Who could have ever imagined that a self-appointed Church of God false prophet would ever be talking about the "trickery of men" when he is the biggest trickster in the church right now, damaging more lives than Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry could ever dream of doing.
It always seems to be the most corrupt men in the church moaning about tricksters and other big ol'meanies causing them trouble.
Today, our favorite self-appointed prophet to the church has a new video up with him bouncing at his desk with his hands flailing as he pretends to teach us from the Bible. As usual, he drags out dead Herb to bolster the point he is trying to get across. There never seems to be an original thought in any COG leader's head.
This sermon is the sixth part of a six-part sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 13th chapter. Dr. Thiel begins by reading some comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Dr. Thiel covers each verse of the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews in this sermon. He discusses that Philadelphia was to continue and that one man hierarchical governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept. He also warns about the trickery of men and that proper church governance helps prevent people from losing the Philadelphian crown. Dr. Thiel discusses what Jesus has been doing and how He looks. He exhorts people to do good and to endure to the end and explains about God’s plan of increasing love throughout eternity.
Bob's concept is sound, but his application of it is rubbish.
In his mind, it was "proper church government" to accept ordination from Evans Ochieng despite his previous double-portion anointing as a prophet. Bob doesn't realize that Evans did this so that, in the eyes of his African congregation, Bob will be viewed as Evans' subordinate. And in Bob's mind it is "trickery of men" when men tell the truth about the adultery and witchcraft being practiced by his African ministry. Bob can't see that when Evans laid hands on him, he passed on to him a spirit of delusion. That's how a spirit of delusion works. Bob has been tricked!
You cannot tell a person's character by how they look. Herb fooled us all that way.
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