Saturday, October 17, 2020

Gerald Weston: "...was sanctioning the wearing of face shields in place of a face mask wise, or were you tempting God?"


From a reader:

Dave Pack's group isn't the only ones to be hit with the Covid virus, LCG members have started coming down with it too now that the Feast gatherings have ended. 

Weston has openly accused and mocked Monson for his stand on face masks and has told the LCG membership that Monson was acting recklessly and tempting, was sanctioning the wearing of face shields in place of a face mask wise, or were you tempting God? 

Did the KC members who were wearing homemade face shields that didn't cover their noses and barely came up over their mouths...was that tempting God, was that reckless? 

Was having the Feast in a highly populated tourist hot spots wise or was that reckless and tempting God?? 

Come on presiding Evangelist Weston, your church members are waiting to hear how you justify your actions?? You pronounce condemnation on Munson's group for their faith in God, but look at what your actions have produced! 


Anonymous said...

Faceshields are only approved by the CDC when worn in conjunction with an N95 face mask. Faceshields are meant as protection for the eyes only. To only use a faceshield as a substitute for an N95 mask is not only reckless, it flies in the face of having brotherly love for your fellow man. That's not tempting God, it's just being downright selfish! Way to go LCG...jerks.

Anonymous said...

None of the crazies who use the bible to pronounce judgments about things related to covid have a CLUE. NONE of them have shown any knowledge of the science because they get all their FAKE and JUNK science from the fake news.

Anonymous said...

All these "inspired ministers" are getting their views from their gods: Bill Gates, the W.H.O., Big Pharma, television, and the politicians who are manipulated and intimidated by the news media.

TLA said...

The big problem is collecting 4 sizable holy day offerings from everybody.
Depending on how you translate it, the Bible states that the love of money is the root of all evil (or a root of evil).
Whether you believe in the Bible or not, this is an accurate statement of leadership problems.

How do you get the money you are hoping for if you take the loving and responsible action of cancelling the get togethers like almost all secular organizations have done with their conferences.

Politics and religion are the two worst offenders.
Sometimes it is hard to tell them apart.

Anonymous said...

Learn history. Just a few months ago everyone was screaming about 6 ft of social distance. Why? Because if you sneezed it would hit them. This mask will stop that just fine.

Stop being so ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Do the math. If just one asymptomatic person arrived at a site, and gave just one other person the virus on opening night, then if we assume it takes the virus two days to become infectious, and each newly infectious person infects just one other person each day throughout the Feast, you would have 34 people leaving the Feast with the virus. At a site with just 200 people, that's around 1/6 of everyone there, and if there are any superspreader people or events the number could rocket above 34. The next week or so should be very revealing as we learn about sick ACOG members coming back from their sites.

Anonymous said...

Experts now tell us that you are at the greatest danger when you stay near someone for more than 10 minutes in a poorly ventilated indoor room. Unfortunately, this describes Sabbath services almost perfectly. The same 200 people sharing the same air for two hours. Of course, most doctors now admit that the masks are for the people around you, not for you. Their purpose is to stop your particles from spewing all around in front of you. A face guard does that just about as well as a nose/mouth mask.

Anonymous said...

ANON 5:54 PM

Understanding, like COVID evolves. That’s how science works.

Masks work. Social distancing helps. Having groups of people together in closed quarters for hours doesn’t help. It goes against CDC guidelines and all practical reason.

The COG puts people at risk with their feast sites and their feasts and are an abomination before any sane God.

They only serve themselves.

nck said...

Oh please.

There is no "science" regarding Covid.

Within 2 yards one can contract it. With underlying health issues like age or obesity, chances are high one dies. 220.000 people in the USA died. This number means that this winter another 500.000 will die because of Covid alone. Possibly 200.000 would have died anyway because of the "normal" flu season and at least an extra 300.000 because of "calculated negligence" or stubborness.

Pass me the popcorn for the best horor movie in ages. It is an entertaining show for psychopaths like myself.

All these panicking frightened people trying to behave as if titanic is not sinking, being all chivalrous and in denial, in the process leaving 470 seats in the rescue boats empty because of the state of denial to face the facts and start building floaters for only 470 people more. Really entertainment of the highest level.


Anonymous said...

“With underlying health issues like age or obesity, chances are high one dies.”

And that Nck is the problem: most COG members are older, have underlying health issues and trust the strength of prayer more than their doctors.. Also, a lot of them have little or poor medical insurance because they don’t have any money to spend on that.

I bet David Pack had expensive medical specialists waiting for him when he got home from the FOT..

Anonymous said...

Nck who calls himself a psychopath,
Give the Titanic passengers a break. The 3rd class passengers gates are still locked to this day.
The was 470 seats empty because the passengers who should have couldn't get out.

Anonymous said...

The COVID out break has been politized. Millions are now reliant on government handouts, which seduces voters over to the nanny state dark side. Kind of like Joe Tkach forcing "new truths" on HWA members.

Doctors complain of being pressured from upper management to put down the cause of death as COVID, in cases where a person has died from multiple causes. The number of persons who have died purely from COVID in America is about 9000 people, not 200,000.

nck said...

Yes 11:28.
We are in agreement.
I was speaking about the officers in denial forcing 3rd class with pistols. It could have been organized differently if the odds had been faced, time enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Anonymous said...

All the "covid is going to get us" commenters need to wake up. The "science" will keep changing to meet the needed narrative to keep everyone afraid.

There is "science" right now that says covid is no more deadly than common flu. So who's "science" is right?

If you "believe" your science is more righter than my science, then welcome to your own made up religion.

nck said...

Hey 9:54

Your science is irrelevant.
Just get a popcorn and watch *post Feast fever unfold."


Anonymous said...

@Nck: "Your science is irrelevant."

Is this a joke or are you presenting an argument?

nck said...

This is not a joke.
Unless you can tell me you have personally observed patients in hospital and in recovery centers and THEN care to share your OPINIONS here.

You will be shocked and traumatized and KNOW that Sars Cov 2 is DIFFERENT from influenza.

Just sit back and relax the coming 20 weeks. Its coming to your neighborhood. You will for the first time in your life understand the Egyptian experience and biblical passages about "the angel of death passing by some houses and striking at others and unexpected wailing" and the stupidity of the priests of "you tube science".

Care to pass the popcorn. Once "flu season" starts in a couple of days I'll be rubbing your face in this posting. I'm done arguing with people who didnt care to have a look at IC units in the first sars cov round during just the tail of the regular flu season in march.


Anonymous said...

"Sars Cov 2 is DIFFERENT from influenza"

I didn't say they were the "same" I said they were equally deadly.

If you really are a truth seeker you will point out both sides of an argument, not just fabricate reasons out of thin air without even hearing the other side first. That is what HWA and the CoGs do...

nck said...

I know you said that. But I gave you a straight and immediate answer, instead of circumvating the fact that only fools COMPARE flu and sars cov.

I dismiss any argument where both are mentioned in the same sentence.

I never saw people die from horrid suffocation or horrid complications from flu.

You dismissed your armgument (to me) by framing both in one sentence.

You can keep the pop corn, I'm not touching anything you touche until July next year.


nck said...

It's the framing that concerns me, not any number you could produce.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend Herbert W Armstrongs solution. After all he moved his entire family out of Chicago when a deadly flu hit. Apparently he did, rightly so, not trust the "facecloth", everyone was wearing.


Anonymous said...

The flu and COVID-19 are two different viruses, both are contagious respiratory illnesses. NCK keeps playing silly word games to get attention from readers.

Anonymous said...


If you never have seen someone die of the flu, then you must not work in Healthcare. Do not comment on something you're ignorant about!! I have seen many many people die a horrible death from the flu. Most with respiratory failure. Moron!! How about the 50-100 million in 1918!!?!?!?

nck said...

You are making my point.
A) They are different
B) Every "denier" plays silly wordgames for lack of true knowledge or experience with the exact difference in (long term) effects.

I'm pointing that out. I am totally indifferent regarding getting attention. Hence my continuing repeat of the phrase "pass me the popcorn". I see risk group friends photos at feast sites eating in groups. I can hardly care if they die or suffer the consequences. "Pass me the popcorn" is in fact mentally preparing myself for my silly parents to die within the next 5 months. So getting attention is least of the fun.

I do wonder, as NEO makes a point about "the Wadsworth 2nd coming as a liturgical ritual, if the collective risk of Feast contagion or Trump rallies are collective liturgic purification rituals like baptisms through fire or liturgical deaths? Kind of American puritan death cult liturgy. I hesitate to continue call people stupid or uneducated. Perhaps they are educated in a bizarre faith in deliverance from evil.


nck said...


I don't think you understand what I say.

Management Summary.
+Very different long term effect on the lungs, brain, bloodcloth etc etc etc etc.+

I know the "American Flu of 1918" (misnamed Spanish flu) was bad, I mean Herbert W Armstrong even moved his young family out of Chicago entirely because of it.

I find it extremely interesting to see that Potus ticking all the boxes for the high risk group can be miraculously cured within 2 days and FLOTUS after weeks cannot attend a simple rally and just be beautiful.

I'am awaiting the files to be opened on that in 50 years.
I'll be around I hope.


Stephen Schley said...

Hi Y'all,
I didn't bother with the doctors back in march cuz I knew they'd pretty much take your approach nck only I'd be the one suffering the lingering death & I'm finally smart enough to say: Screw that I could breathe be it painfully so I stayed at my end of the house while my parents did not have a clue that I was in lots of pain (1st time I can remember that I could have taken an marker & drawn the outline of my right lung...
but I digress I know what should have happened in Mar/Apr. thanks to a show on the history channel I think it was during armageddon week back in 2012 to celebrate the wacky Mayans lol

I'm not looking forward to the power failures, nuke plants blowing up and all the other "fun" of an EMP attack or CME but that's only cuz I'm an electronics junkie.

Lots of luck y'all & may whomever you believe in comfort you as you & yours lay dying, Oh and if nukes start getting lobbed around get to your nearest military base so u may be at Ground zero

nck said...


"could mark the outline of your lung"

Thanks for sharing that "fear porn" :-) :-).

Glad your alive and talking Bro.


Anonymous said...

Nck, one thing I notice, you never mention any facts to support your hypothesis. Only rantings, accusations, and hyperbole.

Science is not based on these things.

nck said...


Oh please.

The internet is filled with the top institutions research on how sars-cov and its (long term) effects on the brain, lung, heart, blood etc differ from the regular influenza.

A) don't believe me, there is plenty of research
B) familiarize yourself with the top 30 research institutions concerning themselves with sars cov.

Btw. You disqualify yourself by the use of "never".

I have always provided top research, if asked a sprcific targeted question regarding any of my hypothesis. Some are extrapolations of estsblished research.

For instance my latest hypothesis. Since Herbert W. Armstrong was ALWAYS right I have noticed the USA building the 2nd leg of "Nebu's Statue".

It's out officially as State Department official policy.


Stephen Schley said...

Thanks Dude,

and like u said u don't have to back up your facts cuz a quick search will find them & if some ya-ooh needs proof spoon fed then I feel sad for them.

I went down the rabbit hole a few years back & once u do that all the petty BS people spew is meaningless so yes please pass the popcorn while we get to watching the world fail until power gets snuffed any way LOL

nck said...


The closure of tbe American mind (alan bloom book sermon early nineties by our pastor), resulted in the current welded shut down of the American mind.

The difference. The welded shut door cannot be opened again, we can only save the minds not yet welded shut.

And we can......together.
