Monday, December 18, 2023

Holy Hanna! Is Bob Thiel Now One Of The HOLY Prophets?


Never underestimate the mind of a delusional Church of God false prophet, particularly when it comes to the improperly named "continuing" Church of God movement and its Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucsaisns, Bob Thiel. Over the last 13 or so years the Great Bwana has taken upon himself all kinds of Biblical names of men he thinks he is comparable to. The only ones in the list below that he has not compared himself to yet are the women, though knowing Bob he will soon have a dream and claim he carries the "spiritual" virtues of Deborah and other strong women. As a weak man and weak church leader, it is important to embrace the strong men and women of the Bible to look more righteous, though in this case, it does NOT work.

Bwana Bob has told us repeatedly that he is the modern-day: "Abraham, Job, Moses, Deborah, Samuel, David, Nathan, Ahijah, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, James, John, Jude". Who wants to take bets that he will soon declare himself as a type of Christ?

‘By the Mouth of All His Holy Prophets’

In Acts 3:19-21, the Apostle Peter stated that restoration (apocatastasis) was “spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophet.” Do you know what the prophets spoke about this? In this eighth part of an eight-part sermon series on God’s plan to offer salvation to all, Dr. Thiel reads quotes and references from many prophets including Abraham, Job, Moses, Deborah, Samuel, David, Nathan, Ahijah, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, James, John, Jude, and Jesus Himself. Do you believe the prophets? Do you have faith in the word of God and His plan? Can the lost be saved? Understand what the word of God teaches.

Itty-bitty COG False Prophet Continues His Infatuation With Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg


For quite some time now the greatest Church of God prophet and leader in the history of humanity has had. a deep crush on Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg from Germany. That alone should tell you all you need to know when a COG prophet utters the word Germany you immediately see visions of concentration camps and jack-booted armies destroying the United States, Canada, and England. It is the ultimate wet dream of the degenerate COG false prophets. Nothing gets these little fools off more than sadistic violence and torture that they need to see happen to all who refuse to heed their idiotic utterances.

The three biggest loudmouths in the Church of God movements that hyperventilate over Germany are Gerald Weston of the Living Church of God, Gerald Flurry of the Philadelphia Church of God, and our highly favored but itty-bitty prophet the Great Bwana to Africa, and 100 Caucasians Bob Thiel of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.

When God was creating the prophet that would arise to warn the world when the end was nigh, he inculcated in its mind the name Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Once this greatest prophet in the history of Christianity arrived on the scene, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg began to occupy his mind in fantastical dreams and hallucinations.

The Great Bwana envisions Guttenberg rising up in power as the soon-coming Beast of Revelation and leading an army that will besiege Jerusalem and hop over the ocean to slaughter Americans and but the rest in concentration camps.

The itty-bitty Great Bwana read an article about Guttenberg where he said that he had no desire to continue on politics. The Great BWaan was highly disturbed by his comments:

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: I ​​have made peace with my failure at the time

The new Guttenberg writes openly about his weaknesses and insecurities, yes you have admitted: “I am no stranger to depression either.” And you admit: “I was mercilessly overestimated.”

GuttenbergEverything is correct. The following applies to my texts and statements: I try to reveal weaknesses authentically and without coquetry. This consequently includes fears and aspects of my mental life.  …

You also seem to have treated yourself to some extent with self-irony.

Guttenberg (laughs): Oh yes! What could be better than laughing at yourself! That just makes life more fun. And there really are plenty of reasons to make fun of yourself. A few days ago I was at a panel discussion where a professor said she wrote her doctoral thesis about failure. In a rare moment of repartee, I replied: “And I failed my doctoral thesis.” We all had a hearty laugh.  …

Does the intensive contact with the left Gysi make you move politically to the left?

Guttenberg: I am difficult to place politically. I’m not a classic conservative. I feel at home in the political center. Sometimes I identify with more left-wing and sometimes with conservative attitudes. I will no longer allow myself to be forced into a camp.  …

At 51, you seem at peace with yourself after a long up and a crashing down. Have you become a completely relaxed person or is there also a show involved?

Guttenberg: I have arrived at my place. My well-being no longer depends on the applause or goodwill of others. But one thing challenges my composure: I’m worried about the tone, also the unforgiveness in our society, this absolute will to immediately deliver the next verbal, devastating blow.  …

What Bwana Bob Conveniently leaves out is the rest of the comment 

Some of your readers on LinkedIn want nothing more than for Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg politics returns to the circus of 

GuttenbergWhy should I? My time is over.

Then at the end of the article, there is this:

The Irish poet Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Is “Fail better” the life motto of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg? 
GuttenbergIn the end, this insight from Beckett is a cipher for the art of leading a better life. Such a life can only be achieved if you make peace with yourself and your surroundings and become a forgiving person. I can gain a lot from Beckett’s insight. Many people used to see me as something I wasn’t. They projected something into me that didn’t exist in me.  
People believed that as a dashing, young nobleman they could save Germany, and they were even believed to be able to, Angela Merkel to be replaced as Chancellor. There was a lot of hype about you.  
GuttenbergIt was sometimes bizarre what people projected into me. 

Of course, the Great Bwana KNOWS otherwise, but to make sure he covers his ass, he makes this statement:

Maybe he is out, maybe he is not.

Why are COG prophets such wish-washy bumbling idiots? Can they ever take a stand on anything?

While he has been officially out of politics for some time, he has stayed connected to it.

As far as him making peace with his plagiarism scandal, Herr Guttenberg later went to another university and got another doctorate. From a political perspective that at least shows he has the intellect to attain a doctorate.

Dr. Guttenberg is currently somewhat of a political commentator, which means that he still has involvement and that he reaches people on a regular basis with his political views.

Now, the Bible tells about a leader who was once disgraced that prophesied to rise up:

21 And there shall stand up in his place one despised, and the kingly honour shall not be given him: and he shall come privately, and shall obtain the kingdom by fraud. (Daniel 11:21, Douay-Rheims)

21 “‘His place will be taken by a reject, a man spurned and passed over for advancement. He’ll surprise everyone, seemingly coming out of nowhere, and will seize the kingdom. (Daniel 11:21 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

21 And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries. (Daniel 11:21, ASV)

So, someone who is disgraced is prophesied to rise up and be the final King of the North of Bible prophecy.

Should we count Herr Guttenberg out because of his comments in the interview?

Well, I am hesitant to do so as politicians have long been known to change their minds when crises or opportunities arise.

He rose quickly once and may very well do so again.



Saturday, December 16, 2023

Satan Doubles Down On Doubly Blessed Prophet Bob Thiel!!!!!!!!!

I was going to post today about the Great Bwana to Africa thumping his little chest today while he claims he and he alone PREDICTED Dave Pack's recent income drop:

Related to that, Marc Cebrian posted the following comments at the anti-COG Banned by HWA site:

Nobody in The Restored Church of God responded to this inquiry, but I know they got it.

Oh boy, did they get it.

The buzz at Headquarters today must have been something to behold. …

During a 2023 Ministerial Conference not-for-brethren lecture, David C. Pack warned the field ministers that cuts were coming “if time went on.” But nobody anticipated a total severing of all financial assistance.

Actually, I did.

For years I have been writing that RCG would have a major financial crisis. Whether or not this one is that, we will see.

But more fun things arose this morning when it was apparent Satan was doubly ticked off at the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel. Even though Satan knows the Great Bwana was a figment of God and Jesus' imagination when they were creating pre-adamic humanoids as practice material, and how much they needed him to arise in the perilous end times to save the church and most of Africa from being Laodiceans, ol'Satan had other plans.

Satan struck early this morning disrupting access to the most magnificent web site the church has ever seen. Billions of people were denied access to the great truths the site supposedly holds:

Then, in a particularly vicious attack, Satan set up a fake Facebook page for the Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians. This was appallingly shocking and further PROOF that Artificial Intelligence is out to get the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel! Satan HATES his so-called work and is doing everything he can to stop the spread of the incredibly awesome writings of Bwana Bob.

Received several messages from contacts on Facebook who have suspected that friend requests that they received supposedly came from me were fake.

Well, they are fake.

While I receive Facebook friend requests multiple times per week, I have not sent out any Facebook friend requests myself to anyone for over a decade.

How can you tell that the request is fake?

For one, the faker has put a dove with an olive branch symbol over a globe on my picture. Notice:

That dove on a globe picture is not on my actual Facebook page.

Furthermore, while I have over 1,000 “Facebook Friends” on my actual page, the fake version of me only had 41 when I checked this morning.

The Bible warns against:

15 … idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie. (Revelation 22:15)

Jesus once said to some near Him:

44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.  (John 8:44-45)

Whoever is pretending to be me has the devil as his/her father.

Speaking of fakes and Facebook, yesterday I received a Facebook friend request from a name and photo I recognized in the Church of God, so I accepted the request. Then, when this person tried to push to sell me something today on the Sabbath, I realized that this, too, was a fake. So, I “unfriended” her (or him, as with a fake, it is hard to know who sent it). 

Satan is one crafty dude! Who would have imagined he would resort to using Facebook! TikTok maybe, but Facebook? Ghastly days! What is this world coming to?