Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dave Pack: Selling All Is Serious



G.D said...

DCP is primarily focused on money. He manipulates scripture to instill fear in those who have resources. I feel sorry for those who are deceived by these lies and make sacrifices to support this false teacher.

2 Peter 2:3 NLT
"In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money..."

Anonymous said...


It is a SERIOUS MISTAKE to follow klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies and go along with his “COMMON” THEFT SCAM.

Putting up with his weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses is not very smart either.

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon the extortioners DCP, HWA clones, GW, GF, RW, BT, RS are getting ripped off!! Supposed to add 20% if you pay in money - Lev 27:31!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

DCP cheated/lied/scammed his OWN Siblings out of their own inheritance years ago, their father's nutrition products store. One of them told me about it.. DCP's dishonesty goes way back, even cheating family

Now look at your Bible!
The scriptures that discuss being able to enjoy what you worked for (Ecc 3:13) and providing for your own family (I Tim 5:8), leaving an inheritance for your children (Prov 13:3)...all of a sudden They Don't Count ?!?!?!

Don't you RCG members read your Bibles at all? Since when is God a Marxist?

(shouldn't have to remind you) What are the 8th and 10 commandments all about if we're not allowed our own property(with true obligations kept)

One last try:
Why is it only Common IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY?!??!?!?

Anonymous said...

To continue 2Peter 2:3 NLT: ....."But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed". Looks like it should be soon.

Anonymous said...

With David Pack's common theft scam, all the money goes to Dave and his pet projects. It does not get distributed to the poor in the church as they have need (and they will all end up poor and needy after Dave is done with them).

Anonymous said...

I noticed Dave's hair is really thinning and going grey.

Anonymous said...

HWA is the original SCAM artist and I love your attacks on the offshoots but REMEMBER where they got the playbook fund and donate to the building fund with that excess 2nd tithe.

Anonymous said...

Be careful you’ll be eaten by lions making fun of a “prophet.”

In the name of Dave I command you not to blaspheme against the branch who is not a branch but sometimes is a branch and has always been a branch.

Sound confusing? That’s what Dave is all about in the neverending series.