Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Help For Church of God Members Who Are Vampires

Can Armstrongism get any crazier?  Many days I think they have exhausted the craziness, and then along comes another numbnut.  Here is a  guy (Tim Carpenter) who is offering help for vampires in the church and in the world around us.  Of course like any good Armstrongite he prescribes daily supplements, vitamins and garlic capsules.  A good dose of sunlight won't hurt either.  However, the ultimate source of healing is the blood of Jesus.......

Leviticus 17:10-11:
10 And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
To learn the different kinds of real vampires please visit the Vampires Studies website (Link does not work). They are NOT affiliated with us and not necessarily meant as a help to vampires but rather as a research and study page for people to know what real vampires are. I recommend reading it with caution only after prayer and only if you think you may be a vampire. Then return here for help to recover from this satanic affliction.

For help in recovery from vampirism, read our "How to overcome anything" article.

Also, feel free to use our Pray Request page.

Also, Be sure to take daily supplements of Vitamin D at least 1000-4000 mg per day. Also take Garlic capsules or even better eat real garlic in your pasta dishes. This boosts your immune system to fight any virus that might be related to that kind/type of vampire. Sun exposure is important. Be of Gods Light, not of darkness, avoid all appearance of evil, be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the answer for all kinds and all types of vampires. By Christ Blood YOU can be HEALED!!!

rainbow smiley

Legalistic COGers Devastated

The diehard COGers on Yahoo are devastated.  They learned today that Häagen-Dazs  ice cream is not kosher.  So what's the problem?  Is there little piggie juice in it or what?

Nope, the issue is that some legalistic rabbinical  fools have declared that Häagen-Dazs is made with milk from farmers who are not Jewish and who use cows that are not kosher.

Milk produced by non-Jews without Jewish supervision was forbidden by the sages of the Talmud due to a concern that it may be adulterated with milk from a non-kosher animal.

So all of you Christian and atheist dairymen/women out there had been stop selling your milk to Häagen-Dazs.  You are polluting ice cream with your dirty, filthy, unclean, pagan milk!

In an update sent by the rabbinate on Sunday, the kashrut department said that because Häagen-Dazs is made with unsupervised liquid milk, as opposed to milk powder, the marketing and sale of the ice cream in establishments and outlets with kashrut certification is not acceptable and constitutes “a severe infringement of kashrut procedures.”

“We request from those providing kashrut certificates not to permit the sale of this product in places with [kashrut] supervision,” the notice read. “One should not take into account the opinion of kashrut advisers in this matter who request to continue selling this product, and if the management of any chain insists on selling them it is possible that ‘kashrut [license] withdrawal’ may be enacted against them, according to the law.”
So what's a poor legalist supposed to do?  This Rabbi had this to say:

Asked what Häagen-Dazs lovers should do instead, he replied, “Love God more than ice-cream.”

Asked what Herbert Armstrong thought about it, they found out that there was Häagen-Dazs served in his home all the time.  If HWA ate it, so can I!  

Surprise! ‘Häagen-Dazs not kosher’


Pack's Agenda For Schurter And Other Defecting Ministers

Don't I Look Like The Most Important Person On Earth Today?

Davie Pack is taking full advantage of the Dale Schurter defection from UCG.  Poor Davie has been getting so much negative publicity that he sees Schurter as the new mouthpiece to stem that flow of negativity.  Poor Davie may have jumped his guns on that one because the reaction form a LOT of people is pure shock that Schurter did what he did.  People are amazed that Schurter would join up with such a wacko as Pack. What Schurter and these other soon-to-be defectors are becoming is Pack's lap-poodles.

Davie is on a steamroll to gather in as many new members as he can. He has a multimillion dollar Auditorium and college campus to built within the next three years.  The only way his fledgling cult can do that is with more members and more income.

In his typical arrogant and self righteous mindset he gives the reason behind his new web site that features Schurter and hopefully more UCG ministers who defect.  He wants their voice to counterbalance all the negative publicity he gets.  Plus, he wants you to know that his church, The Restored Church of God, is experiencing mind boggling new growth that is unparallelled in Church of God history.  I guess two new members for a minuscule cult IS mind boggling.  Who knew!

Longtime Ministers Speak Out About The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack

About This Website

This website’s purpose is to highlight the unparalleled growth and fruits of The Restored Church of God (RCG), and to counter many years of falsehoods and misinformation regarding the Church and its leader. It will feature ongoing posts, including eyewitness accounts from a number of ministers who have left Worldwide Church of God (WCG) offshoots for RCG. Readers can look forward to information on the rapid expansion of the Church and Work, as well as its educational institution, Ambassador Center. Additional ministers who come with The Restored Church of God will also contribute. Answers to readers’ questions considered helpful to a broader audience will be posted.