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Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
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Well, if you cherry-pick and distort the facts, and censor your opponents, then anyone can be proven "right." But people who do that are leading a cult or a cultic system.
No Gerry, thou art not a prophet. It’s over for the Armstrong movement. It will pass on, as many have passed on over the ages. Perhaps with a few, very few, remnants only to be found. A footnote in ecclesiastical history. You are a prophet only to the converted, the pcog membership, otherwise an unknown. And the MAGA movement doesn’t need you to Make America Great Again lol.
If the Flurrys were trying to cozy up to the Trumps, the honeymoon didn't last long.
"President Trump betrayed Israel," one Key of David video right after the inauguration said.
PCG also is suggesting Mr. Trump is being "naive" about Vladimir Putin, especially when it comes to Ukraine.
There are plenty of reasons to think that the "prophecies" of nutcase flurry that pertain to the middle east are about to blow up in his face. When that happens, he will have to change the narrative and pretend he predicted it all along. People have short memories.
Did Elijah need to use fudge factors? Isaiah? Jeremiah?
This is what happens when people fake the gift of prophecy.
Also, what are the ACOGs saying about Mr. Trump? Will he take the country up? Or into the final decline HWA began prophesying during WW-II?
The PLAIN TRUTH about Gerald Flurry
Gerald Flurry always was a lying, thieving, wrong GUESSER.
Gerald Flurry still is a lying, thieving, wrong GUESSER.
Gerald Flurry always be a lying, thieving, wrong GUESSER.
The Guessing Games
It seems like all sorts of godless bums on the so-called Church of God scene would like to guess correctly, or even half correctly, some little prophetic trivia so they can pretend that they are such great and awesome prophets that everyone should worship them as the Greatest Guesser of the Ages.
Anyone who listens to them just gets strung along with more wrong guesses.
VINDICATED: From the Latin vinum for "wine" and the Latin indicare for "pointed toward" or "suggested". Maybe GRF has in fact been vindicated far more than we know.
2.32 ''he "prophecies" of nutcase flurry that pertain to the middle east are about to blow up in his face..''
The amazing thing, however is how these claimant messengers/apostles/ prophesiers have learnt they can pretty well say anything to their flock and get away with it. The alleged apostle Herbert was a master of this. And others follow his unfortunate footsteps.
Yes indeed, Gerry I am sure enjoys a drop of Vinum. Myself included. Although not with Gerry.
As to Indicare, it can mean to accuse, provide evidence, a price of some item, to show, to discover, none of these a Prophet does make. That one can foresee trouble ahead does not make one a prophet. There is perception, such as one can see a problem arising via a set of behaviour or behaviours and one can almost accurately predetermine outcomes. Other different from the prophets of old. I remember an old pcog advertisement called, with a photo of HWA, He was right. Ha ha yeah right.
Nope, he was wrong. Elon Musk is the actual president. š
GRF is Antichrist
Gerry was right about Trump, but the scriptures he gave to "prove" this was not prophesy. It could be history repeating itself, but prophesy means much more. It means that God is morally bound to intervene, which wasn't the case with Trump.
Flurry does not know crap about politics. He gets his "news" from the usual sources.
It's not as if Gerald were prescient, or something. Anyone who reads the news and knows anything about human nature knew or knows pretty much exactly what was going to happen to the USA as a result of another Trump presidency.
And although it resembles the end times scenarios which Herbie and the ACOGs have parroted for the past 75 years, I'm not sure that that is what Armstrongites are reading into it. Do they see the embracing of anti-vax hysteria setting off disease epidemics in humans and animals? Or the denial of climate change by the world's largest industrial nation exacerbating the intensity of the sun, as prophesied in Revelation? Tariffs and tax cuts and rebates escalating inflation, and wasting the money that should be used to pay down the national debt? Policies infuriating even our allies, causing mistrust, ultimately and turning them against the US? Bannon's work overseas pushing along the far right in such countries as Germany, ultimately spreading throughout the EU? The Pope gravely ill?
I don't know how everyone else who sat in class at Ambassador College, or at Friday night Bible Study in the gymnasium remembers the layers of details HWA added to his prophecy mold in an effort to authenticate it, but I do remember that he always favored Republican presidents and their policies. The optics, the visuals, never materialized during that era in the ways that they appear to be now. Republican presidents were always indicators that God was delaying the end times so that the church would have a few more years to get the work done.
Do I believe that this is Herbie's apocalypse? No. HWA was an incestuous false prophet, which is why 1975 was never going to happen. But I believe that we are watching things unfold which we were taught not to worry about because they did not conform to the approved prophecy mold and timeline. Much of what happens is really going to catch the Armstrongites and ACOGs with their pants down. They are not going to incorporate the detes listed above into their great commission, or warnings of the end times, not that they have any remaining visibility anyway. As the onion peels, their final missing of the mark may end up finally debunking Armstrongism even for the most stalwart members. Buckle up!
People are hopeless idiots.
Well, I dont know about the old man himself, but Ive noticed his kid and a few others are using a lot of QAnon language and citing social media memes instead of news. At least with the fourth estate, the old "cross out the opinion statement" exercise still works much of the time. Not so much with all the outright fakes on social media. I could make a video right now claiming GF is a serial rapist and make it sound believable.
QAnon is no dumber than CNN, Fox, PBS, and MSNBC.
Oh I dont know. Its pretty rare to see any of those latch onto a completely unvetted rando from nowhere claiming to have "top notch intel" about how the construction scaffolding on the west side of the US Capitol is actually a gallows somehow for the President to hang his political opponents. QAnon falls for that garbage regularly for years on end.
Never saw any of those claim the elite are stealing "adrenochrome" from children and drinking it like that scene in "The Dark Crystal". Or that "eight days of darkness" theyve been predicting for years now with dates just not coming to pass.
Gerry will turn 90 on Passover this year, April 12. And he doesn't look a day over 85. Guess his recent teetotaling has done him at least SOME good...
Flurry prophesied that Trump would win re-election in 2020 whuch failed to pass. After Biden's obvious dementia and it's failed cover up by main stream media the past 4-5 years and his performance as probable the most incompetent administration in the past 100 years you did not have to be Nostradamus to see he or Harris would likely lose. Even a non functioning clock has correct tome every 12 hours.
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