Showing posts with label #Herbert W Armstrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Herbert W Armstrong. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Will The Doors To The Kingdom Be Shut In Your Face In Regards To How You Dress For Church?


Armstrongism had a lot of idiotic teachings that were not founded upon any scriptural basis but upon late 19th-century/early 20th-century cultural norms and personal opinions, most of which stemmed from Victorian standards ingrained in the culture here.

The internet is filled with countless websites, blogs, Facebook groups, Reddit pages, Instagram, TicTok, and Rumble accounts that sing praises to Herbert Armstrong and the pre-1986 version of the Worldwide Church of God. The church was pure and untainted before January 16, 1986. Then, the very instant Herbert breathed his last breath Satan entered into the church. Satan was never interested in the church before that or actively seeking to destroy it. The second Herbert died, the demonic realm went into overdrive. After all, Satan is the much-discussed all-powerful god of Armstrongism. God the Father and Jesus were too weak to stop him from destroying the church.

Despite all the numerous sites preserving Herb's writings, there is a new one on the block, as if we need another one! 

One thing for sure about their site, it is well done. It puts the Mickey Mouse run-on sentence junk of Bob Thiel's blogs to shame. It is a slick well well-crafted site that is visually appealing and keeps the reader intrigued for more.

Like all of the hudnreds of other splinter groups out there entrenched in legalism and law-keeping, this one seeks to recapture the old values of HWA and the church. Particularly when it comes to dress.

The article by Corey Smith is reminiscent of the fire and brimstone articles and shouting sermons by HWA over the proper dress for church. Armstrong says your very salvation is dependent upon the clothing you wear. This is just pure utter bullshit, but yet here we are...

Double-click to enlarge, or read it here: Proper Attire