Saturday, October 5, 2024

Did UCG Finally Admit They Have Succumbed To The Pressures Of The World Around Them?


After the improperly named "continuing" Church of "God" that claims to be the one true representation of 1st century Christianity, there is the United Church of God that thinks their church is God's one true church. But is it?

We have already seen the huge debacle with the Church of God a Worldwide Association breaking off due to the slow creep of Laodiceanism they saw creeping in the UCG. Then, last week in a letter to the fateful they seemed to admit the church is having problems:

The only way to survive those times as His people is to be very close to God. When the pressures of society and Satan bear down on us, it will then be too late to develop the relationship and trust in God that we must have. If we don’t actively make the right choices in our lives and ask God to strengthen us and deepen our conviction to Him now, we will fail. 
Unity of heart requires us to put away selfish ambitions and the desires of this world that divide us, and this must happen now. We must yield ourselves to God, let His will be done and trust His will is being fulfilled—and we bind together as His family.

Apparently, prayer and reading the Book of Deuteronomy will save their asses. Forget Galatians, Romans, and Hebrews, the law trumps all.

Brethren, I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it at this: let us all commit to real, heartfelt prayer—beginning now and continuing throughout the rest of our lives. 
Remember to keep up with the recommended reading of the book of Deuteronomy. Combining that reading with prayer will help us all to understand and implement God’s will in our lives. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Crackpot Watchman Tooting His Horn

I just posted a story from Living Church of God with them claiming to be the Watchman. Look who got his itty-bitty feelings hurt and had to proclaim he and his little cult are the Watchman. Our Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Butt-hurt Thiel, chosen by God before the foundations of the world were laid to emerge in the perilous end times to proclaim a nutty message of salvation by works,.

The Feast of Trumpets runs until sunset October 3rd in 2024. 
The book of Revelation outlines God’s future use of trumpets. This message is for the entire world, and concerns events before and including the return of Jesus Christ, who will soon return to rule this earth with God’s government. 
We in the Continuing Church of God are working to perform as that modern-day watchman today. We boldly tell of sins of society and how world events are aligning with properly understood prophecy–which we also explain.

Yeah right. Dream on buttercup. 

Just How Many "Watchmen" Does the Church of God Need?

LCG believes their message to the world is far superior than talking much about Jesus and the salvation work accomplished. They much prefer the death and damnation route to keep people living in fear. Nuclear war, famines, children being eaten by their parents, concentration camps, WWIII and so much more keeps people that come into contact with them living in a constant state of fear. End of days porn is far more profitable and titillating.

Sadly, this is not limited to the Living Church of God. The Great Bwana Bob  Mzungu Thiel hilariously claims he is a watchman. Gerald Flurry says he is. Dave Pack thinks he is...well, on second thought, that changes hour by hour. Alton Billingsly thinks he is. UCG and COGWA think their churches are.

Does anyone care? Especially when most of these churches are corrupt to the core. Would anyone in their right mind trust these guys?

The Role of a Watchman: Many churches today feel their mission is to tell people about Jesus and hold numerous social activities. Yet, Jesus instructed His disciples to be alert and watch for events that will mark the approaching end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). The events making news today—natural disasters, increasing violence and wars around the globe, and the increasing moral, religious, and political decline of Israelite nations (2 Timothy 3:1–5; Deuteronomy 31:29)—are occurring along with the emergence of adversarial powers in Asia and the Middle East (Leviticus 26:15–17). Just as God sent prophets to warn ancient Israel and Judah of their coming punishments, the Church of God has a similar mission to function as a watchman to warn modern Israelite nations of the coming consequences of their sinful ways (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:2–7). This powerful warning must accompany the preaching of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14). Let’s stay focused on this God-given mission.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail