Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Feast of Trumpets Is Approaching And LCG Goes Into Fear Mode: Beware Of Those Rascally Germans!


Those rascally Germans, always stirring things up in COGland. When will they ever stop pestering the Churches of God? Living Church of God would have no reason to exist if it wasn't for Germany.

The fear factor is constantly alive and well in Armstrongism

We are now less than three weeks away from the Feast of Trumpets and as experience tells us, it will come quickly. Similarly, although we appear to be some years away, the day the Feast of Trumpets pictures will be here much more quickly than we might imagine. Germany is taking a turn to the right and cracking down on immigration. Events in Europe are setting the stage for the fulfillment of prophecies that we have known for decades must happen. Here in the United States, this is likely to be the most consequential election in memory, but who knows how it will turn out, what the fallout will be whichever candidate is elected, and most importantly, who God will choose, as He can turn elections in whichever direction He chooses. Leaders do make a difference, but anyone placing his trust in man and in our democratic approach to choosing our leaders is destined to be disappointed.—Gerald Weston



Anonymous said...

Wut? "Feast of Trumpets" is not in the Bible. There is a memorial of noise, a sabbathon (no servile work) and a convocation, but trumpets are not specified, and the day is never called a feast (chag) in the Hebrew, and somebody is supposed to remember something.

Anonymous said...

Those rascally Germans. As for cracking down on immigration, its too late Europe. You have cooked your goose now eat it lol. Seriously, next we will be told the Germans are the modern day descendant's of the ancient Assyrians. On another note don't doubt that the Anglo Saxons are also easily capable of human depravity and genocide. There is probably no people on earth who are immune from committing grisly brutalities against their fellows. We are all tarred with the same brush. The peoples the Armstrong movement hold up as special have a history of appalling bloodshed. What monsters they are.

Anonymous said...

How about Beware of the nation state Israel (not German) dragging the US into a major war along with the Russia thing perhaps. By the way Remember the USS Liberty.

"Its just gotta work out for Living, its just gotta line up, we were right HWA!"

Anonymous said...

It looks as though LCG and UCG both still believe that Germany = Assyria.

The strongest case for this appears to be speculative linguistic connections, plus quotes of questionable sources ("Smith's Classical Dictionary"), plus a dogma of true-church infallibility.

Anyway, if you believe Germany = Assyria, and that we're in the end-times, then Germany is undoubtedly end-time scary.

Anonymous said...

It is now time for some Realpolitik. Don’t be frightened into a large Holy Day offering by fear stoking. German is ranked 19th among the top 145 military powers in the world. That initially may sound like Germany is near the top but the difference between Germany other top military powers, based on military spending, like the United States, Russia, China and even Saudi Arabia is enormous. Germany ranks just a little bigger than South Korea. Deutschland is wie ein Elfenkind mit einem winzigen Schwerte zuhanden.

One might say that Realpolitik should be ignored and the Bible should be heeded. While that is true, Germany is not Assyria. The Bible cannot be invoked in this cause. Have a look at the following two essays.




Feastgoer said...

who knows how it will turn out... and most importantly, who God will choose,

This is confusing. Does God NOT know how the election will turn out, 48 days from Election Day?

Is He delaying His choice based on, say, how well LCG keeps the Feast season?

Is LCG adopting what seems to be the COGWA position, that God is NOT omniscient?

Tonto said...

Germans are OK! They keep the OKTOBERFEST OF TABERNACLES dont they?? :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes the OKTOBERFEST OF TABERNACLES. Well Tonto I saw much revelling and drinking during the Feast worldwide back in the day. Enough to embarrass the Krauts, sorry that slipped out; rather the Germans in their much loved festival. Unfortunately I didn’t get to attend a ‘real’ Oktoberfest while I was in Germany years back. Had friends who did and they loved it, hic hic ………..the memories……

John said...

Gerald Weston wrote: "...Here in the United States, this is likely to be the most consequential election in memory, but who knows how it will turn out, what the fallout will be whichever candidate is elected, and most importantly, who God will choose, as He can turn elections in whichever direction He chooses. ..."
What means Weston by the phrase "who God will choose?"

Yes, all of God's works are known (Acts 15:18; Heb 4:3), but what makes Gerald think God would be concerned about an election in the USA? Did God choose Biden, too? And Obama? And Bush? And Clinton? And etc.?
Did God have anything to do with the choice of Biden for President, and turning that election to Biden? Same for Trump?

Trumpets? So many, including the living group, the United Ass., headed up by fleeing hirelings of the former WCG organization, still focus on Jesus Christ when it comes to Trumpets; however, there is so much more to TrumpetS, than Jesus Christ's supposedly return to earth for a 1,000 year reign within some Mickey Mouse millennium (MMM) kingdom, that gets messed up when Satan exits the pit to cause wars (Rev 20; Rev 17) worldwide again, etc. It's not Trumpet, but TrumpetS: the word is plural.

Back to Gerald: why would God choose a president of the USA when God already knows who is in charge worldwide:

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Cor 4:4

The glorious gospel of Christ is not about that MMM! Is Gerald, along with the other xwcg hirelings still so blinded by that god (2 Tim 2:26; James 4:5)? Time is telling.

Has Gerald noted the copious lies distributed around the USA elections, and also within other countries as well? They all are guided by the same father:

"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

Murder? What is racism? Hatred! Who father's that racism and hatred through human beings (James 4:5; 2 Tim 2:26)? Who authors sin? I John 3:8 (first 8 words)!

Luke 4:5 "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
:7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine."

Gerald, by their fruits you know them. How know Satan and his angels with their fruit of lies, lies and lies?

Is the USA, like all nations and kingdoms, of Satan, or not? Did God choose Biden/Harris, then change His mind, if Trump is chosen? It sounds ridiculous, but…

Time may tell...


Anonymous said...

Yep, Not to mention many of our U.S. military bases within Germany. They would have to be attacked first I guess.

Anonymous said...

Gerald wrote “ Germany is taking a turn to the right and cracking down on immigration. Events in Europe are setting the stage for the fulfillment of prophecies that we have known for decades must happen.”

Really Mr. Weston, you’ve known for decades like say 1975 in prophecy? And only one region of Germany is taking that stance, so you and the others in LCG are fine with other human beings being sent back to their homeland even though they were brought there to work. Sounds like they are rooting for Germany and rooting against them at the same time. They want that ethnically pure German! Get those “other people “ out of there so our narrative can be right.

Anonymous said...

John, the following is from the official Seventh-day Adventist church site:
"The Bible speaks of a millennium, a thousand-year period of time where God’s people will be dwelling in heaven with Him while Satan and his fallen angels will be bound on earth." Is this why you keeping using your "Mickey Mouse Millennium" label. Are you a former SDA member? Is that your theological "home base?"

John said...

Anon, Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 3:22:36 AM PDT, wrote:

[John, the following is from the official Seventh-day Adventist church site:
"The Bible speaks of a millennium, a thousand-year period of time where God’s people will be dwelling in heaven with Him while Satan and his fallen angels will be bound on earth." Is this why you keeping using your "Mickey Mouse Millennium" label. Are you a former SDA member? Is that your theological "home base?"]
That Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) statement, in my opinion, is true; however, I have never been involved with the SDA and am not familiar with their doctrines.

The Bible never says you are going to rule, and reign, with Christ for a thousand years on this earth.

I first heard that phrase "Mickey Mouse Millennium" from some sermons on "Christ's Second Coming," and other sermons from other series with different labels, that I listened to that had been given in Feb/Mar 1997.

For example, a partial transcript of Christ's Second Coming, Part 2 given 1 March 1997 says this:

"...What we have to figure out is where Jesus Christ is going to be.

Now, many coming from the Church believe that we’re going to reign on this earth for a thousand years. Now, most of you all who are listening to this album about Christ’s Second Coming have already heard the True Plan of Salvation. So you know that we will not be on this earth, but we’re going to prove that by scripture: that Jesus Christ is not going to be on this earth ruling and reigning in some little “Mickey Mouse” little kingdom that he sets up for a thousand years just to be overthrown by Satan at the “end.” It just doesn’t work that way. It was a “good” theory and all of us, who came out of the Worldwide Church of God, believed it. That’s okay. It had nothing to do with our salvation: what we believed about this and about this theory..."

Part 3 of that same sermon series,but given on 8 March 1997 said this:

"...You know Christ is not coming at the beginning of these thousand years to set up some Mickey Mouse little kingdom that basically fails in “the end!”
He doesn’t work that way. His Kingdom is forever! Let’s read that over in Daniel 2. When He says forever: He means it!..."

Again, the Bible never says you are going to rule, and reign, with Christ for a thousand years on this earth.

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Or, the God of heaven sets up a kingdom replacing all other "kingdoms" and stands forever but after the first 1000 years of God's kingdom ("the millenium" - Rev 20) it is within God's plan to release Satan for awhile and then is destroyed.
Note that only one angel, not an army of thousands, not two or more angels, puts Satan in the pit and shuts him up.