Thursday, October 3, 2024

Just How Many "Watchmen" Does the Church of God Need?

LCG believes their message to the world is far superior than talking much about Jesus and the salvation work accomplished. They much prefer the death and damnation route to keep people living in fear. Nuclear war, famines, children being eaten by their parents, concentration camps, WWIII and so much more keeps people that come into contact with them living in a constant state of fear. End of days porn is far more profitable and titillating.

Sadly, this is not limited to the Living Church of God. The Great Bwana Bob  Mzungu Thiel hilariously claims he is a watchman. Gerald Flurry says he is. Dave Pack thinks he is...well, on second thought, that changes hour by hour. Alton Billingsly thinks he is. UCG and COGWA think their churches are.

Does anyone care? Especially when most of these churches are corrupt to the core. Would anyone in their right mind trust these guys?

The Role of a Watchman: Many churches today feel their mission is to tell people about Jesus and hold numerous social activities. Yet, Jesus instructed His disciples to be alert and watch for events that will mark the approaching end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). The events making news today—natural disasters, increasing violence and wars around the globe, and the increasing moral, religious, and political decline of Israelite nations (2 Timothy 3:1–5; Deuteronomy 31:29)—are occurring along with the emergence of adversarial powers in Asia and the Middle East (Leviticus 26:15–17). Just as God sent prophets to warn ancient Israel and Judah of their coming punishments, the Church of God has a similar mission to function as a watchman to warn modern Israelite nations of the coming consequences of their sinful ways (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:2–7). This powerful warning must accompany the preaching of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14). Let’s stay focused on this God-given mission.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

The answer is ZERO. The ekklesia should be proclaiming Christ, his teachings, what he has done for us, and his kingdom.

R.L. said...

All this, while another group has been claiming to be a "watchman" since 1933 - and close to Edmond at that!

Anonymous said...

Following Christ also means striving to become like Him. Even in high school I remember male students imitating the action heroes of that era. Christians need to do likewise with their Ultimate Action Hero. He's returning on His horse to beat the crap out of all the evil doers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 11:26:22 PM PDT,
Yes, we should strive to be like Christ - serving others in love, and all that that entails (patient, kind, humble, forgiving, etc.). But, no, my friend, Christ is not the "Ultimate Action Hero." He is our Savior, and he is returning to this earth to rescue us from ourselves, NOT "to beat the crap out of all evil doers." You are apparently reading a different Bible than the one that I am reading, but that tends to happen when you take a book that is full of symbolism and turn it into a literal account of God and his plans for us!

Anonymous said...

This Millerite preacher stated, “Many churches today feel their mission is to tell people about Jesus and hold numerous social activities”.

This statement is intended to be disparaging to Christianity. But what will we find if we unpack it a little. The preacher is ragging on Christian churches that tell people about Jesus. That strikes an odd note. He clearly makes telling people about Jesus sound like something very unimportant, even flawed. And my guess is that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Isn’t that in the Spokesman Club manual someplace? It leads to important questions that one might ask of this organization. Why is Jesus so unimportant to you that you consider the idea of telling others about him to be a mistake? Do you believe that there is something more important than telling people about Jesus and “the Gospel of your salvation” (Ephesians) that he brought? How do you arrive at that atypical conclusion?

And as for the statement about social activities. Is there something wrong with trying to build a sense of team spirit and mutual love and appreciation? Does the congregation this preacher attends have social activities? What then is their purpose? Are those social activities somehow different from those held by Christian churches?

And as for speaking about the decline of the United States and the world, the Westboro Baptist Church has already claimed that spot. How many Westboros do we really need? Many people in the United States have heard about the Westboro Baptist Church. Very few have ever heard anything about the denomination this Millerite preacher belongs to. Who is really more effective?


Anonymous said...

Would Doug prefer that instead of having "social activities" at LCG summer camps, the kids were sat down at desks and taught about British-Israelism?

Anonymous said...

I think the best answer is one! One who has a direct pipeline to God and speaks the truth accurately.

Unfortunately, no such person has surfaced. Even Herbie had his great disappointment of 1972-75! The church always taught degeneration as opposed to evolution, so by one of their own paradigms, recent specimens would be inferior to HWA. And of course HWA was already vastly inferior to Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean ekklesia as in the whole body of the faithful?!
I've read it all now. Also 'should be'?

Matthew 23:13 springs to mind as Jesus said ' you yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to'

The ekklesia aren't allowed to say boo to the leaders never mind actually do something.

Anonymous said...

Every "Christian" has the potential of a direct pipeline to God. But for the pipeline to be turned on, there is the requirement that the person in question is striving to go down the narrow gate. Ah yes, the stumbling block. Too many "Christians" give themselves all manner of sinful perks and exemptions. Naughty, naughty.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's sad, isn't it? Armstrongism is such a useless pile of steaming shit, and yet here are people basing their entire lives on it, as if it can give them that pipeline and be the key that yields all the answers. They gleefully proclaim it, and it never yields the results they anticipate. It's incapable of doing that!