of UCG prohibits arms

but during some past fellowshipping there I encountered shocking support for Allwine amongst folk I chatted with

a fella espoused that evidence on Allwine wasn't "solid" enough give me a BREAK, damn-Sam

Anonymous said...

You can always count on the COGWA troll showing up on a UCG post.

Anonymous said...

Is this is the same Lawson Tuck who pastored in Huntsville Al back in Worldwide? If it is, i remember him screaming at the women in the audience after HWA went on his power purge back around 1979 on the renewed make up ban and and told them to go wash off the harlot's paint . he reminded me of someone who would say or preach anything that was needed to ensure a paycheck.

Anonymous said...

Ha! None from Cogwa even know about this blog. False accusation filled with hate.

Anonymous said...

Not one of those men from post title picture have ever been in UCG.

Anonymous said...

When you read statements like this Armstrongist preacher has made, you must remember to read between the lines. While much of Armstrongism is explicit, some of it exists as a subtext.
For example, the preacher makes the following statement:

"The Church of God is training future kings and priests who will rule with Christ for a thousand years..."

While this sounds fine and might reference the Christian doctrine of Sanctification, it is based on an unorthodox Armstrongist idea. It is the idea of Qualifying for the Kingdom. This is a wolf in sheeps clothing - it is nothing more or less than salvation by works. More accurately it is salvation through Jesus Plus Works.

This preacher also states, "they will take the law of God to all peoples." What is the law of God he is referring to? Is it the New Testament Law of Christ or is it the obsolete Old Testament Law of Moses. Without a doubt it is the latter and this is a grave error.

Another more elementary error is to write that believers will be Kings and Priests. The phrase in Greek is actually "a Kingdom of Priests." Believers will be priests - a royal priesthood. This is different from being a King. Jesus is the only King we need. I doubt that the Kingdom of God is going to be broken up in the many small fiefdoms ruled by many lesser kings.

Armstrongists make much of the word "crown," stephanos in Greek, as a proof of kingship but this refers to a woven garland worn on the head as a token of honor. It does not force the conclusion that we will have crowns therefore we must be kings. Asserting that we will be kings because of a KJV mistranslation is one of the most common errors made by preachers who talk about the destiny of the believer in the next life. It is commonly believed among Armstrongist and it has no Biblical support.


Anonymous said...

I left the point I was making in my previous comment unstated and shouldn't have. It is this explicitly. If you have successfully exited Armstrongism, especially if your exit was recent, and you perchance read some Armstrongist literature again, it will sound really good. You may even attribute Christian meanings to the words. But the error is in the underlying doctrine. The error is not in the foregound but the background.

Notice the other comments up to this point. Few really reference these doctrinal errors. It is as if they are not there. And they are not unless you train yourself to see them. If you train yourself to see them, they are blatant.


Anonymous said...

ok but a splinter is a splinter of the main branch in all it's sproutings

Anonymous said...

Doctrinal error: Luke 23:54 is supposed to read..."....and the sabbath began to grow light". Eeewwwwwwww. One of the larger nails in Herbie's coffin.

Anonymous said...

Correct Scout, " The error is not in the foregound but the background."

Yea, like is Germany descends from Assyria (background).
Or the lost ten tribes BI (background) is more important than spiritual Israel (Church). And even that descendent is in error with them. The error is in the attitude mainly.

God addressed the attitude when giving alms or tithes, praying and fasting and it can be done incorrectly when looking at the pharisees and scribes. Splinterdom also has that same wrong attitude (spirit) when it comes to prophecy, genealogy, and administration.

Anonymous said...

Lawson T. would have been better off as an Abbot...or a Prior...or a Friar (Tuck).

The COG Catholic said...

...when they are changed to spirit at the better resurrection...

I still have a problem with this idea, because it's incorrect.

First, "spirit" is not a material substance, or a mist, or an array of photons or irridescent light. It is noncorporeal, not another kind of corpus.

Second, "resurrection" does not mean becoming a different species or another life form. In Christianity, it simply refers to the dead coming back to immortal life.

None of us will become "spirit beings" or have "spirit bodies"; Saint Paul says our bodies will put on immortality, and that we will have "spiritual bodies.” Big, big difference.

Anonymous said...

Can I trust a COG minister to rule fairly? No. I got scolded in front of the LCG congregation for not nodding and smiling “enough” during sermons. The old man that went to South East Asia and tried to have sex with underage children? “He learned his lesson.” Child molesters are ok in LCG. But the minster’s ego not being stroked enough when he is being boring is a sin. That’s one of many examples of why Gerald Weston and his hirelings aren’t to be trusted. No morality.

Anonymous said...

What is the actual name of the curmudgeon minister whose dull sermon you wouldn't nod & smile at? They must think the chipped & dented & dinged podium is as sacro-sanct as the Western Wailing wall where black suit guys in Jerusalem bob & nod their bodies in an emotional-appearance cadence.

Looks like LCG wants similar outward show of some bobs & nods. (does that rhyme with Bobs & Rods...) or snobs & clods

Anonymous said...

@ 2:21.

Wow. That is exactly what happened to me in UCG. The minister said he'd seen me looking left and right and at the ceiling, clearly not paying attention.

No kidding.

Anonymous said...

I had a minister tell me not to go to the Feast, when I was planning to go and room with two other guys. This minister didn't know this. We were planning to split the cost three ways, but he got angry about me somehow not having enough money (which he couldn't have possibly known) to attend the feast. It was depressing to say the least. Here is a minister commanding me not to go to the feast. It was shocking.

Anonymous said...

And if you ever confronted the chap about it to this day of why he "banned" you that feast, he'd likely chalk it up to, "well, the spirit inspired me to ban you". They always feel they made the right decision at the right time, even if they DIDN'T.

Anonymous said...

Hey...I too, was gonna split cost of the feast 3 ways with 2 other fellas. As our agreed departure day to head off to Chattanoogie got close, those 2 lugs jokingly amongst themselves in my presence the day before, suddenly began upping & backing up the previously agreed upon actual departure time...of for example, originally to leave at 3 pm what I recall from 30 yrs. ago early 1990's.

They began bantering, "hey, instead of 3, let's leave at 2 !" "ok". "no, let's leave at 1...hey let's go at noon...no, 11 am...naw, let's go at 10" "well, make it 9".

I was snickering along with them thinking they were just joking.

But they thought my snickering was verbal agreement with their semi-serious departure time change. I did not voice any approval, so I mowed the lawn (that I already told them I would do) at our apts. for one of my part time sabbath-keeping jobs before arriving with them to leave for TN at 2 or 3.

Boy were they ticked, the main guy driver was explosively angry & they razzed me heavy 1/2 way to TN. It was then that I found out, in old WCG, letting your yes be yes & your no to be no was often left to interpretation. As were many things chiseled in stone there...like makeup...voting...divorce/remarriage...voting...being political...& of a widower Pastor General's "wisdom"/marrying his much younger Pasadena secretary who ends up leaving him anyway soon.

Later, attending other COGs one finds out that same "wisdom" can clock you over the head with threats from hierarchy that if one doesn't pander to all the current leader's feastly, feisty feast time preferences, that you get promptly gaslighted into "losing your crown".

Anonymous said...

Yea, well I didn't get a chance to chap it up with him because he wasn't around not to much long after that. It was strange because we had actually roomed together for a few days of the feast the previous year. Crazy, you get admonished for simply trying to obey.