Dave Pack - Christ Returns March 29, 2025
Dave Pack - I'm More Certain Christ Will Return March 29, 2025
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Dave just loves the attention. That helps to explain the long sermons.
You people are Satanic filth on this blog posting pictures of such blasphemy!
Imagine how different RCG would be today if Dave had taken every minute that he's devoted to "proving" the date of Christ's return, and instead used those minutes to teach RCG brethren to treat their brethren and their neighbors with Christ-like love.
I'm sorry, but that's what Dave looks like.
Dave does have an "out"........if not this year then next year on Abib 1 or next Abib 1 ad nauseum.
I've got a very inspiring artist's conception of Jesus riding a Harley, if you prefer, 6:26, but you're still gonna think He needs a haircut!
There is no inspiring picture on this earth with a long-haired Jesus. They are all demonic influences to lead people away from God.
Wow, 7:24! How fragile you must believe that faith is, that hair could be such a lever!
You are aware of Nazarite vows?
The water glasses look like beers with that red curtain behind them!
~~ he must really hit the sauce bottle at home!
Beyond mockery, sarcasm, throwing around swear words and boldly declaring love of bacon and hatred of Armstrong, what's the real point of this blog?
Because people like Pack are a done deal. How many follow Pack? Constantly mocking pathetic examples like Pack, looks like the high society tourist visitors when they visited Bedlam hospital in London for entertainment in 1800's.
Yet this isn't fulfilling the commission of Jesus Christ. Not really, no matter how much you protest or ignore. It's a side issue born of church politics, fuelled by cliques all puffing each other up, in on the secret and glorifying in the secrecy. It is a sign of the times but not the sign you think it deserves.
For some time I have been thinking that I needed to keep up with the wacky teachings of this guy because my beloved family member believes all he says. But now I've found it best not to comment on the latest blather, rather to watch and pray that he's not ordered to clean out our bank account and head for the hills.
March 29th I can send Mr..Pack my rent money I don't need it.......... No I better wait to the 31th , He could be wrong .
I'm reminded of the words of Rocky the Flying Squirrel:
"Again?!?! But that trick never works!"
I heartedly agree with your observation. I've been saying the same. Also they could have been learning to KNOW Jesus and who he really is and start living in the NEW Covenant.
It helps one's recovery knowing that some of the continuing perps read the angst we share. The light which we shine here is part of why these continuing perps ARE a done deal. It goes deeper than church politics. Bad, heretical doctrines cause religious dictators, and ruin their victims lives. We're not the spectators, we're the visitors whose goal is to assist people in leaving Bedlam Hospital, and It's fulfilling to know that it is working.
I can see where the exposure would irk those who still believe 90% of what HWA started. Perhaps this isn't the best blog for you! But, thanks for dropping by, and please do have a spiritually enlightening day!
Keeping yourself neck deep in this does not help any recovery I assure you. Flogging the ones still involved you flog yourself for all practical purposes. So I dont think its recovery....I think most are recovered. My guess is that... like most blogs.... its more to do with boredom? Glancing at topics you have an association with when theres nothing else to click on and all you have is time on your hands?
I have as much personal reason to be here as any and its still random boredom that makes me peek. The caustic contributors I scroll thru tho. Ick. Id just as soon be stuck in a room with DCP all day than some of the contributors here. Some of these people need some self awareness lol
The thoughtful respectful responses i appreciate. Those are nice. They can help pass the time without causing the same type of harm we all escaped
Okay, Bob. Your last few lines totally made me laugh.
To stunning and brave Anonymous: The purpose of this blog (and others) is to continue to expose the rampant biblical fraud perpetrated by self-appointed blowhards that use deception, manipulation, and fear to keep their positions of "authority" and remind folks there are suffering people still stuck in the corrupted offspring organizations post Rotting Herbie. There is serious mental, emotional, and spiritual damage being done by false apostles and false prophets threatening the members with eternal death if they leave. So... mockery and sarcasm are completely appropriate. -- Even David said to let Shimei throw stones at him. But I will not promise to never leave my city.
"Mr" Pack does not need your rent money. He needs an executioner.
Thanks, Marc. I always enjoy the humor you inject into your articles and news updates as well. If anyone is living proof of the good we try to do here for our former brethren, you are certainly near the top of the list.
Keep on Truckin'
@2:17~ Speaking soley for myself, it's definitely not boredom that brings me here. I have always had a broad spectrum of interests, and am an adrenaline junkie. My parents and the church forced me to stifle them for the most part during my 19 year time cycle with the church. So, since leaving in 1975, I've spent just about every waking hour catching up on the good things of which I had been arbitrarily deprived. So, the deprivations of a WCG experience actually left me with an extreme zest for life in its aftermath. Believe me, it's as if I'd lived two or three lifetimes, not just one. I do not come here out of boredom. Fellowship? Yeah! We do actually have some very good fellowship here! Further education? Uh Huh, only this time with a huge dose of intellectual honesty and freedom, and also totally uncensored. Exchanging and strengthening one anothers' life skills? Yep. Troubleshooting our shared past so that we do not gullibly make the same mistakes, as prompted by those who thought they had authority over us? Big time! And right out in the open, with no fear of reprisal.
We've had many people, after a superficial view, make very similar comments to your own regarding our community here. However, a superficial overview of anything, hides the depth, and ends up being deceptive in the simplicity of one's initial view.. And, this comes from someone who has seven year itch and then becomes bored with many activities. But with this blog? Never!
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