Showing posts with label COG pissing contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG pissing contest. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2021

LCG Claims Disgruntled Members Are Pulling Loose Bricks Out Of The Walls Of LCG


It is time boys and girls for the weekly Friday Night Love Letter To The Brethren Smackdown!

This week is about LCG members who are looking for loose bricks in the walls of the LCG that they can pull out when they disagree with leaders, misspoken words, poor understanding of sermons, doctrines, or editorial mistakes. LCG members seem to forget that there are NO PERFECT leaders in the LCG. Instead, LCG members need to realize that God is using the present-day imperfect leaders on the same scale he used Moses, Aaron, Samuel, David, Peter, and Paul in the past. 


Winnail expects us to believe that today's LCG leadership is on the same level as Biblical leaders of old?

Loose Bricks or Big Picture: Over the years, many have come into contact with the Church and have been excited to learn the Truth. Others have been grateful to reconnect after having been away. Still others who have been part of the Church begin to look for loose bricks. From time to time, some begin to focus on doctrinal teachings or decisions they disagree with, editorial mistakes, misspoken (or misunderstood) words in a sermon, or personal offenses they have seen or experienced. It is easy to forget that no one is perfect and that God has used imperfect people down through the ages to do His Work—Moses, Aaron, Samuel, David, Peter, and Paul. To avoid slipping into this negative trap, we need to stay focused on the big picture. Is there a God? Is the Bible His inspired word? Does God have a Church? Where is it today? Where is the Gospel being powerfully preached? Who has had a more sure word of prophecy? Who is warning the world about sobering events that lie just ahead, before the imminent return of Jesus Christ? Who is preparing a people for the coming Kingdom of God? We need to stay focused on this big picture and not get caught up looking for loose bricks!

Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Notice where Winnail tells us that we need to place our focus:

Is there a God?

Is the Bible His inspired word?

Does God have a church?

Where is that church today?

Where is the Gospel being powerfully preached?

Who has the more sure word of propehcy?

Who is warning the world about sobering events that lie ahead before Christ returns?

Who is preparing a people for the Kingdom of God?

Notice that the focus is entirely upon the physical aspects of who is doing the better job. Nowhere is anyone encouraged to find rest in the words of Jesus. No one is told about the grace and peace that comes from being a follower of The Way. What good is some Mickey Mouse Kingdom that the COG preaches about without Jesus being part of the message?

All any of us witness anymore with the various COG's in a constant pissing battle over who is doing things the best. LCG and Thiel battle over who has the "sure word of prophecy". Each COG claims they are the one true church, above all other COG's. No one is preaching a more powerful message than LCG, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, or Dave Pack. People are so sick of this endless pissing contest that most no longer care. Most no longer want to be in the Mickey Mouse Kingdoms they're all promoting.