Showing posts with label Wadsworth Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wadsworth Ohio. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack Is Getting Electrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there has ever been a Church of God leader locked into a perpetual Groundhogs Day loop, it has to be Dave Pack. Other than Bob Thiel, the church has never had a leader with such an abysmal prophetic failure as Dave Pack has. Not one thing he has said about his "christ" returning has happened, not even after 350+ sermons, Bible studies, and stupid articles. Dave's "christ" has had his bags packed and waiting by the pearly gates for years now and still hasn't been able to return because Dave has not figured out the right time.

On March 22, one of Dave's fanboys sent out the following to the faithful:

"Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

God’s people are ⚡electrified⚡ after the message last Sabbath.

Please NOTE that Mr. Pack is planning to give another Bible Study tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23. A second study will likely follow this coming Sabbath.

He wanted to LET YOU KNOW that IF you were ☠️INSPIRED☠️ by the previous message, he is JUST getting 🔥warmed🔥 up!" (From an RCG source, emoji's where added by source)

These stupid little sound bites used to "electrify" the brethren are getting so predictable.  This Saturday after he delivers another mind-boggling sermon that is shocking beyond measure, his "christ" will still not be returning on time.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Dave Pack Member/Co-worker Letter: Christ could come TONIGHT or at any point up until April 3, 2021


On March 5, Davey sent out a member/co-worker letter to his dwindling faithful. It was the typical COG member letter straight out of the official style guide for prophetic letter writing.

The world is falling apart around the Restored Church of God. The nation is divided, politically and culturally and then there were riots at the U.S. Capitol. First amendment freedoms are at risk, which may soon inhibit Dave in saying the crap he does. Newly elected President Joe Biden has been a failure so far. Ebola has returned to West Africa, Muslims are rampaging in Nigeria, COVID-19 is leading to suicides, and Russia hoping it will weaken the United States. Iran is flexing its muscle, and much more mayhem, famine, and death.

In spite of all of this trauma surrounding the Restored Church of God Dave says:

The rapid defection of RCG members out of the Restored Church of God is totally the opposite of what Dave says above. Almost all of his original ministers who helped start RCG have left, including his legal counsel. The longer he keeps setting dates that fail the more members who will leave and take their money with them. He is now unable to spend money on his miniature auditorium and instead tells his few followers that the money now needs to go to the final "push". It is an easy diversion away from the money problems plaguing the RCG right now. 

An even bigger diversion away from HQ problems is the imminent return of the creature Dave is calling "christ". Dave has made so many specific predictions over the last few months that people are starting to laugh at him. The goal post keeps moving around because God was apparently too stupid to deliver to Dave the correct prophecy timeline. 

Now Dave claims, this creature called "christ" is set to appear anytime from tonight till the end of Unleavened Bread, April 3, 2021.

I can state for a FACT that Dave's creature will NOT return TONIGHT or by April 3, 2021, or at any point this entire year. Dave will make more excuses and set more dates. It will be Pentecost next and then the fall Holy Days. The Feast of Tabernacles will come and go and 2022 will be here. The Giant Eagle will still be open, Wadsworth, Ohio, will still be here, and Dave will be holed up in his office waiting for his god to send him the CORRECT prophecy this time.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Davey Pack Reveals New Date For His Creature "christ" To Return On

This is sure to tick off sanctimonious Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of Africa, and to 299 caucasian members. New Years Day is the day he hates the most as it is a double whammy for him. Pagan New Years Day and football. 

Davey Pack the most superfantasmic prophet to ever exist in the Church of God has revealed that his creature "christ" is returning on New Year's Eve! This is another insult to the delicate man-boy Thiel because he failed to see this in his dreams.

What a kick-ass New Year's Eve this will be! Wadsworth must be so excited!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Dave Pack adds another home to his growing list of Wadsworth real estate

Dave and his cult just added another home to his expanding list of Wadsworth real estate. Is it his goal to buy all the homes bordering the campus where Jesus is to return to? Before long he will own all the homes on Akron Road and Hartman Road.  If he accomplishes this then he will totally enclose his campus to all outside visitors.

double click to enlarge

This was Dave previous home:

This is his new home, custom-built.  Remember he said he downsized to move here. Maybe size-wise, but certainly not cost-wise. 

One guess as to which of these is Dave's.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Dave Pack: Letting His Light Shine Behind Burlap And Security Guards

Real Christians, those who follow that heretical disruptive guy from Gallaliee, are always about letting their light shine and putting their words into action in the world around them as they do their part to make the kingdom of God tangible to people around them.

That is unless you are a Church of God leader. Two of the larger COG's are literally ensconced on their compounds behind gates with security guards.  God forbid if any of the unwashed unconverted masses of the world would ever be allowed to set foot on the "millennial" campuses these guys have conned their members into building.  Gerald Flurry in Edmond, Oklahoma, and Dave Pack in Wadsworth Ohio, live their lives of privilege on their church funded grounds and in custom-built luxury homes safely behind gates and fencing. Security guards keep the demon influenced public away from the sacred homes of the fearless leaders.

Today I received notice about another Wardsworth Facebook group where Dave Pack and his cult are being discussed.  Dave certainly has NOT made a positive impact in the Wadsworth community, despite the fact he conned the mayor to show up at his dedication and the press to write glowing reviews of his buildings as he expanded his compound headquarters.

Here is what spurred on the recent Dave Pack discussions on Facebook:

Imagine being so paranoid that Dave has to put burlap over the fencing in order to keep people from looking into his compound.  Actually, I think it may be something else.  That burlap keeps Dave from being able to see any of the unwashed heathen masses that drive by every day. He has even admitted he never goes off the compound for daily necessities in life.  This way, his magnificent brain can be totally focused upon planning for the arrival of Jesus in Wadsworth sometime within the next year or so - as he keeps getting the date wrong. God forbid if any of the public got to see Jesus walking the grounds of the compound has He talks with Dave.

So Dave needs an armory?  Where is his almighty god to protect him? Why is he not willing to be a martyr for his version of the truth? It is amazing to see what cowards the leadership is in the COG movement. They screech and bellyache about being persecuted and yet don't have the balls to be the powerful men they claim to be.

It's pretty sad that these so-called "men of God" are immediately seen as cult-leaders. Men who are supposed to be in direct communication with god. Being followers of The Way is not part of their insular worlds.

It is interesting to see how women are treated in the Restored Church of God. This sadly does not surprise me.  Many of the other splinter cults of Armstorngism have treated women as less than for decades. I remember one elder in Pasadena who commanded his wife to walk behind him a few steps.  She could never stand or walk directly beside him. More often than not, when you saw them together, she was always looking down at the floor.

It is hard to imagine this is the face that the public sees of Dave.  Imagine Jesus ever doing anything like this. 

We have reported here before how Dave is buying up all the houses in the area around his compound for the most loyal of his staff and followers can live. More proof:

double click to enlarge

I say BRAVO to the citizens of Wadsworth that they are on to Dave Pack and his cult. They are right to be very afraid of Dave and what goes on there. Dave and his minions are in a position to do some very damaging things to members and those around him if he continues down the path he is on.  From isolating his members from those around them and their families to requiring that his followers dish over from 20 - 90% of their income is appalling and should continue to be exposed.  His nefarious new teaching on "all things common" should be a warning to the public and the local authorities that Dave is up to some dangerous shit! 

The really sad thing is that when his followers heard his new teaching on "all things common" they bought into it unquestioningly.  Many sold homes and businesses and cashed in life insurance policies and retirement plans to give it all to Dave.  People took out mortgages on their homes and gave that all to Dave with the expectation of never having to pay it back to the back because Christ would return and they would not need to pay the bank back.

People warned the mayor and the local press when Dave was going on his "open house" media blitz that there was a darker side to Dave.  People contacted the Wadsworth religion editor for the local paper and she refused to do any story that was negative about Dave.

Wadsworth citizens have a right to be concerned about what goes on at that compound and they should NEVER take the focus off of Dave and his cult. Dangerous times are ahead!