Sunday, April 16, 2023

Do you really need 28 tips on prayer?

One of the most absurd expectations for church members over the decades was the concept of spending one hour every single day on your knees in prayer. While the benefits of prayer have been established as beneficial for a person by all kinds of studies, it was the near command that church members spend one hour every day that was absurd. Pretty soon, as a reader here noted the other day, a person starts repeating themselves over and over. It's nothing new after a few days and usually ends up as petitions for God to step in and fix problems for the person or endless prayers for the so-called work that some splinter groups claim they are doing.

The Great Bwana to Africa has set out a list of 28 expectations he believes his followers need to be doing.

28 Tips on Prayer 

People talk a lot about prayer.  So? Christians through the centuries have found it beneficial to their mental health and well being, just as those in Armstrongism claim to.
Many pray in public.  Yeah, and so what? Prayer in communal public worship is just as edifying as prayer in a closet or sitting on a rock in the woods. A person praying on a street corner makes most Armstrongites and the public uncomfortable. Yet, for that one individual who may find meaning and the need for prayer that day it may have life changing affects on the person. Armstrongite manipulators of scripture love to twist this and accuse Christians of doing it wrong, when in actuality the COG has been doing it wrong for decades!
Does God listen? This is a loaded question when an Armstrongite says it. They want want church members to believe that God only listens to them. Its not cool when a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or God forbid a so-called Christian offers up a heartfelt prayer since God supposedly only listens to  COG prayers. God supposedly does not hear these "unconverted people". Anyone who has ever interacted one on one with people of other faiths can realize they can make as many bold claims about answered prayers as Armstrongites can and many times offer better proof than a COG member can.
What does the Bible teach about prayer? There are five basic types of prayer in the Bible that have meaning for people, whether done corporately as a church or individually. These simple types of prayer are: intercession, petition, penitence, adoration, and thanksgivings. 


Can what you do or do not wear be a factor? This is absolute useless bullshit to believe that God only hears your prayer when you are dressed in a suit or dress. God forbid if you were in a pair of swim trunks at the beach and gave a short prayer of thanks for a glorious day and for the beautiful creation you are surrounded by. God apparently plugs his ears in those circumstances. Besides that, what about the thief on the cross next to Jesus who was covered in blood, oozing wounds, wrapped in a dirty loin cloth or even naked, covered in piss and shit as his body reacts to multiple blows. Does Gods ignore him? Jesus sure didn't. "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”  Luke 23:39-43"
How can your prayers be more effective? 
Why doesn’t God seem to answer all prayers? 


How should you deal with the difficult? 
How should you deal with ‘the impossible’? 
Here is a listing of the 28 tips that Dr. Thiel goes over in this sermon: 
1. Pray to God the Father or Jesus as the thief did or even to the Holy Spirit for guidance.


2. Worship God in Truth  Which truth? Thielism? Armstrongism? Flurryism?
3. Believe God 
4. Obey God: Do More than the Demons In Armstrongism far too many act more like demons than they do as followers of Christ.


5. Worship God in Spirit All prayers from humans come from the heart, are sincere and/or are motivated by love for God and all that he has done. This is a weapon COG leader use to keep people scared that they aren't praying to God right.
6. Resist Satan  Unless one is praying deliberately to Satan then prayers ascending from God followers are resisting Satan. COG members need to stop fearing Satan and the power COG leaders have given him over members lives.
7. Don’t Fight God 
8. Pray for Others 
9. Pray for Your Needs 


10. Remember God’s Will and Have Your Priorities in Order 
11. Praying Positions from the Bible  Sitting, kneeling, standing, running, laying on your back in bed or under the stars...the positions are endless. Don't swallow the claptrap of so-called COG leaders.
12. Pray Every Day While this may be the desired amount, most never do it. Don't beat yourself up if it's every other day or maybe weeks at a time. Sometimes people just need to step back from all the rigamarole COG leaders have placed upon them and recenter themselves.
13. Forgiveness 
14. Recognize God’s Spirit 
15. Pray for What the Bible Says to Pray For 


16. Ask for Spiritual Gifts 
17. Don’t Pray for Show  Tell this to any any man standing in services for the opening and closing prayer. Far too many times these tend to be a slobberfest of adoration for the preacher.
18. Obey the New Testament About Head Coverings This is more claptrap that Armstrongites love to say is required. If it works for you then great, but certainly is NOT a requirement. If you say it is then you cannot sit there in condemnation for those in certain Christian churches, Islam, Amish, and other faiths who use head coverings.
19. Ask Often, Do Not Use Vain Repetitions, But Be Fervent 
20. If You Are Suffering or Sick, Pray About It 
21. Pray for Church Leaders 


22. Pray for Secular Leaders 
23. Put Jesus in Your Prayers 
24. The Difficult: Remember Fasting  While fasting may be beneficial to some it is not and never was a New Covenant command.
25. Pray With Thanksgiving 
26. Deal With ‘Secret Sins’ 


27. Change Can Make the Impossible, Possible 
28. Close with Amen.

Sometimes the most effective prayer a person can utter is just one simple word, Thanks!,  Wow!, or WTF!

Some of the best prayers a person can utter are when they are angry with God, pissed off, or in utter despair. Saying WTF God? is a far more genuine utterance that is heard by God than all the platitudes that so many COG men click off from the checklist in church prayers or even from Bob's silly list above.

Prayer should always be what is right for you and never what some so-called self-appointed church leader says you should be doing. Sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee in hand and praying will be far more beneficial than being locked in some prayer closet, on your knees for a strict one hour, and with a written list of prayers in front of you.

Holy God, your knowledge of me exceeds what I grasp or see in any moment; you know me better than I know myself. Now, help me to trust in your mercy, to see myself in the light of your holiness, and grant me the grace that I may have true contrition, make an honest confession, and find in you forgiveness and perfect remission. Amen.

O Lord support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening come, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, in thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen 

As Long as We're at It....Dave the Wonder Worker


How much ignorance about basic science and simple reading comprehension can Dave pack into about a minute and a half?


Listen and weep laugh at the sheer ignorance.

Courtesy of COG Critic