Saturday, July 20, 2024

Crackpot Prophet: NATO Will Soon Attack The U.S.!


The blistering heat in CA is wreaking havoc on the already compromised brain of the Great Bwana Bob. He is having a major meltdown this morning over JD Vance as a potential Vice President. He is screeching how Euorupeaons supposedly fear him being the next VP.

The Great Bwana Bob is like the other professional fear-mongers in the COG who secretly look forward to a day when jackbooted Germans will take over the United States, imprison citizens and torture them in concentration camps, and capture the young men and women in the US to send to Europe to be their slaves for 3 1/2 years. They will all melt into an orgasmic fit of ecstasy if it happens as they believe it will prove them the prophets they delusionaly think they are.

"Yet, I have felt for decades, the Europeans will one day attack the USA deceptively under the guise of a NATO exercise. Plus, the Europeans will probably will have ground assistance from Mexico, a nation that Donald Trump has repeatedly offended during his campaign. Europe will also likely have some assistance from Russia and even China."

"Now, with Donald Trump’s rising in the polls, plus his selection of J.D. Vance as his vice president, this is getting Europe to try to hasten steps to increase Europe’s military might. 
Many in Europe see this as reasonable and logical–particularly in the light of real and alleged comments from Donald Trump as well as J.D. Vance."

"Without national repentance, the USA is doomed. 
And while your nation is not likely to repent, you can. 
Do not put that off. "

Yep, join up with the improperly named "continuing" Church of the Lesser God and you too can save your behind. 


Byker Bob said...

I don't pretend to know the totality of Bob Thiel's overview of the 2024 election, having just seen this excerpt, but he plainly "gets" the aspects related to the perceptions of the Europeans as to what another Trump presidency means for them, especially since it is now amplified by the choice of J.D. Vance as the Donald's running mate. France has been scary enough for them over the past several weeks. Vance holds even more extreme positions in many areas than does Trump. It's too bad that Bob is doing a work that is all but invisible, because we need all hands on deck sounding a warning about this during the precious few months leading up to the election. I am not concerned about NATO turning on us, or having the power to overwhelm us, but we could witness some intense global destabilization which will embolden Iran, North Korea, and other unstable regimes with nothing much to lose. Plus, if our traditional partners become angry enough, they may choose a currency other than the traditional dollar with which to trade.

The Europeans prefer the globalist mode which is largely responsible for having prevented World War III. Basically, under another name "Pax Americana". Trump and Bannon's rhetoric was quite alarming to me when I first became aware of it leading up to the 2016 election. It created distrust amongst our allies, to say nothing of being inflammatory, jingoist, and xenophobic.

So, I'm sorry. I don't believe that this has anything to do with the Armstrong prophecy mold, but at least on this one issue, I believe Bob Thiel's concerns are much more realistic than the far right hallelujah choruses we regularly hear from the GTA splinter leaders. Also, the photo ops the Flurry dance troupe had with Donald Jr. should concern all PCG members. Better to have remained invisible. You can bet your bottom dollar that full intelligence investigations were made of the PCG and its leaders following those encounters.

We know that Armstrongism has a history of zero percent understanding of prophecy in any way. That does not mean that there will never be any bumpy roads in our future. Those have happened throughout our history, and some of them were totally preventable. Buckle up!


Anonymous said...

I have felt for decades, the Europeans will one day attack the USA deceptively under the guise of a NATO exercise.....Now, with Donald Trump’s rising in the polls, plus his selection of J.D. Vance as his vice president, this is getting Europe to try to hasten steps to increase Europe’s military might, this is getting Europe to try to hasten steps to increase Europe’s military might.

the Americam nuclear submarines exist in such number and total nuclear warheads means they have the firepower to destroy every major city in europe so under this scenario of attack the result would be total destruction of any military might european military power.

Another theory and as stupid as all those peddled by herbie over a fifty year career
of fakery.

Anonymous said...

Of all the failed prophecies shoveled out by HWA the Assyria/Germans attacking the USA is probably as about as likely as Canada invading Alabama. Germany had to be dragged up to the table to start increasing defense spending even after Putin's invasion. Probably the most militant of the European nations is Poland or the Baltic States because they endured hundreds of years of Russian tyranny & misrule and are not going to submit again without a fight.

Unohu said...

It is certainly an historic day today with President Biden pulling a Lyndon Johnson.

This means that the USA is no longer in checkmate regardless of whichever candidate wins. Hopefully, African Americans and women will team up with moderate white folk, rise to the occasion, and rescue us from the horrible specter of a second Trump presidency.

I'm not holding my breath, though.