Friday, May 31, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Claims He Now Has Over 10,000 Followers


God's greatest gift to the Church of God and the best church leader the church has ever seen is back thumping his little chest about how superfantabulous his little group is. He even claims apostolic succession by claiming he has an unbroken history all the way back to Jesus Christ. Heck, even Jesus chuckled at that one!

Imagine if he boasted of Jesus as much as he does himself.

We trace our unbroken history to the start of the New Testament church in the Book of Acts. We are a pacifist church that teaches original Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus Christ, the original Apostles, their early faithful followers, and others faithful to original Christianity throughout history. We have supporters and congregations around the world. We have free literature online available in over 1500 languages at We have churches in multiple countries (see Congregations of the Continuing Church of God ) and over 10,000 congregants around the world.


Anonymous said...

From reading Bob's letter of May 30 to CCOG tithe-slaves, it seems there has been some blowback about inaccurate translations... which of course aren't Bob's fault and in fact are prophesied. How convenient!

As for those 10,000 congregants? Mostly Africans who can't understand what Bob writes in English. But let us not fail to tremble at the mighty work Bob is doing in North America, where CCOG has five congregations in the USA and Canada. Unfortunately, after Bob's European congregation discovered Bob's support of witch doctors, there is no longer a CCOG congregation anywhere in Europe. Nor is there one in Australia. So much for reaching the lost tribes of Israel!

Anonymous said...

Hardly surprising. The Zeitgeist of our times demands that one lies, and then adamantly sticks to one's lies regardless of fact checking and irrefutable proofs to the contrary.

This is a new paradigm, totally unthought of just a few short years ago. And everybody knows, but turns a blind eye when it's their agenda under fire! After all, it is agenda which is now driving everything, and not truth.

Anonymous said...

COGWA's latest In-Accord video (7 minutes, 10 seconds) for May 30, 2024 with Joel Meeker is about his French Pastoral Trip of April 2024 to French-speaking Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Regarding CĂ´te d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in west Africa, Joel Meeker said, “Most of the members we served in the region of Man for the last 15 years or so recently left our association to follow men from a different association who offered them money and motorcycles.”

Someone is really upping the game from merely offering seeds and laptop computers to buy members.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Veljic before his Death reported that Bob claimed 10,000 members , but I think Bob publicly rebuked him and said that was false-also once Defrocked former Fake Minister Sosten L from Malawi is Fully brought back to CCOG and made Big Bwana-its almost Guaranteed Bob will announce at least numbers greater than UCG or Cogwa- so it's no surprise to see these Fake numbers grow and Grow/ Bob's in over his head- Once things fully come out, i wonder if Bob will admit Nelson and Veljic were spot on about everything; I almost guarantee Dr Pastor Bobby will never admit his lack of Discernment and gross criminal support of the complete African Nightmare of the Continuing church of African Shim Sham

Anonymous said...

Bob's is a "pacifist church?" Didn't the Christ dude overthrow the money changers tables and drive out their animals from the temple? And look how verbally-mentally assertive He was.

Anonymous said...

Who has a longer nose than Pinocchio? Come face!

Anonymous said...

We trace our unbroken history to the start of the New Testament church in the Book of Acts. >>>>
This statement is right up there with the lies of those systems we know about that we’re all based on great lies. Sheer propaganda uttered by shallow people who have no idea what they are talking about and insisting people to follow

Free Your Mind said...

You forgot to include in the article just whom you are referring to. There are too many crackpot prophets for me to choose from.

Free Your Mind said...
Dave Pack's shopping list

Anonymous said...

There's only one Crackpot Prophet- the Great Dr Pastor Bobby Muzungu Thiel of the Continuing church of African Shim Sham/ it's the Greatest Bullshit story of all the Churches of God

Anonymous said...

It's hard to admit this, but Bob Thiel is just so trendy! It is so fashionable just now to make things up and then stick to them vociferously when fact-checking has belied their claims. And, crowd size is one of those areas!

Anonymous said...

Unlike the phony Armstrongist heretics, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church actually has the ability to trace its origins to the book of Acts and Jesus Christ.

John said...

Comment was made saying: "...Imagine if he boasted of Jesus as much as he does himself..."

I imagine that if Bob Thiel [driven by another spirit (2 Tim 2:26; James 4:5) to preach another Jesus and another gospel] boasted of Jesus, then he would not have boasted and written the following lie:

"...We trace our unbroken history to the start of the New Testament church in the Book of Acts. We are a pacifist church that teaches original Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus Christ, the original Apostles, their early faithful followers, and others faithful to original Christianity throughout history..."
For one thing, God's New Testament Church did not start in the Book of Acts.

Why not? Who was the first member of God's Church? Peter? One of the other disciples? No, no, and no.

The start of the New Testament Church began with Jesus Christ the day He was baptized and God's Spirit entered Him and remained with Him the rest of His physical life. John the Baptist was a witness to that event about 3 1/2 years prior to that Pentecost event in the Book of Acts when more members were added to God's Church.

Would Jesus' God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (Acts 3:13), The God of the Old Testament, agree with that assessment?

Bob's church, like some "plant," may be continuing something, but it is not God's Church. It could just be "another church:" kind of like the other xcogs such as the "plants" known as: United Ass., cogwa Ass., living cog, Flurry cog, Pack cog, etc....just a Thiel cog!

Once upon a time, Jesus Christ, first member of God's Church, answered: "...Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." Matthew 15:13

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Cult Shopping

The traditional so-called COG method is for some self-appointed, or Satan-sent, con-artist to promise people blessings in this life at some indefinite point in the future for sending tithes and offerings to them, and to tell the people that ultimately they will receive salvation if they stick it out to the end with their splinter group.

Now might be a better time than usual to join some splinter groups, especially if you live in Africa. You can require the splinter group to give you, upfront, some seeds for your garden, a laptop computer, money, and a motorcycle, to get you to join the splinter group. Make sure that you get all these things immediately, because you certainly cannot trust them to give you anything good later on.

You can go through the splinter groups one at a time, or even join multiple splinter groups at the same time.

Also, remember that you will still need to get out of each of the splinter groups before it has you send back to it everything that it supposedly gave you for “free” plus even more, and before its bad influence costs you your eternal salvation.

Terry Nelson said...

That's exactly what Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa are??? doing to bribe persons in getting their congregations to join them- Motorcycles are big in Africa - CCOG is not what it is portrayed to the public and you loyal CCOG Tithe payers are going to be held accountable, as the proof is plain in Sight , you just choose to ignore it- - you all are without excuses and so are you Dr Thiel as you know from the reports you are getting this is all true- you should really think what you are doing./ You sent Sasha and myself and sons to Africa and when I uncovered undeniable evidences - you chose to ignore it or simply didn't care- how can I in good conscience follow you or your work- REMEMBER YOUR OWN WORDS- He who does the work of God Deceptively is under a Curse-im a sinner as you are , but I would never condone such Criminal , Satanic Behavior in a Church organization - I really hope you are blinded, because I really don't want to be in your shoes when you realize or are judged for this most obviously crazy Faith you have in these so called Fake African Ministers- I Pray God opens your eyes and Repent of your turning a blind Eye to what is really going on . Also you should consider that you have been deceived in your thinking that you are a Prophet/ No Minister in the Churches of God would ignore such evidences brought to their attention - You should take the advice I once gave you- Choose say 12 leading Men in the Churches of God- give them all the evidence I gave you - and see what they tell you- if you believe you are right do it- If you dont- then you should ask yourself why? Are you afraid of hearing the truth - if you want email me and we can both be a part of this advisory council - Maybe these Men that you trust - can show you the way- consider it - I really hope you do it - before things get worse- I Pray you do the right thing

Anonymous said...

Those of us who track global climate change know that the temperatures of rhe Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico are at an alll time high. So, Bob Thiel would be fairly safe in prophesying a particularly violent hurricane season,

Kolchak said...

Something seems amiss when one compares the LENGTHY, spritually-vetting, extra thorough baptism counselling process westerners must complete before full membership into CCOG...& then to see the quick, expedient, express-mode accelerated fast-track process that the 1,000s of Kenyans/Malawians/Mozambiqans get their baptisms speedily stamped & approved by CCOG hierarchy (right & left, on a regular basis to be publicly announced, as-quick-as-can-be). The swelling numbers are happily listed in "fastest growing COG post-Tkach era"!

But one Australian supporter waited 7 yrs. for an "approved" baptism performed in-country there. Despite heavy covid restrictive Aussie borders at the time preventing foreign visitors in to do it, hierarchy surely had connections with other older past COG splinter affiliates or individual friends there able to counsel/immersion/hands-lay/pray/water baptism service all during the 7 yrs.

Westerners in CCOG have held dual or multi-COG memberships, which shows one COG can likely serve to baptise in a different COG under the right circumstances. (for example, everyone trusts Aaron Dean no matter which COG splinter you are in).

Nothing prevents those African baptisms to be occasionally performed by certain ministerial assistants who quietly or discreetly hold not only CCOG credentials but also may hold multi-"other"-COG membership(s). Why couldn't that have been done in Australia?

Some COG members in poorer countries use the excuse of holding multi-COG membership(s) due to waiting to see which western-based COG will provide the most "motorcycles", "laptops", & "seeds".

Reports in letters show Americans being baptised after LENGTHY process. Hierarchy in Africa baptises hoardes quicker than Lucille Ball & Ethel processed the chocolates on the 1950s assembly line whipping by.

The Africans are getting fast-track baptisms, but the westerners are exhaustively vetted in slo-mo.

Anonymous said...

Knowing the prejudices of most Armstrongites, i would imagine that there are those who laughingly say CCOG means Chocolate Church of God.