Monday, January 27, 2025

Off Kilter Theology


When Armstrongite ministers who claim to practice 1st Century Christianity discuss "worldly" Christians.


Anonymous said...

When Armstrongite ministers who claim to practice 1st Century Christianity discuss "worldly" Christians.

In fairness, the "traditional Christians" do the same to any sect ("cult") that does not accept the Trinity, Sunday, and certain other dogmas. The main differences are in the size of their sect and the degree of "cultiness" (dogmatism) it adheres to. And saying that does not make me Bob Thiel.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous 4:02

When you speak of Christians, whether traditioinal or otherwise, it is important to recognize that the Christian Movement attracts many different categories of people. One of the largest categories are nominal Christians - people for whom Christianity is a Sunday Social Club and nothing more. The Christian Movement has always had a preponderance of these people. But within most congregation you will find a few people who are dedicated Christians - Christians who are being sanctified by the Holy Spirit. So you must be careful in attributing some attitude or activity to "Christians" when in fact there may be a minority of Christians in the mix.

With Armtrongism, you don't find this kind of mix. Most Armstrongists are in their congregations because they are dedicated. Its not really a Saturday Social Club. That was true at least when I wa an Armstrongist.


Anonymous said...

Yup. Armstrongism is off kilter..............

The fixed times of Lev 23.......
Weekly sabbath. Three feasts-[Ex 23:14; Deut 16:16; 2Chr 8:13]: Nisan 14-20, 8th "Sunday" after Nisan 14, Tishri 15-21. Three annual sabbath(on)s: Tishri 1, 10, 22.

Phil A'Delfia said...

Oh no! Another commercial from "Feast Man"!

The COG Catholic said...

It's funny. But at the same time, not all Christian beliefs are merely a matter of being "slightly off," as in "no big deal." Some doctrines are essential.

Things like how many "God Beings" do we worship, or whether baptismal regeneration is true, or what Jesus meant by "This is my body," etc. -- these things are not just inconsequential points of view.

Some teachings are non-essential, but some are absolutely essential.

HWA is not who we can trust to delineate the two.

Anonymous said...

I marvel at how different the Armstrongite focus is in their sermons, articles, and media presentations from the books of the New Testament. If First Century Christians could meet Armstrongites, those Christians would not know who the Germans are and would be upset that the Armstrongites were more preoccupied by German aggression than the victorious Savior. The Christians would want to talk about justification and the Armstrongites would just sit there with blank stares on their faces and try to interrupt with silliness about British Israelism. At this point, the Christians would jubilantly praise God that there is no longer Jew or Greek, for all are one in Christ, and then they'd try to excitedly switch the topic to how all are saved by grace. Those fighting words would be too much for the Armstrongites to bear, and Armstrongites would begin mocking their foes as weird, uninteresting, uninspired, uncircumcised Christians, falsely so called.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, for the Apostle Paul would recognise the attacks so called Christians repeatedly throw at other Christians. He would immediately recognise what the issue is.
Why are some so triggered by others beliefs? What's so heroic about self-righteousness? The real cause is within yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Anon12:25:39, again you recognize that Armstrongism is a religion of division, a religion of mocking other Christians as fake (or as you prefer: "so called Christians"). Armstrongist are indeed very triggered by other's beliefs; you really cannot discuss Christian belief with them. They will generally be smug or insulting...which are not fruit of the Spirit.

Trooisto said...

Continuing on the theme of if First Century Christians could meet Armstrongites, imagine when it's time for the Winter Family Weekend and the Christians are so happy to be together they just burst out in praise of Jesus; they're singing, clapping, dancing, just joyous merrymaking all in honor of Jesus. The highest ranking Armstrongite would need to admonish them on how it's not fitting to celebrate Jesus that way and when you silly so called Christians glory and groove in Jesus in late December, then it's PAGAN!