Showing posts with label #COG Failed Prophecies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #COG Failed Prophecies. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Armstrongism, Eisegesis, and Fake Prophecy

Herbert W Armstrong preached false doctrines about the end times and British Israelis that he derived from prior, flawed sources. Despite the appearance of scholarship in his approach, he essentially put himself above the Bible as the source of truth for Christians. He avoided sound exegesis all his life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Church is Being Persecuted, So We Are Heading Over To Jerusalem!


Why is it that so many in the church of God desire persecution and martyrdom? Millions of Christians have died in the faith through the centuries who were never part of the so-called Church of God movement. Armstrongists make a point of devaluing their faith as illegitimate or deceived. The only true faith is an Armstrongist church which will soon be persecuted for holding on to the truth. Never has as a church been picked on as much as those with Armstrongist ties. In their eyes, it will only get worse.

Samuel Kitchen has taken this belief to the extreme. He has no followers, other than a 3 or 4 who pay some lip service now and again. Yet, he and his Worldwide Church of God will soon be persecuted so much that he will need to head off to Jerusalem where he will back up the two witless witnesses, Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland. If Bob misses the plane because he had interpreted scripture wrong then it will be Ron and his looney wife Laura. 

Satan is going to be ANGRY!

Those of us who have been called and are part of the body of Christ, must obey God, and suffer wrong, suffer persecution and even martyrdom for Christ’s namesake.
Satan will use any of us, if we are OFF THE TRACK and in some other condition.
By looking back at what was taught and remembering, and relearning, we can work together to become Philadelphian in condition, and qualify. By setting this example we are giving a witness. The Worldwide Church of God and our work, is under attack. Our work may end by the beast power ordering us to shut down, but we will immediately move to Jerusalem and the two witnesses will have our support.
People are too busy looking at these groups, when we are to be coming out of them and setting the right example. That is our work in support of the gospel being preached through the archived works of Herbert W Armstrong and the ministry that was there with him.
If you are off track… REPENT and let’s refocusing our energies and direction to become more like Jesus Christ, more Philadelphian, and more like the Worldwide Church of God.
In Christ’s name,
Samuel W Kitchen

Saturday, August 5, 2023

LCG: Oh No!!!!!!!!! The Germans Are Coming...AGAIN...and AGAIN...and AGAIN! What ever will we do?


Still Germany, Germany, Germany.

Thousands of troops is a far cry from millions of troops.

It’s the same old song, but with a different feeling since Herbert has been gone.

Why are 
Satan and Germany 
always hiding under the beds 
of Church of God leaders?

Why continue to live in a constant state of fear?

hat tip to a reader here as the source

Ever since Herbert Armstrong declared that Hitler was still alive and living in South America, the focus of the Church of God movement has been upon Germany. The more villainous the church could make Germany, the better. From concentration camps built all around the country to crematoriums filled with Laodiceans and non-members, with adjoining rooms filled with meathooks where the Germans would hang those they wanted to torture. The youth of the country would be taken to Germany and auctioned off around Europe as slaves to their new masters.

Hardly a week went by without a sermon or magazine article talking about Germany. The church talked about Germany as much as they did Satan.

In spite of the endless stream of prophetic failures by Herbert Armstrong, today's COGs try as hard as they can to carry on that mantle. None does it better than the Living Church of God.

Concern in Europe over the invasion of Ukraine, potential problems in Poland, Belarus, Georgia and Estonia with Russia, Europe is rightfully concerned about their nations sovereignty. Of course, this plays right into the hands of COG mythology that this is a sure sign that the phoenix of Germany will soon arise and take over the world as they prepare to march upon Jerusalem for an epic showdown in the Valley of Armageddon (after they torture, kill, and enslave Americans in concentration camps, of course).

Living Church of God had a post about this in 2022 and here we are a year later and they still are searching for what they see as confirmation of their incessant proof-texting.