Saturday, February 29, 2020

UCG Refuses to Consider Three Member Appeals Against Ministry

From the latest UCG council of elders meeting.

Ethics Committee—Dan Dowd
The Ethics Committee is tasked with addressing ethical violations by any elder, overseeing the Member Appeal Committee and the Elder Appeal Committee, in addition to any other matter the Council would remand to it.
Currently there are no pending matters before the Ethics Committee. However, since the December 2019 meetings the Ethics Committee was involved in three proposed Member Appeals. Those Member Appeals were rejected because the individuals submitting the appeals did not meet the criteria for a Member Appeal (specifically, they had not received any “disciplinary measures” to appeal). The Ethics Committee worked collaboratively on the letters to explain to these members why their appeal was not being considered.
Later in these meetings, the Ethics Committee will discuss moderators for the GCE Elders Forum and ask the Council to appoint men for the Member Appeal Committee.
Members on the Ethics Committee: Dan Dowd (chair), Bob Dick, Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie and Tony Wasilkoff.

Church of God members have never had a real avenue of justice in the church when abusive church leaders assert their power over members.  Usually, that justice was a swift kick out the door.  These people will soon get a pretty little letter filled with UCG's version of we "love you, but we are not going to do anything about your accusations."  As we are all well aware, no one exemplifies love more than the boys in Cincinnati. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

God's condemnation soon to hit UCG, LCG and COGWA for ignoring words of warning from self-appointed know-it-all

One of the Church of God's self-appointed lawgivers and prophet of doom is not happy today. For many years now he has been telling various Church of God groups how wrong they are and that they are doomed to suffer mightily in the tribulation because they ignore him. No one in the Church of God or the entire universe is as zealous as James Malm, no one can there ever be.  No one can ever live up to his zealotry and extreme expectations.  That's why a new covenant was given to humanity, but this has failed to sink in to this prophet of zealotry.
Mario Seiglie’s Doctrinal Committee confirms that UCG will continue to pollute the Sabbath.  This guarantees God’s correction in the tribulation for UCG, along with COGWA and LCG and all those who likewise pollute God’s Holy Sabbath Day.
Malm is incensed that UCG is refusing to force members to not eat out in restaurants on Friday nights and Saturdays. Nothing infuriates the Pharisee more than seeing people ignore his demands that he regularly sends in emails and letters to UCG and other COG's.  Imagine a god that damns people to the tribulation for having a nice meal on a Friday night in a nice restaurant after a long week, or buying some food on a Saturday and heading off to the park with the children. Malm's god is NOT happy!
Doctrine Committee Update—Mario Seiglie
A brief update was given on one completed project by the Doctrine Committee (DC). This project did not receive any support from the DC or its sub-committees. Presenting this project follows the guidelines for the DC to inform the Council of its completion and the author was informed there was no support. This project was “Eating Out on the Sabbath.” 
No matter how long the unemployed prophet bangs away on his keyboard, everyone seems to ignore him. Prophets are always without honor in their countries, but that especially hits at home with Malm as he begs for others to support him with financial contributions. He never seems to realize that no one supports him because they are sick of his unnecessary demands.

LCG: The "Sure Word of Prophecy" and Prophecy Addiction

One thing the Church of God has been an abject failure at is its prophecy addiction. The church has vomited out so many self-appointed prophets and false prophecies over the decades that you would think they would have learned to keep their mouths shut. But they cannot. In their self-righteous narcissism, they go on spouting endless streams of illogical and baseless nonsense. So far, the track record of every single COG leader and self-appointed prophet of doom in the church has a batting average of ZERO. All except for one church of God.  The Living Church of God has the SURE WORD of prophecy.  They know it all and exactly how it will happen.

LCG is so sure of its self that they have a warning for us all. BEWARE! There are self-proclaimed teachers and nasty people with blogs that ridicule the lies and false prophecies of the church and its various leaders.  

How dare anyone accuse them of "prophecy addiction"!  


How can they ever be wrong?  Rod Meredith never told any false prophecies. Nor does Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Don Billingsley, and James Malm. Nope, every single word they have ever said is 100% true. As the end-time prophets to the church and to the world, God is secretly speaking to each and every one of them with the exact timeline on how things will soon be happening. It is impossible for them to make a mistake and say something wrong with god on their side.

The problem with false prophets in the church is that they usually tell partial truths. There's a Yiddish proverb that says, "A half-truth is a whole lie." These predictions sound good to naive church members and they quickly fall for these guys. Don't expect anything less from these fools. Outwardly they look as innocent as sheep, but inwardly, they are ravenous wolves ready to devour the gullible ones.

Because the bastardizers of the law have taken the focus off the one they are supposed to be following, the members are not well-grounded in the new covenant and therefore become easy targets when they hear these fools say things that sound "right" but are actually statements filled with error.
Pay Attention to Prophecy: Jesus told His disciples to stay alert and watch for the fulfillment of specific Bible prophecies that will mark the approaching end of this age (Matthew 24). He also warned in the parable of the foolish virgins that many will be caught napping and unprepared by the surge of events that will precede His return to this earth (Matthew 25:1–13). It is truly amazing how God has given His Church a “more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19KJV) so we can warn this world about the prophetic significance of both current and impending world events (Ezekiel 3 and 33). Yet, misguided, self-proclaimed teachers have ridiculed the Church’s understanding of prophecy and accused members of suffering from “prediction addiction,” or promoted the idea that end-time Bible prophecies are not really for us today, but for some time off in the future. As we see world events building to a prophetic crescendo, let’s make sure that we are building a closer relationship with God and His word, and that we are learning to study and live by that word every day (Matthew 4:42 Timothy 2:15).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail